A terrifying scream burst out in the void, and the three of them were directly terrified.

At this moment, they also understand what happened.

"The power of time and space? How is this possible, how is this possible!"

One of them spoke and screamed hysterically.

"Nothing is impossible. This is the first time. Today, I will let you experience three thousand times until you die." Mu Wan'er's voice fell again.

Immediately, the void enveloped.

The figures of the three were shrouded again.

Then, Shenlong waved its tail.

Then, the third time, the fourth time...

By the time of the ninetieth time, the three of them were already bloodless, and they had no resistance at all. Their strength has dissipated under this bombardment, and their spirits are lethargic, and their death is imminent.

"Kill us!"

"Kill me, please kill me."

"Don't continue, kill me!"

The three of them began to beg for mercy in pain, and even the voice of begging for mercy was extremely weak. Now they, let alone resisting, even wailing, have no strength.

"Kill you? What did you do to them just now?"

"Did you see them when they begged for mercy? You forced them to blew themselves one by one, but in the end you still endured your abuse. At that time, did you think that you would have such a day?"

"If you want to die, it's impossible. Today, I want you to die in time and space, three thousand times, not one less!"

Mu Wan'er said coldly, completely ignoring the three of them, just watching indifferently.

Because of her, she has already known what happened before through the Mu family. She saw the scene of Mu Clan’s children begging for death, and saw a scene where Mu Clan’s children blew themselves up, but still being humiliated. She saw Mu Yao’s humiliation and begging for mercy for the Mu Clan...

She was angry.

Therefore, facing the three people's begging for mercy, she completely ignored them.

Boom boom boom.

Immediately afterwards, the screen continued. After a thousand times, the three figures had completely died, and even the spirits had been annihilated, and there was no strength to struggle. But even so, Mu Wan'er is still controlling the power of time and space coldly, continuing the scene.

"They are dead." Long Zhanting felt unbearable in his heart.

But it is not the people who pity the Promise Temple, but the distressed Mu Waner. These people are dead, even if there is a great anger, they should let go.

He couldn't bear to look at Mu Wan'er like this and continue. If this goes on, she can only sink herself deeply into it, unable to extricate herself.

"No, Brother Ting, I know very well that I want them to die three thousand times!" Mu Wan'er was very firm, not even listening to Long Zhanting's words, and continued to kill.

"Eh!" Long Zhanting sighed.

But after all, he didn't continue to speak and block.

Time flies, and after a while, three thousand time and space fury killings are finally over. Mu Wan'er also collapsed weakly in Long Zhanting's arms.

Then, I couldn't cry.

The same is true for Mujia's direction. For the rest of their lives, there is no joy for them, but pain and torture.

In one breath, the Mu family was defeated, and the people around him disappeared.

This ending was unbearable for them.

Suddenly, there was a whimper, and the void filled...

But... this is not the only place in the ancient world, there are countless scenes like this.

It can only be said that the entire ancient world, within these few days, has fallen into disaster, shrouded in disaster, and devastated.

Where is the Yun family!

There are only broken walls left in the city of thousands of miles, with millions of corpses and blood flowing into rivers.

But the seven culprits just watched coldly in the void and laughed presumptuously.

"Hahaha, ants, they are ants, they are vulnerable."

"I knew that we were divided into seven groups. The seven of us gathered here is a waste. There is no need for so many people. I am enough."

"Who said no? Is this still a powerful city in the ancient world? It's such a waste of time."

Several people talked to each other, their eyes filled with disappointment.

Compared with the blood in the whole city, it forms a sharp contrast.

And they are ruthless servants.

At this moment, the three figures suddenly fell from the sky.

Yun Xi, Su Su, Xuanyuanli.

"Huh? Three stunning women? Yes, it's a bit of a windfall." Some of the seven were eager and said.

"Go to hell!" Yun Xi took the lead and gave a cold voice before swiping his sword directly.


With a roar, the sky was torn apart by a sword, and the figure of this person was also cut in the waist by a sword.


After a while, the place returned to silence, and endless sadness spread in it.

In a certain place, Liu Luoxi, Xiao Tiantian, and Qianqian descended to the place and were stung by a scene, and then thunder shot and killed frantically.

In a certain place, the three sisters of the Night Clan launched an assassination, a bloodbath in the void.

In a certain place, Xiao Bai and Bing Huo descended violently and suppressed them with supreme attitude.


They... all shot.

However, the shot is still too late. The tyrannical power of the Promise Temple is far beyond their cognition. Except for them, it can be said that the entire ancient world is not immune. Under their methods, there is no force to fight back. There is no second possibility except death.

It can be said that this is a disaster.

A disaster that includes the ancient world of Zhengege.

However, Long Fei is not there, they are irreversible, they can only do their best to rescue more.

At this time, no one knew that outside the ancient world, in a certain palace, a group of powerful men from the Promise Temple were looking at the picture presented before them.

Their faces are full of indifference and anger.

"Dare to torture and kill the people of our Promise Temple, they are really looking for death."

"Surely the people of the mountain, the relatives of the lord of the ancient world, right? A group of people who do not live or die are too presumptuous.

"Elder, absolutely can't tolerate it. Give the order. Although they are tyrannical, at best they can only kill some ordinary cultivators. We will surely suppress them if we take action."

Voices appeared one after another, and they were full of killing intent.

"No hurry, it's not that time yet. The lord of the ancient world doesn't show up, and it's useless to kill them." An old man in the palace said suddenly.

Everyone fell silent.

Suddenly, a light flickered in the palace, and then a figure suddenly appeared.

If Long Fei were here, he would definitely recognize him. This person was the messenger of the Promise Temple that he had seen before in Zunjie.

"All you can do to capture the Lord of the Ancient World, Long Fei's relatives."

In the light, the messenger of the Promise Temple said lightly.

Everyone was taken aback, and then they didn't dare to hesitate, nodded and said yes.

In the next moment, several figures walked directly out of the palace, and slipped in towards the weak spot they had found before in the ancient world.

At this time, everyone in the ancient world naturally didn't know that a crisis was approaching invisibly.

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