Time passed by every minute.

The scolding was endless.

"Long Fei, what you owe us is what you owe to the ancient world. Once, you mobilized the power of the entire world to fight for you, and I also raised my right hand and was willing to be drawn by you. Now, we are in distress, and the ancient world is in distress. , But you are missing. Ah, you owe us!"

"Die, since the ancient world is unkind, don't blame us for being unrighteous."

"Destroy it, destroy it together!"


Countless voices erupted between heaven and earth, and all voices expressed only one will.

That is despair.

From despair to destruction.

Bang bang bang.

The sound of the explosion is endless, and countless people choose to end themselves, but before they die, they do not forget to shout out the resentment in their hearts.


And as these figures died one after another, the speed at which the ancient sacred mountain fell wildly increased, falling from the void at a speed visible to the naked eye.

More than that, even the ancient Common Life Avenue was cracked at this time.

And this crack also seemed to be an introduction. Starting from the first path, it expanded rapidly. Within a few breaths, thousands of cracks appeared on the Avenue of Common Life, like a dense cobweb, which was shocking.

Liu Luoxi's face was even more desperate, and she shook her head frantically.

She did not hesitate to bear the infamy, and she could not take any action, just to avoid this fate and want to preserve the common life. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be such a result now.

Nothing has changed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Long Fei, I'm sorry." Liu Luoxi couldn't make a sound, tears cut across his face, miserable.

This scene also completely angered Li Yuanba and others.

"I killed him!" Li Yuanba yelled angrily, then turned into a streamer and flew into the sky.

Chen Tianfei, Luo Han, Lin Yousheng, Tianshui and others also followed closely, and even Aoya shot.

Because they are the Eight Great King Kong. The Eight King Kong is never an individual, but a whole.

"King Kong Fumo!" Aoya shouted.


In an instant, the eight people directly arranged in a certain direction, and then each displayed their own strength to directly form an eight-sided battle formation.

"Things hiding in the dark, get out of me." Li Yuanba shouted.

Can't bear it.

Can't bear it at all.

They are the brothers of Long Fei. At this moment, they watched the road created by Long Fei collapse, watch Liu Luoxi bear infamy, watch the creatures of the ancient world, despair of the ancient world, despair of Long Fei.

Their hearts seemed to be cut by a knife, and the pain was extremely painful.

But when everything went in vain again, and any use of it was completely in vain, and even the ancient Common Life Avenue began to collapse, they couldn't help it anymore and took action at this time.

It can be said that they have reached the time when they have to fight.

You may be able to persist for a while, but the final outcome is the same, there will be no change. Even, they will be completely abandoned by the people of the ancient world. But if you shoot now, you may die as a result.

But they... are fearless.

They have long been accustomed to standing and living, and they definitely don't want to die on their knees.

"Finally, can you give it up? Really knowing how to live and die, if you continue to shrink on the sacred mountain, before this road collapses, we really can't help you."

"But now that you are looking for death by yourself, you can't blame us."

"Hahaha, this group of humble poor bugs, just a few words to stimulate them to blew up. We really have to thank them, if it weren't for them, this avenue would not collapse. The avenue would not collapse, we still need a little bit to destroy this ancient world. Time. But a pity, now you have no chance. The avenue has been cracked and destruction is about to come. The moment this sacred mountain falls, this is the time when the world will disappear."

At this time, voices came from all directions from the void.


Immediately, countless figures appeared directly from the void.

There are at least hundreds of thousands of people in every direction, and the leading breath is violent and suffocating.

"If it wasn't for you to use them? Would they be like this? Don't you just want to force us out? A bunch of miscellaneous things, today I want to shoot you to death one by one." Li Yuanba was stern and murderous.

"Use? Need it? Look at these poor bugs, they are forcing you to take action. If it weren't for their greed and fear of death? Do you think the current situation will appear?" Void sneered again.

Li Yuanba was taken aback by this person's words, and his eyes dimmed.

At this time, people in the ancient world bowed their heads when they heard this.

Or in other words, there is no face to face Li Yuanba and others.

In fact, from the beginning, they were skeptical of these people's words, suspecting that they were instigating discord. However, human nature is like this.

They are afraid of death and do not want to die.

And what is their hope?

There is only one thing, and that is the sacred mountain.

And including those who have blew themselves up, the same is true in their hearts. So I want to use the ancient world to bury myself before I die.

But at this moment, they are more ashamed.

Because these people's words have made them understand that they are nothing but pawns from beginning to end, and they are pawns used by others to deal with the ancient world.

If they did not abandon themselves or give up the ancient world, some people might die as a result, but it might make the ancient world last longer and even usher in a turn for the better.

But now, everything is too late.

Their resentment towards the ancient world caused the Great Dao to collapse, and the speed of the fall of the sacred mountain was accelerated, and these people were completely satisfied.

"I... I am guilty. I am a sinner in the ancient world. I am too selfish. They are right. We are the poor."

"It is regrettable in this life that I cannot see Master Long Fei. Since it is our fault, let us make up for it with death."

"The ones who bring the seeds, are not afraid of death, now kill them with me, even if they blew themselves up, they will also be taken away."

The crowd was moving, and there was a sense of madness in their hearts.

It can be said that after awakening, they now know that their selfishness basically cut off the last hope of the ancient world.

Therefore, at this moment, they just want to use their lives to wash away their sins.


Several figures directly rose out of thin air, rushing into the void with a mortal heart.

"In the body of an ant, do you dare to be presumptuous?" In the void, the eyes of the people in the Promise Temple were full of disdain, and they didn't care about the life of the ancient world.

In their eyes, the power of these people is no different from the death.

Not to mention them, even Li Yuanba and others, they would not put it in their eyes and completely ignore their existence.

"Kill, kill all these people, they have no use value at all, kill them, as for these of the mountain, just leave it to us." At this time, in the Promise Temple, one of Li Yuanba and others spoke.

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