Long Wudi's words seemed to be a shot of a booster, rekindling hope in everyone's faces. But Mu Wan'er and Long Zhanting were the only ones with a deep frown on their faces.

Dragon Batian!

If Long Fei was facing Long Batian now, then the situation might be more serious than they thought.

Simply put, the pressure that Long Fei faced alone was even more terrifying than the Promise Temple faced by all of them.

Based on their understanding of Long Batian, that is definitely a master who counts heaven and earth and omnipotence. Although the legend about him is not perfect, it is because he was betrayed by a woman and died in the end.

But what they were exposed to was only legends.

Since it is a legend, the true and false are unknown.

But neither of them said much. They knew very well that in this situation, they could never say what they knew. Now they are full of hope for Long Fei, and if they say it, their hope will be shaken.

But in fact, they themselves are extremely worried.

Because he understands the power of Long Batian, he feels that Long Fei may be in deep crisis now.

"Don't worry, maybe things are not what we think. Long Batian is very strong, but Feier is not weak. In your eyes, Feier's experience over the years is definitely a legend." Long Zhanting Sound transmission comfort.

Mu Wan'er didn't say much, but her trembling hands held Long Zhanting tightly.

Time continues to pass, but for the people on the mountain, life is like years.

Suddenly, the sacred mountain has descended under the void, and a piece of figure has fallen into the eyes of everyone.

"Ancient sacred mountain, hahaha, finally came down."

"Long Fei's relatives are there, it really took all the effort."

"It just happened to be served in one pot. The task given to us above was unexpectedly easy. This time we must capture them alive."

At the same time, voices began to talk in the void, in all directions, as if they had surrounded the sacred mountain.

On the ancient earth, countless ancient creatures, seeing this scene, the miserable expressions are instantly pale, as if their souls have been taken away.

"The mountain has fallen, and my ancient world is over!" Someone let out a cry of grief, shed blood and tears, and took a final step before exploding on the spot.

"I don't want to see the world that I've been around for generations and generations withered, I'll take the lead." Another person followed suit and blew himself up.

"No, why is this the result, why is it like this!" Some people were angry and shouted.

At this moment, the only hope in their hearts was destroyed, and pain spread in their hearts.

The mountain is their belief!

But now, the sacred mountain has fallen, and their faith has also collapsed.

"I can't bear it, fuck, I want him to die." Li Yuanba shouted angrily, with a giant axe in his hand, he was about to walk out of the mountain.

But Liu Luoxi stopped him: "Wait, let's see their purpose." Liu Luoxi's voice was cold.

Seeing this scene, her heart was dripping blood, but as Long Fei Mingzhong is marrying the first lady, she must protect Long Fei’s brother. If she does nothing at this time, once Li Yuanba makes any mistake, she cannot Facing oneself, even more unable to face Long Fei.

"Sister-in-law, what else do you think? The purpose of this group of miscellaneous pieces is already obvious. They just want to destroy the sacred mountain and destroy the ancient world. Let's fight it." Li Yuanba said again.

They are all mixed with Long Fei, and their temper has long been imperceptible.

That is never bow your head!

Any enemy in front of them, as long as they breathe, fight!

"Yes, Sister-in-law, their purpose is already known to passers-by. There is no hesitation at all. They are forcing us to go down. If this is the case, then kill them to see." Chen Tianfei is also a violent temper, and he is totally affected No such humiliation.

The current thinking is the same as Li Yuanba, just kill him.

"Yes, Sister-in-law, if the boss is here, she will definitely not tolerate it at all and just kill it." Li Wuxin also said.

They are already on the verge of being intolerable, and they all want to fight hard.

"Give me all back. Since you know that their purpose is the sacred mountain, that is us, but still want to give them the opportunity to take you down and use it to threaten Long Fei?"

"Is there such a thing rare? How many times, Long Fei clearly has the ability to reverse everything, but because of us, he has to endure the blow of destruction. Do you want this scene to repeat?" Liu Luoxi hoarse.

She was also uncomfortable, and she didn't want to see such a scene.

If possible, she also wants to kill a few more, except for that.

But the result? These people dare to attack here so unscrupulously, and no one else directly speaks out their purpose.

This shows that they simply did not take the power of the mountain in their eyes.

They even wished that they would kill now, just to give them a chance to capture them alive, and then use them to threaten Long Fei.

In an instant, Li Yuanba and others bowed their heads.

They were just irritated by the anger in their hearts, and did not think so much, nor did they consider it.

Now, hearing Liu Luoxi's words, everyone was silent.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that there are still smart people on the ancient mountain. But it's useless. At this rate, the mountain will collapse."

"Look at these people, why are they dying? Because they are disappointed in the mountains and disappointed in you."

"Hahaha, the people on the sacred mountain, aren't you all the guardians of the ancient world? You are the relatives of Long Fei, and Long Fei is the lord of the ancient world. These people are the people of Long Fei. Now look at the ancient world. The creatures just died in front of you indifferent. You are really great."

"And you, a group of humble and poor people. You regard the ancient sacred mountain as faith, how do they treat you now? They are watching you die?"

"Understand? They have abandoned you and just watched you die. You said, do you have any hope?"

At this time, the voice in the void reappeared.

It bewitches people's hearts and devalues ​​Liu Luoxi and others on the ancient sacred mountain.

To put it bluntly, this is an upright provocation. But in this case, it is the easiest to inflame people.

Because of these people, they are already on the verge of collapse.

At this moment, being guided by the words of some people, the despair in my heart was urged again, directly reversing the psychology.

"Hahaha, are you watching us die?"

"We regard the ancient world as our place to stand. Just to protect yourself and Longfei, do you ignore us?"

"Die, then die together, desperate everything."

Countless people roared hysterically, and there was no vitality in their desperate eyes. Some people even started to blew themselves up again under the stimulation of these words.

Above the sacred mountain, Liu Luoxi and others felt infinite grief in their eyes.

Yun Xi and others with a slightly weaker personality were already crying.

At this moment, guilt already appeared in their hearts. They felt that they had abandoned the creatures of the ancient world.

Only Liu Luoxi still clenched his teeth.

For Long Fei, she is willing to bear this infamy.

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