The monkey has golden eyes, and everything becomes nothingness wherever it passes.

If Long Fei were here, he would definitely be shocked. Because in the eyes of the monkey, there is already the power to return to the ruins.

Since the last time the monkey retreats, Long Fei has never asked how he gained. But for the monkey, Long Fei has absolute confidence, otherwise it is impossible for the monkey to lead the people of the supreme world here.

"It's impossible!" As soon as the monkey's power was shown, the people in the Promise Temple changed completely. They can feel that the monkey's power level no longer belongs to this world, even more terrifying than the power they practiced.

"Who are you? At your level, it is absolutely impossible to be involved in the ancient world. Who are you?" The person in the Promise Temple asked in a deep voice.

At this moment, they still have a bit of pride before.

It can be said that the arrogance has completely disappeared with the appearance of the monkey. Now, there is only panic and fear in their eyes. It can be seen that the monkey alone brought them a lot of pressure.

"The one who wants your life." The monkey responded indifferently.

Then, his eyes rolled.

"Come out for me, it's time to work." The monkey shouted.



Void roared, and a huge black shadow appeared on the sky.

The people of the Promise Temple suddenly raised their heads, and there was a flash of horror in their pupils.

"Floating stars? Floating stars? People of the Supreme Plane!"

When a word fell, all the creatures in the Promise Temple became angry and frightened. The relationship between them and the Supreme Plane is also hostile, and there is constant friction between the two sides.

At this moment, seeing these people in front of them turned out to be the people of the Supreme Plane, their faces immediately became infinitely sulky.

At this time, on the floating stars, a group of figures began to descend from the void.

Chongshan takes the lead.

Because of the fear of Long Fei, he was full of awe for the ancient world. He was very curious as to what kind of world it was that could get out of someone like Long Fei.

But when he saw the tragedy of the ancient world at this time, he couldn't help taking a breath.

Like him, wars have been commonplace for a long time, and ordinary wars will not be taken into his mind at all. But unfortunately, seeing the battlefield here, he has a feeling of wanting to suffocate.

His gaze looked around the battlefield, when he saw each and every one with firm gazes, seeing death as home, although they were seriously injured, they still held up strong figures...

When he saw the dragon's horns pulled out at both ends, he was breathing **** the ground, but the dragon's eyes still contained hatred...

When he saw the stunning women with blood and tears, they never showed the slightest gaze of fear...

He knew that the matter was serious and the consequences were terrible.

In silence, he looked at the people in the Promise Temple. Suddenly, he felt that this was a group of warriors.

With his knowledge of Long Fei, after Long Fei returns, he will definitely kill him madly. Not only them, but also the Promise Temple, don't want to be spared.

Suddenly, an inexplicable guess appeared in his mind.

That is something that Supreme hasn't done for so many years, it is very likely to be done by Long Fei alone.

Thinking of this, he felt some pity for the people in the Promise Temple before him.

Not only him, but also those in the Supreme First World behind him.

"Is this something a person with a brain can do?"

"A group of idiots in the Promise Temple, they don't do things with good people. They have to be demons. This time I mentioned the iron plate."

"Tsk tsk, think about Long Fei, I suddenly feel a little excited, I believe that if Long Fei comes here after finishing his work, he will definitely kill him."


These people spoke one after another.

In their eyes, the people in the Promise Temple in front of them are simply dying. They don't know Long Fei's character, but they know Long Fei's strength.

Moreover, judging from Long Fei subduing them to let them come to this ancient world, it can be seen that Long Fei is a short-term person.

It is these people who need to be protected.

Now these people have become so miserable under the methods of these people in the Promise Temple, if Long Fei sees it, it will definitely leave them dead without a place to bury them.

"Don't talk nonsense, now we begin to slaughter,   seal the void for me, the old grandson wants them not to leave." The monkey held an iron rod against his shoulder, shining with fire, as if he had just raised it in purgatory, shining fierce Gas.

Everyone's expressions condensed.

There is no point to say, directly start flying through the void.

"Look at me, draw the ground as a prison system."

"It's a fart to draw the ground as a prison, look at me, block the heavens system."

"And me, the soul lock system!"


For a time, everyone shot one after another, using their own methods.

Zhongshan was not idle either, and his strength was shocked: "Millionfold gravity system, drop!"

When a word fell, a feeling of incomparable weight erupted directly in the ancient world, as if the heavens and the earth were about to pour down, leaving countless people out of breath.

There are even some who have a low cultivation base. Under this power, they are directly suppressed, prostrate on the ground, and lose the power of a battle.

But this power was aimed at the people of the Promise Temple, and it had no effect on the people of the ancient world.

The people of the Promise Temple were full of horror at this time, and under the pressure of multiple forces, they felt that death was approaching.

Under this power, they felt powerless to resist.

As if waiting for death.

Even the leaders of the Promise Temple did not have the slightest blood on their faces at this time.

The appearance of monkeys and others gave them unlimited pressure.

In addition, as soon as this kind of supreme system power appeared, they felt a strong threat.

"Don't be too arrogant, thinking that you are the only one? Our messenger will come soon, when you don't even know how to die?" said the man holding the halberd.

"Fuck it, who is clamoring? There are more people, isn't it? Your Grandpa Chen Zhong is here." At this moment, another floating star appeared above the void.

Immediately, Chen Zhong, Sword Master, Zhong Ziqi and others reappeared.

Eight thousand sword repairs followed.

Originally, the Sword Master should have arrived first, but Chen Zhong and others could not trust the world under Sword City. In desperation, the Sword Master could only go, and then it happened that Zhong Ziqi was encountered on the road. And come.

"Kill!" Zhong Ziqi even more simply, with a sword light.

And this sword pointed to the man holding the halberd.

"Looking for death!" The halberd man also blocked the halberd.


The sword light fell, but it did not cause any fatal damage to this person, but instead caused Zhong Ziqi to retreat hundreds of feet away.

"Let me come. You are responsible for targeting other people. This time, none of the offenders can be spared. As for the few of them, my grandson alone is enough." The monkey said, with a sharp wave of the iron rod in his hand.


A piece of nothingness becomes nothingness directly. And above the void, the leaders of the Promise Temple suddenly burst open...

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