In the endless galaxy, Long Fei's figure flashed away.

He has only a quarter of an hour, no time to waste. Fortunately, he is now incarnate as the undead lord, and he can feel the burst of undead power, so he gallops all the way and locks on the target so as not to be like a headless fly.

Soon, Long Fei's figure entered the depths of the universe.

Here is the empty zone of the universe. There is no world within hundreds of millions of miles around.

You don't need to think about it. This must be a deliberate choice made by Lian Cang. She didn't want to affect this cosmic world because of her fighting.

In one place, a woman's figure stood under the void, staring at the two figures in front of her with a serious face.

This woman is Liancang.

"Who on earth are you?" Lian Cang said coldly.

The two in front of her gave her a great threat.

"Tsk tsk, a bunch of trash. Even let us take it personally. I thought how strong the spirit of this universe world would be, but now it seems to be too weak."

"Yes. And this universe is about to die. If this era cannot go out, it may perish."

But the two figures in front of them didn't pay any attention to the meaning of pitying Cang, they just said to themselves.

Liancang's face was cold.

"You are from the outer universe? And, the spirit of your universe?" Lian Cang asked.

"The spirit of the universe? You are too worthy of yourself. Do you need the spirit of the universe to kill you? But you are right to say that, because our universe has no spirit. He...has already become something in our womb. ."

"Don't say it, the taste is really delicious, and the violent power really makes me linger."

The two of you said each sentence, without looking at Lian Cang.

It seems that Lian Cang in front of them won't let them care at all.

When Lian Cang heard these words, the expression on his face changed instantly.

have eaten?


The two people in front of them are actually feeding on the spirit of the universe?

This is too scary!

Even, what they ate was the spirit of their own universe. This vicious behavior made her instantly feel numb in her scalp.

"What universe are you from?" Lian Cang asked again.

But his eyes were looking in another direction of the universe, and his heart was praying: "Long Fei, are you not your woman to protect you? Why don't you come?"

Liancang suddenly felt a sense of helplessness.

At this time, the first thought in her mind was to think of Long Fei.

As powerful as her, she can only pray like ordinary people at this time.

"What are you looking at? Do you think someone will come to rescue you? Don't think about it. If you are thinking of that man, I can tell you that he is now unable to protect himself!" "Yes. I have to say, he His cultivation base is really strong, and even gives us an elusive feeling. But it's useless, he is now bound by the immortal enchantment we set up. Even if he has great abilities, he will never get out.


As the two of them spoke, the expressions on their faces were extremely proud, as if everything was under their control.

When Liancang heard it, his heart shook.

Inexplicably, she actually gave birth to a kind of grief. All kinds of things that Long Fei had experienced before burst out in his mind.

All of a sudden, a line of tears flowed in her eyes.

"Is this the feeling of heartache?" Lian Cang meditated.

At this time, she even felt a sense of death in her heart. Even if he sacrificed himself, he would definitely wipe out the two and buy Long Fei more time.

And this scene, naturally, can't hide the two of them.

"Why? Is this trying to avenge him? To be honest, although you are the spirit of the universe, you are also the spirit body. You are really too weak."

"It can only be said that the cosmic level of this universe is too low. Even if you are the spirit of the universe, in our eyes, it is just a trash that can be destroyed at will."

"As for you want to die together, don't even think about it. In front of us, you don't even have a chance to shoot."

Suddenly, one of them said.

As he spoke, his breath changed, and the power of immortality broke out instantly.

"Undead Town!"

He shouted, and then suddenly attacked Liancang.

And as his body moved, the entire universe suddenly became more transparent, as if he made a move at this moment, the entire universe would bow its head in front of him.

The other person remained motionless, and didn't mean to make a move at all, as if facing Lian Cang alone would be enough to make a move.

Lian Cang's figure exploded instantly.

However, it was too late.

"You... are this actually devouring the origin of my universe?" Lian Cang's expression changed drastically in an instant, panicking.

She is the spirit of the universe, so she has a clear sense of the power of the universe.

At this moment, she felt that as this person took action, the origin of the universe of the galaxy was dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In other words, he is absorbing the power of this universe and consuming the survival time of this universe.

"Hahaha, are you shocked? But don't worry, the shock is still to come. You will soon know how terrifying our power is."

"When I swallow you,  This universe will turn into my power. I want to swallow the life of this universe to increase my power." The person in front of me said frantically, hysterical, cruel and bloodthirsty.

Lian Cang's face was even more flustered.

"No, you can't treat this universe like this. Sacrificing other universes to perfect yourself, you are too cruel." Lian Cang rose up to resist.

"Haha, no? If you say you can't, then you can't? You still worry about yourself." The man gave a grin, speeding up his speed even more.

And his figure drew closer in this instant.

Lian Cang watched this universe become transparent, and his eyes were even more sad. The next moment, anger burned in her eyes, and her body's breath and strength exploded.

"Blow? The spirit of the universe will explode? Haha, do you dare? You are the spirit of this universe. If you explode, you will directly cause the collapse of this universe. Do you dare?" The man saw Liancang's move, even more It's frantic laughter.

"Acknowledge your fate, anyway, this universe will be destroyed anyway. It's better for you to complete us, and you can also make this universe survive for some time, maybe there are creatures that can go out alive." The other person also laughed.

A touch of despair surged across Liancang's face.

It seemed that no matter what she did, it was useless and to no avail.

But at this moment, a ray of light burst from a distance.

Liancang's eyes lit up, but immediately became frightened again.

"Long Fei, go quickly, don't come over."

She was so familiar with this breath. After all, the two were already one, and they were in harmony, so when the breath appeared, she concluded that this was Long Fei.

And the two in front of him also diverted their attention.

In the next instant, the expressions on their faces changed suddenly.

At this time, Long Fei’s voice fell: "A woman who recognizes your ancestor, Lao Tzu, who dares to control her destiny? Destroy the Galaxy? The woman who devours me? Today Lao Tzu will blow you up and use your power. Complete the universe of the galaxy!"

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