Boom boom boom!

In an instant, Long Fei felt an extremely powerful force suddenly surge in his body. This power is extremely mysterious, as if at this moment, there is no power in this world that can threaten him.

He is immortal, immortal!

No force can erase him from this world, he is immortal. Moreover, this power is extremely powerful.

Let Long Fei feel that a punch now is enough to collapse a small universe.

"Huh? You have realized the power of immortality? And it is more pure and thorough than those in the Promise Temple, how is this possible!" At this time, as the breath of Long Fei changed, the expression of immortality was old-fashioned. It became extremely exciting in an instant.

Can't believe it at all.

"Yes, I have realized it. No, it should be said that I have control." Long Fei said with a smile.

To be honest, looking at the immortal and veteran expression at this time, Long Fei also had a bit of drama in his heart.

The old eternal life scans this Long Fei up and down, and even wants to walk out of the Temple of Eternal Life and come to Long Fei. But in the end, I was forced to endure it and didn't do so.

Seeing his unbelievable and extremely surprised expression, Long Fei found it funny in the scene and just wanted to tease him again.

Suddenly, the system voice in his mind reappeared:

"The countdown begins, and the player has the power of the immortal for a quarter of an hour. After a quarter of an hour, it will disappear." The system voice said.

Long Fei was taken aback.

One quarter of an hour?

Only a quarter of an hour.

In only a quarter of an hour, he is still here to talk to eternal life.

With a thought, Long Fei said directly: "Old man, there will be some time later. I will find you soon." Long Fei said.

A flash, directly retreated from the sea of ​​consciousness.

Time is tight, and every minute is deadly.

After all, he only had a quarter of an hour. After solving this, he still has to save Liancang.

And as Long Fei's figure disappeared, the trace of the Immortal Temple in the Sea of ​​Knowledge also disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

In the next instant, Long Fei returned to himself.

But there is no such person in front of him: "Is this to conclude that I can't break through here, and want to let me live and die here?"

Long Fei's eyes were cold.

"Wait, no matter where you are, the sins you committed today will be repaid with death." Long Fei said bitterly.

Then, his gaze locked in this space and found countless undead forces hovering in it.

If he was the previous one, he would never find this kind of power. But now, for him, this kind of power is equivalent to nothing, and everything can be seen at a glance.

"So that's it? Lock the void with immortality to form an immortal space." Long Fei's glance was clear and clear.

The next moment, he reached out with one hand, directly touched a certain place in the void, and then pulled hard.


The void is like a curtain, directly torn to pieces by Long Fei.

This kind of power also disappeared without a trace in an instant.

But Long Fei didn't feel any emotion, time is limited, he must rush to Lian Cang's location as soon as possible now. Otherwise, with Lian Cang, there is a great possibility that danger will occur.

With a thought, Long Fei began to perceive.

But the void is infinite, and it is too difficult to find a person's position accurately.

However, Long Fei quickly discovered the clue.

He did not feel Liancang's position.

But he felt the undead power, the extremely violent undead power. Don't think about it, this power is definitely the power of these two hall spirits.

After a flash, Long Fei rushed directly in this direction.

At this time, the ancient world.

The real battle has just begun.

Eight King Kong incarnate Tianzhu, propping up the world that is about to collapse. And this also made the people of the Promise Temple and the Venerable Realm begin to target frantically and directly abandon the creatures of the ancient world.

They want to smash Tianzhu, the last hope of the ancient world.

At this time, Li Wuxin and other people who inherited the thirteen great emperors had retreated to the side of Tianzhu.

Even Yaya crazily urges her own power to seize the life of the offender with the secret of longevity.

It can be said that at this moment, the ancient world is alive and dead, and everyone's strength is concentrated, that is to guard the Tianzhu.

"Killing, I will kill all of them like crazy. They can't resist. They will be filled with human lives, and they will be dispersed. The ancient world must perish today."

The people in the Promise Temple are extremely mad, and the heart to destroy the ancient world is extremely firm.



Countless figures descended from above the void wave after wave. Defeating death, charge directly. Just like the previous person said, they have to fill and consume with human lives.

Even if their strength is not as good as the people in the ancient world, they will be consumed by the number of people.

It can be said that this is the most shameless play.

However, it is powerless.

Liu Luoxi and others had no choice. They had no second choice except for a crazy fight.

Whoosh whoosh.

At this moment, in the direction of the ancient sacred mountain, thousands of sword lights suddenly erupted, forming a rain of swords in an instant, directly falling from the sky.

Sword God Wind Wuji.

They are unknown forces in the ancient world, and they want to win by surprise.

However, now the ancient world has no such opportunity, not to mention surprising victory, even if it is able to protect itself, it is already a luxury.

Therefore, at this time, they chose to shoot.


The sword shadow fell, in the light of the cold world, and at this moment, the people of the Promise Temple and the Venerable Realm also fell crazily under this power.

The expressions on the faces of several leaders of the Promise Temple changed.

"There are still masters?"


At this moment, a roar appeared from the void, and then, a huge figure directly descended from the sky.

Shi Kun!

Shi Kun also shot.

With a roar, a gluttonous glutton swallowed a huge mouth, directly swallowing millions of people in the Promise Temple and Venerable World.

Suddenly, the face of the people in the Promise Temple changed drastically.

But this is not the end.

Then, a figure appeared above the void and slapped it under the sky.

Swallow God King.

Also, silk threads descended from the sky at this time, and directly penetrated countless figures of the Promise Temple.

Emperor Daoyuan.

Also, after everyone used their methods, a figure walked out of the darkness, raising his hand with a punch, and blasted directly to the sky where the leaders of the Promise Temple were located.

In an instant, a few people dispersed and dispersed.

This is the Great Sage Exterminator.

Five people, without reservation, directly displayed their strongest combat power, buying time for the ancient world at this moment.

"You are not from the ancient world!" Several leaders also recognized that this kind of power is the strongest in the world, and they all have different world characteristics, so they broke the identity of a few people in an instant.

"So what, it can kill you. You care about what world we are." Feng Wuji said coldly.

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