All of them have perseverance in their eyes.

This kind of perseverance represents their inner determination that they would rather die than surrender.

As if vowing to coexist and die with the ancient world.

Even the creatures of the ancient world were silent at this time.

At this moment, they have stabilized from the panic, and there is silence in their eyes.

The changes before them are beyond their imagination.

At this moment, they feel that they are humble as if they are ants.

The battle here is no longer something they can intervene, they seem to be a spectator, witnessing the battle throughout.

In the face of such a battle, they knew how fragile they were.

If these people want their lives, they have no chance to come here. And they are able to come here, but because they still have some use value.

Now that they see this battle, they also understand. It was them that became the last straw that overwhelmed the ancient world.

If it were not for their abandonment, not their selfishness, the ancient road would not collapse, and such a situation would not have occurred.

"Go, let's go."

"Yes, the gods fight, no matter who wins or loses,   has nothing to do with us."

"Anyway, we won't change anything here. It's better to leave."

But at this time, they are still only thinking about themselves. What they think in their hearts is still to protect themselves.

All of a sudden, a group of figures began to graze the void and quickly disappeared in this piece of heaven and earth.

But this time, even the Promise Temple didn't care about them.

However, the reason is very sad, because they are not worthy.

At this time, above the void, the people of the Promise Temple held the halberd and stood upright.

"Hahaha, have you seen it? These are the people of your ancient world. They crashed the ancient road and now escaped again." This person said.

Long Zhanting took a deep breath, helplessness and loss appeared in his eyes.

I have to say that this ending made them feel sad. Their failure did not fall into the hands of the enemy, but ultimately fell into the hands of the people they guarded.

How desolate is this?

But now, they didn't blame anything.

It has no meaning!

There is only one thing they can do now, and that is the last battle, even if it is to die, it must be killed.

At this moment, they no longer considered running away.

Even Long Wudi and Long Yingdao can dedicate their lives for this battle, so they also have no reason to shrink back. Everyone held their heads up, their eyes were firm, and no one showed fear and faced them calmly. "Tsk tsk, look resolute. So let me give you a chance, as long as you are willing to kneel now and shout long live the Promise Temple, I will forgive you and give you a way to survive, how about?" Say again


"You fart, if you have the ability, you will kill us. Long Fei will avenge us,  He will step through your Promise Temple, and will return the disasters you have imposed in the ancient world today."

"If you want to kill, kill, it is absolutely impossible for us to betray Long Fei and the ancient world."

"Finally, you will shoot now. I have a hunch that today is your death date."


Su Su, Lan Mei, Yun Xi and many other long flying women clenched their silver teeth, hatred and anger in their eyes. "It's a woman who doesn't want to be shaved. I want to see what kind of person Long Fei is. His woman would rather die than betray. But don't worry, I will not kill you, I Will take you captive.

Isn't it unwilling to betray? Then I will let you become the best bitch, let you use your body to reward the fierce generals of my Promise Temple. "


This person laughed wildly.

As soon as this remark came out, it even moved the eyes of the leaders of the Promise Temple behind him.

"Yes, that's a good idea. These women are all stunning. We will try them first."

"Haha, the woman of the Lord of the Ancient World. Tsk tsk, it feels cool to think about it."

"I don't know where is the lord of the ancient world? Now I really hope that he will come here soon. Then in front of him, let him watch his woman under our crotch. ..."


A foul language came out of their mouths.

But Liu Luoxi and others felt sad for a moment.

But before turning around, he became extremely firm again. It seemed like a decision had been made.

"Don't think about dying. In my hands, I want you not to survive, but not to die." The man holding the halberd said again, seeming to see through everyone's will and said coldly.

"Now, I give you three breaths of time to consider, and my words are still valid. As long as you kneel down now, I may be able to consider perfecting you and letting you die." The man said, the power was shaken, and the halberd was cold Flashing.

But at this moment, there is no response at all.

Everyone ignored his words.

And this is their will.

I would rather stand to die than kneel to live.

"Okay, a group of loyal women. Since you want to reward me the heroes of the Promise Temple so much, I will fulfill you." The people of the Promise Temple said coldly, and then raised the halberd high and slashed.


Wanzhang cold light descended from the sky, splitting the void and slashing everything.

It is foreseeable that if this power falls, they will not be able to hold it even if they are immortal. As for the counterattack now, I don't even think about it. Because once this power comes out, they will be completely suppressed.

Even if they want to make a move, they can't do it.



The light of the halberd swept across, engulfing the aura of extinction, and it came in an instant.

The people in the Promise Temple saw this scene, and smiles appeared on their faces. It seems that as long as this shot falls, everything will be settled and everything will end.

And the ancient world will also become their bag.

But at this moment, a stick figure suddenly fell from the sky.


Sweeping with one stick, the power of this halberd directly broke the void.


Immediately, a figure fell directly.

"Huh?  A monkey? The miscellaneous animal dare to take care of my Promise Temple?" The man's expression changed.

Never thought that the power of a monkey would be so strong.

And this monkey is not someone else, it is the person who parted ways with Long Fei before and led the Supreme World to help out.

But their floating stars were so slow that they didn't come until now.

The fire flickered in the monkey's eyes and glanced at Liu Luoxi and others behind him.

"I'm Long Fei's brother, leave it to me here, you go to heal first." The monkey was not good at words and did not say more.

But just the word brother is enough to explain everything.

After speaking, the monkey's gaze also shifted to the people in front of him: "Block the void, none of them can leave today." As the monkey said, the iron rod in his hand suddenly cracked, and flames flickered out. "Today, old grandson wants your life!"

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