In fact, their cultivation base is no different from that of Qiaoqiao and others, and even worse.

But they are five people.

It's someone who doesn't know the Promise Temple and Zunjie.

They were considered as a surprise soldier, and they made a move at this time, leaving the people of the Promise Temple and the Venerable Realm without any protection, and suffered heavy losses at once.

"Huh, it's just here to die. Although your strength is a bit special, it's still not enough to see in front of my Wuji Temple." The person from the Wuji Temple said. "Yes, although it was a little bit beyond our expectation, but that's it, no storms can be found. However, if you kill so many people in the Wuji Temple, you should not expect any good results." People start

Get together. They are now also aware of the seriousness of the problem. People in the ancient world are emerging in endlessly and must be resolved as soon as possible. Although these people have no influence on them now. But they are also afraid that if the delay is too long, they will create

What unnecessary trouble caused their plan to collapse.

This is the most worrying thing in their hearts.

After all, let their envoys give orders to capture the people of Shenshan alive to threaten Long Fei. This is enough to prove that the most powerful and threatening person in this ancient world is not the people in front of them, but the dragon who has never shown up. fly.

Knowing this, these people are ready to make a decisive move.

Feng Wuji and the others still had killing intent on their faces, and they also knew that this was the difficulty they were facing now. Their task is to guard these people in front of them.

But they also knew in their hearts that with them, they couldn't keep it.

Before these people had taken a shot, they had already given them a strong sense of oppression. At their level, strength can no longer be distinguished by pure strength.

Level is also crucial.

There is no doubt that the level of cultivation of the martial arts temple is far more advanced than the power of their cultivation. In other words, this is a question of dimensionality.

The closer to the existence of the origin of the universe, the stronger the level of power.

To put it simply, the power level of the martial arts temple, to them, is like the difference between ordinary humans and ants.

But they had to make a move, even if they knew they were lost, there was no possibility of shrinking.

Because this is their mission.

If the world in front of him collapses and the people of the mountain fall one after another, and if they have not taken any action, not to mention the slave fire of Long Fei, it is only the punishment of the power of the system, it is a dead end.

So, they have no choice.

"It's not up to you to die or not. In short, if you want to move the ancient world, pass our level first." Feng Wuji's sword intent surged and said coldly.

If you lose, you don't lose the battle. Even if you know you're losing, you still have to make a sword.

"That's right, I dare to swallow the sky, it depends on how many of you have come to die." said God King Swallowing Sky.

Nothing is missing.

Even though they knew very well in their hearts, they knew that these people in the Promise Temple were very strong, but they dared to face up to the difficulties.

"Courage is commendable, but it's a dying struggle. No, it's just a man's arm as a car, I don't know what to say.

In the Promise Temple, a figure came out.

Every time he took a step, the breath on his body spreads by one point, and after three steps away, the breath on his body has been directly terrifying and even the void can't bear it.


The sky began to disappear, and the earth began to collapse.

The horror of this breath has exceeded the limit the world can bear.

"The fragile world, the vulnerable ants. Why don't you think we can take it! If it weren't for the fear that the world could not bear it, we would just collapse. We would have taken it long ago! There is no place for you to jump around here."

"A group of so-called ants who don't know how to do it, do you really think you have any hope?"

"Oh, this little hope just makes you even more desperate."

The man said coldly.

The faces of Liu Luoxi, Xiao Qiao and Long Wudi all changed.

This breath is too terrifying, so powerful that they can't bear it. If they had taken action from the beginning, the ancient world might have ceased to exist long ago.

Feng Wuji and others' faces became even more painful at this time.

Once this person makes a move, they can directly suppress their methods, the sword energy will dissipate, and the swallowing power will disappear...

It can be said that the methods of the five of them collapsed the moment this person took the shot.

Dissipate in nothingness.

This scene caused countless people in the Promise Temple and the Venerable Realm to shout invincible.

"The adults are invincible, and their methods were destroyed in an instant."

"This means, that is, to deal with us, there is absolutely no possibility of arrogance in front of adults."

"Jie Jie, compared with the methods of adults, these tactics are at best children's play, and there is no comparison at all."


Such voices erupted everywhere in the void. In contrast, the eyes of everyone in the ancient world did not have the slightest light. One goes down and the other goes up, and the momentum of the Promise Temple has reached its peak. And because of the glimmer of hope brought by Feng Wuji and others, they also completely smoked.


It can only be said that the people in the Promise Temple are too strong, too strong, and strong enough to break their cognition.

For a while, even Liu Luoxi and the others had despair in their eyes.

They turned their heads in silence and looked at Tianzhu behind them.

At this moment, their hearts were touched infinitely.

Everything is for the ancient world, for Long Fei. For this result, they would rather die, but die...

Does it really make sense?

"Long Fei, where are you? I can't hold it anymore." Tears ran across Liu Luoxi's eyes.

In order to stick to the ancient world, she is willing to bear infamy. In order to wait for Long Fei to return, she cruelly let the Eight King Kong incarnate Tianzhu.

But now, the people from the Promise Temple really made her feel desperate and powerless to support her. It seems that all hope has completely collapsed at this time.

All the efforts were in vain and became meaningless.

Long Wudi and Long Yingdao, their immature eyes flashed with hatred.

They also felt depression, grief, and weakness. But this is exactly what it is, and it also arouses the unyielding in their hearts.

"Daddy never bowed his head, then I can't bow my head in the ancient world either." Long Wudi said.

"Yes, the foundation of the father's way is to live like a dragon and constantly strive for self-improvement. I don't believe that if we stick to it, there will be no hope." Long Yingdao also bitterly.

Immediately, the two brothers looked at each other.

In the next moment, they have no enlistment.

Incarnate directly into a giant dragon, traverse the void, and go straight to this person.


The dragon roared, shaking the earth.

The shackles of this person's power were broken in an instant.

Even the faces of the people in the Wuji Temple changed slightly: "It's a powerful bloodline power, but it's up to you two little bunnies to not chat. In the final analysis, one word, you are too weak!" The Wuji Temple people are cold and cold. After speaking, immediately, a palm fell directly.

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