Respect the realm, the army is ready to go, sturdy!

In order to unify the Galaxy, the respected world has prepared for thousands of years. Now that I finally have a chance, I will naturally do my best.

Therefore, at this moment, the respected world also looks like a group of murderous air.

Such a lineup is not an exaggeration to say that all the people are soldiers.

"This is Zunjie? What a strong atmosphere of war!"

Outside the noble world, Long Fei and the spirit of the universe appeared.

"This is a destiny. The development of the universe is destined to be unified. If you didn't appear, it would be inevitable that the realm would unify Galaxy." Lian Cang said.

Lian Cang is the name of the spirit of the universe.

This name was given by Long Fei.

The spirit of the universe also accepted it readily, without any dissatisfaction.

"Liancang, this is wrong, right. What about Long Batian? Will Long Batian watch this happen without being indifferent?"

Long Fei directly denied Lian Cang's words.

After all, in Lian Cang's mouth, Long Batian was already invincible millions of years ago. Such an existence would watch Zun Zhou become the overlord of this galaxy world?

Definitely impossible.

"You underestimate Long Batian, he has already exceeded this level. What he is thinking about is the foundation of the universe, and he would no longer care about the gains and losses of one universe!" Lian Cang explained.

Long Fei was taken aback.

Does this mean you have a smaller structure?

But at the same time, he was also extremely shocked, because Long Batian was now the number one powerhouse in the ancient world in his cognition, and other information was rare.

In the eyes of the Supreme World, he is the first generation system, so he was born to be the strongest.

In the eyes of the market, he got a more complete power to return to the market.

I don't know anything about others.

But now, through Lian Cang, Long Fei knew that the true extent of Long Batian had already far exceeded his cognition.

Regarding the fundamentals of the universe, he had only just touched on it, but Long Batian seemed to have been on this road for a long time.


If he really had this method, why was it that when he saw him on Longmai Mountain, the other party was in a state of restraint, even under his own control, that he could be freed.

This doesn't make sense.

"Don't think too much, the top priority is to solve Zun Zhou. When I face Long Batian in the future, I don't know everything." Lian Cang said.

Long Fei nodded.

To be honest, his heart was also quite shocked. Before leaving from the Supreme World, Long Fei was full of invincibility, and felt that after returning, he would be swept.

Of course, up to now, he has not encountered any force that can compete under his hands. But the existence of Long Batian, has not yet appeared, but has been shown invincible in front of him.

However, Long Fei still believed in Liancang's words.

Because Lian Cang was already his woman at this time, it was necessary to lie to him.

At this moment, a sudden turmoil came from the world below.

I saw countless powerhouses gathered in a circle, and in an instant, an army of millions of people gathered.

Long Fei’s face changed slightly, and these people’s faces burst out with murderous intent. At first glance, they are people who have been bathed in war for a long time. If these people are targeting the ancient world, they are afraid that in addition to the people of the supreme world, they have just sent No one can handle the remaining eight thousand sword repairs in the past.

Even if it is his own woman and son, it is absolutely impossible to stop this kind of iron ride.

"Looking for death!" Long Fei was angry.

Although these people are very strong, millions of people are just a number to Long Fei. He has no shame about the money of this world. No one can resist his power except for the people of Zun Xun and the Promise Temple. .

"They are just chess pieces, just ants, and it's useless to kill them. Moreover, they are stained with the blood of too many cosmic creatures, and they will not live long. Then I will impose a punishment on them and harvest them. The only thing you want to target now is respect. Zhou."

"Also, there should be strong people from another universe here. Their strength is not weak. Even if they are not comparable to you, they can also be said to crush this universe." Lian Cang said.

"Then they will leave it to you. Leave the rest to me." Long Fei said lightly.

He came here to honor the monk, so there is nothing to say, and he is done.

At this moment, Long Fei's heart suddenly shook, and then his eyes flicked, looking towards the direction of the world.


A shocking light appeared, rushing out of the sky, and then condensed a figure in the Void Galaxy:

"Dog stuff, I didn't think you would really dare to come." Zun Zhou stood in the void and said bitterly.

"Quite noble world, why don't I dare? Do you treat me as my original self?" Long Fei sneered.

To be honest, this time returning from the supreme world, Long Fei, who is a member of the world, is no longer concerned. Regarding respect to Zhou, it can only be described as once upon a time.

Yesterday’s bravery, why bother to say today?

"It's a big tone. At the beginning, under the avatar of the deity, you were like a wild dog, trampled on the ground by the deity. Now it is the same. Do you think you can shake the sky? It's just a joke!" Zun Xiang was expressionless.

He didn't take Long Fei to heart at all.

"Fantian? You think too much. From start to finish, I just want to do you. When you die, all the plans of the world will be in vain." Long Fei said calmly.

I didn't notice at all. After I finished speaking this sentence, Lian Cang's face turned red behind him, as if he had even thought of something.

"Let me die, it's such a big joke. Several venerables, stand still and watch carefully today, how I killed this dog on the spot." Zun Zhou screamed violently, disapproving at all. .

At this time, as his voice fell, several figures appeared in the void.

It is the Venerable of the Promise Temple.

"Be careful, they are the masters I mentioned before." Lian Cang said.

While speaking, Lian Cang looked at Long Fei with embarrassment on his face. After all, she is indispensable for getting in touch between the Promise Temple and Zun Zhou.

It was his secret manipulation that facilitated the cooperation between the two parties.

"I'm not a master. To be honest, what do you think about expecting this kind of stuff to guard the Galaxy universe? Have a chest but no brain!" Long Fei said grimly.

Does he blame Liancang.

It's just that, expecting Zun Zhou to have a few goods from the Promise Temple, and wanting to guard the Galaxy universe, it is completely impossible. Not talking about Dragon Dominator, but talking about the universe of the Supreme Plane, if they really want to come here, they can't stop it at all.

It's not enough.

Unless there are several halls behind the Promise Temple, and more masters are sent out at the same time, it will be possible to stop it.

Counting on these few in front of him, in Long Fei's eyes, there are three or two kittens and puppies, which is difficult to achieve.

"That's why I chose you. Didn't you say that you will protect your woman? Then you prove yourself!" Lian Cang said.

"How to prove?" Long Fei asked.

"Starting from killing them!" Lian Cang responded.

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