Long Fei's voice contained anger, and his anger contained the will to destroy the heavens.

Liancang's eyes were full of touch. Before, she hoped that Long Fei would come to her, but after feeling the strength of the two, she hoped that Long Fei would stay away. She didn’t know what kind of mentality it was, but when she really saw the shadow of Long Fei, her heart was truly melted.


At this moment, she was completely desperate and disappointed in everything.

It was the arrival of Long Fei that rekindled her inner desire.

Desire to live.

"You... it's impossible, your body..."

"Go, go quickly."

The expressions of the two changed suddenly, and the aura on Long Fei's body made them feel terrified. That kind of violent power instantly suppressed them, making it difficult for them to breathe.

It is as if in front of Long Fei, they are the thieves who steal the treasure, and Long Fei is the rich man who makes the wealth of the enemy rich.

For Long Fei, everything they have is nothing but a drop in the bucket.

In fact, this is really the case.

Who is Long Fei?

He is now the Lord of the Undead, and all undead powers are under his control.

And the temple spirits of the two Promise Temples in front of them are just stealing some tiny undead power.

Even if this power is extremely mysterious, they are nothing but thieves in the end.

And now in front of Long Fei, the righteous master, they are naturally exposed, and they don't even have the courage to face it. "Want to leave? It's late. The moment you acted on me, your destiny was already doomed.  No, when the people of the Promise Temple enter the ancient world, you will definitely die." Long Fei's eyes are clear. Cold, indifferent,

The killing intent is full.

While speaking, Long Fei made a decisive move, with the power of immortality running through his palm.


A palm fell into the void.

The two temple spirits instantly stretched out their hands to resist.

But now, in front of Long Fei's power, their method is to use a mantis arm as a car, which is completely vulnerable. The moment they raised their hand, they were directly collapsed by Long Fei's palm.

Bang bang!

The two figures fell directly from the void.

But it didn't plummet, but was dragged down by a force somewhere.

But this palm has severely injured the two of them.

Their figures have become a bit illusory,

"Suck, can yours swallow the vitality of the universe? Come to make you immortal? Suck me." Long Fei said coldly.

There will be cold flashes in his eyes.

All he has to do now is to force them.

Just as they persecuted the ancient world and persecuted Liancang, they should use their own way to rule their own body.

How they persecuted them, how they are going to return now.

"Long Fei!" Lian Cang's eyes flashed with excitement.

Even if she is the spirit of the universe, it is difficult to control herself at this moment, just like a little woman, tears filled her eyes.

She could feel the anger on Long Fei, and she could feel that everything Long Fei was doing at this time was also for her.

"I said, I'll guard my woman. No matter who it is, as long as you dare to interfere with you, you will definitely die." Long Fei gave a domineering cry, looking at Lian Cang, his face was extremely firm.

Of course, this sentence contains more than just pity for a person.

There is the ancient world, and everything in the ancient world. As long as it is his person, he will die if he touches it.

"The power of immortality? Impossible, doesn't it mean that you control the power of immortality? How can it be possible to control the power of immortality?"

"This is absolutely impossible. How long did we study the power of immortality before we obtained this power. How old are you, why can you get this power?"

The illusory figures of the two were shocked with fear.

This emptiness no longer has a place for them to stand.

At this moment, their figures are swaying like rootless duckweed, and they will disappear in no time.

What's more, they don't dare to use undead force at all.

It can be said that in front of Long Fei, they are not qualified to do it. Because the breath of Long Fei's body is a fatal suppression to them.

The more they use, the stronger the suppression they can feel and the closer they are to death.

"Nothing is impossible, I am the undead master, this is an indisputable fact." Long Fei said proudly.

"What? Immortal Lord?"

"How is this possible!"

The two exclaimed again.

They felt the undead power on Long Fei's body was extremely strong, and knew that Long Fei must control the undead power that forced Amen to retreat a lot.

But I never thought that Long Fei turned out to be the undead lord at this moment.

"My lord, forgive me, I am willing to be your servant, willing to follow the undead lord to the death." "Yes, my lord, now they have gone to the ancient world, I am willing to redeem my merits, destroy them, and then lead The adults go to the Wuji Temple. As long as the adults take action, it won't be long before the entire Wuji universe is in the adult's pocket.


The two of them struggled, made a decision in an instant and asked for mercy.

"Pray for mercy?" Long Fei sneered.

Not to mention begging for mercy or surrender, even if they had personally destroyed the Promise Temple and sent it to Long Fei, Long Fei would not be moved.

Some things are unforgivable.

Dragons have reverse scales, and they will die if they touch them.

I hurt the people around him, and now I want to ask for mercy and escape death?


"Yes, we are begging for mercy. If we had known that the adult was the undead lord, we wouldn't dare to do anything to the adult even if we were to kill."

"That is, if we knew the Lord of Immortality, we would definitely protect the ancient world. Whoever dared to touch the ancient world would just have trouble with us."

The two rushed to say.

They expressed their sincere heart one after another, and they were totally two people from the arrogant and oppressive look before.

They now saw the look of interest in Long Fei's eyes, thinking that Long Fei was moved by himself, and Bu was ready to attack them, ready to accept their surrender.

As everyone knows, this is Long Fei's contempt.

It was interesting, but it was just a clown show.

As for letting them go, don't even think about it.

"Ding, countdown to the identity of the undead master, fifty-nine seconds, fifty-eight seconds..."

Suddenly, system sounds appeared.

Long Fei's heart moved, and his eyes suddenly became gloomy:|

"Really? It sounds good. However, I don't accept it." Long Fei said coldly.

In an instant, the smiles on their faces solidified, staring at Long Fei incredibly.

They had already shown such sincerity, but they didn't expect Long Fei to refuse so simply! "What I want, I will take it myself, it's a mere temple of the Promise, I still can't see it. As for the time of the Promise Universe, I will step into it soon. As for you, let's die now." Long Fei Saying, palm up

, Press the cover down again.

Long Fei's move was extremely straightforward, not at all procrastinating. Time is running out, the countdown has all appeared, and I have no intention of delaying.


The two figures were directly shot out by Long Fei's palm.

The illusory figure immediately disappeared, and at the same time a huge vitality suddenly burst out here. "Ding! Congratulations to player Long Fei for killing the two halls of the Promise Temple..."

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