Longmai Mountain is silent.

The huge mountains meander like dragons.

Surrounded by mist, waterfalls hanging upside down, dragons hovering and soaring, like a fairyland on earth.

"Mother Qiao Qiao, this is Longmai Mountain? Something is wrong." Long Wudi felt relaxed and happy, as if immersed in this world.

He is the son of Long Fei, and he naturally has the blood of the dragon family. At this moment, Longmai Mountain is the natural habitat of the dragon family. It seems that as long as he is here, he can improve at all times.

Long Yingdao is the same, he is more domineering than Long Wudi, without saying a word, directly incarnate into a dragon, soaring above the nine heavens, several vertical and horizontal, directly rushing into the nine heavens.

"Hahaha, great, brother, you too, this is simply the holy land of the dragon clan, I must let the old man get one if I have the opportunity." Long Yingdao turned into a giant dragon, soaring in the void.

Long Wudi was also extremely moved in his heart.

But Qiaoqiao's face suddenly changed: "Respond, come down!"

This is not an ancient sacred mountain, they can do whatever they want. Although Longmai Mountain is also in the ancient world, it is an outlier here. Before Long Fei appeared as a clone, they had already guessed that Long Fei must have left this world.

Although it proved that Long Fei was still alive, the place where Long Fei finally disappeared was here. This shows that there are powers beyond their control in this Dragon Vein Mountain.

They don't know much about the existence of Long Batian. However, Qiao Qiao followed Long Fei for the longest time, and guessed that the existence of this dragon vein going up the mountain may be Long Batian.

Except for such a person, he couldn't think of any existence that could make Long Fei leave this world.

Because of this, she dare not let Long Yingdao and Long Wudi presumptuous.

After all, this is on other people's turf, and if one fails, it may be in crisis.

Long Yingdao came down from the void with a look of reluctance.

But, as soon as his figure fell, the dragons directly soared out, coming above the void, looking down at the three of them.

There are also many giant dragons in the Dragon Cave, their heads are also stuck out at this moment, their faces are not good.

"Who are you?" a giant dragon said.

This is the dragon of the Shenlong clan, with blue scales like small mountains, and the dragon is extremely powerful.

Qiaoqiao's color changed slightly.

As soon as the dragon spoke, she felt a kind of targeting, as if they were extremely repulsive to the three of them.

"We are the people of the ancient sacred mountain. My husband, Long Fei, is the lord of the ancient world. Now that the world is in trouble, come to see the owner of Longmai Mountain." Qiaoqiao is neither humble nor overbearing.

Between the openings, the body also exudes glory.

She knew that at this time, she must not show cowardice, she must use an absolute gesture to show their determination.

Although Shenlong is not weak, for Qiaoqiao, there is no pressure.

Because she is Phoenix.

It is the ancestor of the Phoenix after being reborn.

The dragon and phoenix are the strongest races in the world, so aware of the breath released by these people from the Dragon Vessel Mountain, Qiao Qiao also slightly released his phoenix power.

As soon as the power of the phoenix came out, all the dragons in the void roared.

Some even started to shrink under the influence of this breath.

"Phoenix? Are you a phoenix?" Shenlong let out a horror.

But just for a moment, his face became more complicated: "You said, your husband is Long Fei?" Shenlong asked.

His eyes flickered, with an inexplicable fear. It can be said that when the word "Long Fei" falls, their mood changes.

"Yes, Long Fei is my father, do you have an opinion?" Long Wudi said.

Regardless of Long Wudi or Long Yingdao, in their hearts, Long Fei is absolute pride, and they have always been proud of Long Fei.

"What, you are Long Fei's son?" Shenlong was surprised again.

He had no idea that he would face such an ending when he came out. Originally, he was just a breakthrough in his cultivation base, and he wanted to come out and test his tone in an emergency to reach Super Dzogchen.

But I didn't expect that this time I would encounter this kind of existence.

A long flying woman?

A Long Fei's son?

Another one called his brother?

what is this?

He suspected that the fleeting years would be unfavorable today. He wanted to highlight his existence, but he didn't expect to encounter such a group of heaven-defying existences.

No way, the shock left to them by Long Fei at the time was really terrifying.

Although later under the power of Long Batian, they believed that Long Batian was the master.

However, this does not mean that they have no fear of Long Fei.

But in this situation, he can only bite the bullet and advance online.

"What are you doing here? You are not welcome here! As for you, the ancient world is in trouble, what's the matter with me in Longmai Mountain? The dragons here have nothing to do with Longfei, and have nothing to do with the ancient world." He calmed down. Come down and say.

"It doesn't matter?" Qiaoqiao's eyes were dim.

Originally, she was full of hope. Although she didn't know what was going on here, she still came here as always, but she didn't expect that she had just spoken, and she hadn't even seen the Lord, and she was directly denied.

Moreover, in the other party's words, there is a natural rejection of the ancient world, and it seems that he does not want to involve any relationship with the ancient world.

"Yes, it doesn't matter. Long Fei is very strong, but we have now respected the number one strong in the ages as the master. No matter how strong the dragon is, we dare not presume in front of my lord." The man said, taking the dragon over Heaven moved out.

At this time, facing the three of Qiao Qiao, he didn't have any confidence at all. Instead, he moved out of Long Batian to make him feel a little stable.

"What is the number one strong in the ages? He counts as a fart. Is the strong in the ages such a waste? He has been beaten to the face, and he dare not even come forward?" Long Wudi sneered.

In his mind, Long Fei is truly invincible. If there really is the number one powerhouse in the ages, it is only his own father.

But if it's just a title, he doesn't care. What he cares about is that the other party is so arrogant, and the little dragons dare to ignore them and directly refuse them.

You know, they also came with a mission this time. Even though he was arrogant, he also knew that the ancient world was already in crisis when they came out. If they only rely on them, they will not be able to resist rent.

They have seen the power of the Promise Temple and know their horror, so they naturally know the importance of this trip.

But now they were rejected before they even started, how could they accept it.


But at this moment, Wan Long roared, glaring at Long Wudi.

Long Batian is the **** of the dragon race in their hearts.

Previously, the Ancestral Dragon Seal was taken by Long Fei, and even Long Fei used that power to change their bloodline. Later, Long Batian went out of the barrier and easily unblocked their bloodline, allowing them to recover the dragon body, and even created Such a holy place for dragons.

From that moment on, Long Batian was the only belief in their hearts, omnipotent, the number one in the past.

So at this moment, I heard that Long Wudi dared to ignore Long Batian, even dare to slander him, and immediately glared.

"Why, do you want to rebel? Shenlong Bailong, Fire Dragon, Sea Dragon, Underworld Dragon... Don't look at you now looking bluffing, but in front of our brothers, it is nothing at all, let alone in front of my mother. Come out, the number one strong in the ages, this matter has nothing to say to you." Long Yingdao said.

Arrogant but not domineering, tough but not bullying.

To be honest, the power of their bloodline can crush these people. If they really want to bully them, they can crush them as long as they show their true body.

But they don't bother to do this, besides, they came here today not to make trouble, but to seek cooperation.

Wan Long stared at the three people, but none of them dared to refute.

"Long Fei's woman, Long Fei's son? Just so, I didn't look for you, but you came to Longmai Mountain instead. If that's the case, then you don't have to go." At this moment, a voice appeared from the depths of Longmai Mountain. .

In an instant, the faces of the three people, Jojo, changed dramatically.

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