The immortal temple reappeared, letting the irritability in Long Fei's heart suppressed.

"Old man!"

Long Fei shouted.

There was a fate of mentoring and apprenticeship between the two, but that was a long time ago.

Of course, that Long Fei is called now does not mean that Long Fei does not respect each other.

Otherwise, Long Fei would not take such care of the little Taoist priest.

"Fortunately, I am not too late.

If you come one step late and you refine the clone, everything is for nothing. "

The store door of the Temple of Eternal Life opened, and a figure appeared immediately.

Who else can he be if he is not immortal.

"Boy, let me tell you, I know what happened here, so I came here directly through the power of eternal life.

Fortunately, only one step away. "

Yongsheng Lao Dao said with a solemn expression, and he was very concerned and valued what happened here.

"Why does this happen?

Isn't the Temple of Promise subordinate to the Temple of Eternal Life?

Why can their power restrain me? "

Long Fei is straight to the point, without covering up.

"how to say?

The power of the Promise Temple has changed.

They have developed a new cultivation system based on the power of eternal life, but not limited to the power of eternal life. "

Said the old man.

"New training system?"

Long Fei was taken aback, but soon understood.

This is tantamount to the mortal world, the general who holds the military power, set up a new stove and directly rebelled.

"Yes, they developed the power of immortality based on immortality."

Said the old man.

Long Fei was shocked! Immortal! Immortality does not mean immortality, this is the eternal law.

He once had this kind of power in the lower planes, such as the Underworld God and the Lord God, their power system contains more or less undead power.

It's just that kind of power, just relative to that kind of small plane, it can only be said that this kind of power has immortality in that plane.

But now it is different. The Promise Temple is a universe much higher than the ancient world.

Immortality is being developed in the universe?

This is too bad! You know, the reason why Lian Cang is now incarnate in human form, including the former auxiliary Zun Zhou, and the later test of Long Fei, are all to prevent the collapse of this universe.

Because the universe will also die.

But now I know from the old road of immortality that the Promise Temple has cultivated the power of immortality.

If it succeeds, the entire universe will not die, will never be exhausted, and will never wither again.

How could Long Fei not be shocked by such a result.


It's actually very simple.

All things in this universe, no matter how powerful the universe is, the resources will be exhausted. If they want to be immortal, there is only one possibility, which is to ensure the continuity of resources.

Otherwise, what do you think they are invading here now? "

Eternal Life explained.

Long Fei's eyes moved and he understood.

To put it bluntly, it was just for plunder.

"But, what does this have to do with the undead power that changes their cultivation?"

Long Fei still doesn't understand, even if he understands that the Promise Temple is constantly plundering to ensure that the universe is immortal, he doesn't know how they can change the cultivation system so that they can cultivate immortality.

"Same, it's also plunder.

The temple spirits guaranteed their immortality by devouring other universe spirits, and then their power changed in the long-term imperceptibility, which was both immortality and immortality. "

Eternal Life said.


Devour the spirit of the universe? "

Long Fei was surprised.

Immediately he thought of Zun Zhou's words before, and now Lian Cang is still being entangled by the temple spirits of the two halls, if this is the case, then Lian Cang must be very dangerous now.

Thinking of this, the worry on Long Fei's face became even more intense.

"Yes, it is the spirit of devouring the universe."

Immortality is extremely positive.

"What are you waiting for?

Tell me how to get out. "

Long Fei said.

Lian Cang is in danger, he can't continue to waste time, one more second may put Lian Cang into crisis.

"I have no solution, I just studied a possibility.

That is you become the master of immortality and control the power of immortality. "

The Immortal Way suddenly said again.

"Become the undead lord?

Do not make jokes.

Where is this time now? "

Long Fei replied.

This power is extremely powerful, even Long Fei must have extremely longing in his heart.

But now, he has no time to study this power.

This kind of power can contend with the power of immortality, and it definitely does not mean that research can be thoroughly studied.

Even if he has experienced too much, his ability to comprehend power is extremely powerful, and he dare not say that he can control this power in a short time.

And now, what he needs most is time.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for triggering the mission and becoming the undead master."

"Task level: SSSSS+" "Task time: three years."

"Task description: Smash the Promise Temple, gain the power of immortality, and become the master of immortality."

"Task reward: 10 million character experience, 1 million system experience, 100 cosmic Dao, and one real page of the universe."

"Task Punishment: Deprive the power of immortality, and the host will die."

But at this moment, the system sound suddenly appeared, which directly triggered the task.

Long Fei's eyes were full of surprises, and he didn't expect that the task could be triggered.

More importantly, the reward for this task is really amazing.

Not to mention experience, there are only one hundred cosmic Taoisms, enough for one's own cosmic light to upgrade again.

Of course, behind the generous rewards is naturally severe punishment.

If you fail, you will die.

What made Long Fei feel even more abnormal was that the power of the system and the power of eternal life did not speak to each other, but now in his own soul, under the coffin of eternal life, the power of the system actually appeared.

And in the punishment, the last sentence turned out to be directly depriving the power of eternal life.

This change, at first glance, is not wrong.

But from all the details, Long Fei felt fear.

But of course, only oneself can perceive this voice, even if it is the spirit of the Coffin of Eternal Life, and the old ways of the Temple of Eternal Life, it is the same.

"Ding, given the environment the player is currently in, the system opens a special mode.

Can overdraft rewards.

But the difficulty of the task doubled. "

The sound of the system suddenly fell.

"Overdraft reward?

What do you mean? "

Long Fei was taken aback and asked directly.

"Players can now use their power after the mission is completed, but the difficulty of the mission will be doubled.

Will the player choose to overdraft? "

The system sound suddenly dropped.

Long Fei's expression condensed.

Is the task doubled?

The power after the overdraft task is completed?

This is clearly tailored for yourself based on your current situation.

"System, tell me honestly, are you cheating me?"

Long Fei asked.

He always feels that the system has become a bit unusual this time.

"Players, please choose, whether to overdraw the power?"

The system voice continued, ignoring Long Fei's doubts at all.

Long Fei felt helpless.

But this temptation, now Long Fei really can't refuse.

Because now, he must leave this space as soon as possible.

"If you double it, double it. I don't know what the task is now anyway. What if it is doubled?

Overdraft! "

Long Fei didn't hesitate and made a direct choice, choosing to overdraw this power.

"Ding, players choose to overdraw the future power."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for gaining the power of immortality and becoming the master of immortality."

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