It's just that this breath is fleeting, it just disappears without a trace the moment it appears, as if it has never appeared before.

"It's not wrong, there is indeed a little invincible breath here." Long Fei's eyes narrowed.

He was extremely sure that what appeared here was indeed the breath of little invincibility.

Thinking of this, the expression on Long Fei's face became more solemn: "The spirit of the black hole, it's better not to shoot me. He hurts a hair and I will destroy the black hole area.

After a word, endless killing intent broke out on Long Fei.

The next moment Long Fei's figure disappeared, instantly melting into the infinite darkness.

At this time, somewhere.

Under the envelope of endless darkness, Long Wudi looked around cautiously, and the power of his whole body had been condensed to the extreme. There was also a grinding disc hovering in his hand, and even the evil power of Era was displayed.

"Who is it? I have the ability to come out for a head-on fight. If I take a step back, I'm a fool."

"Look at you, don't hit and run!"

"Get out of here!"

Long Wudi roared.

What made him even more angry was that this power didn't seem to want to be an enemy of him. It seemed to be joking with Gang. It was playing hide-and-seek with him. It was just a force that blasted him away, and then disappeared instantly.

The breath that Long Fei felt before was also a ray of light that leaked out because Xiao Wudi was bombarded and the black hole power hadn't concealed it.

"Are you a human?" At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared.

The voice is still a bit illegible.

"What are you?" Long Wudi's face was extremely cautious.

There was no aura circulating in this voice, or even showing any hostility, but Xiao Wudi felt infinite terror.

Because everything now is unknown to him.

Endless darkness, endless emptiness.

In such an environment, a voice suddenly appeared, and it was still a child's voice, and the horror was conceivable.

"Can you save me? I am willing to follow you." The voice appeared again.

Long Wudi's expression was taken aback.

For help?

Since it is for help, why did you attack yourself before?

"Are you asking for help? Do you want me to save you?" Long Wudi sneered.

The previous three times of jokes did not hurt Long Wudi to the root, but it also made Long Wudi feel angry.

So now this voice appeared, although it was a cry for help. But in Xiao Wudi's view, this is a kind of humiliation.

"I didn't shoot you. I just wanted to get close to you." The voice said weakly.

Long Wudi's face was furious.

"Close? Close to knock me away?" Long Wudi shouted. "You are too weak. The stronger your defenses are, the more you can be targeted by my power. So, as long as I get close to you, your power will be swallowed by my power. If I don’t stop, I will You fly, your power will be swallowed

clean. "The voice explained.

But this explanation, to Long Wudi, was a naked mockery.

" Am I too weak?"

Long Wudi wanted to cry without tears.

Facing such an explanation, his Dao Xin was about to collapse.

Too ruthless!

"I don't know what level you are on the outside. But among the humans I have seen, you are really weak."

"It seems that many years ago, before my spiritual wisdom was born, there was a person here."

"He's very strong. So strong that the entire black hole area trembles. But he didn't make a move and seemed completely uninterested."

The voice said weakly.

After Long Wudi listened, he completely dismissed it.

"Impossible. Not to mention that there is no such person in the world, even if there is, it is definitely not as strong as my father." Long Wudi said.

"Your father? Is your father strong?" the spirit of the black hole asked.

"That's necessary. Let's put it this way, your kind of stuff, my father is here, slapped to death." Long Wudi said proudly.

In his mind, Long Fei is invincible.

No matter who the enemy is, as long as he shoots, it must be wiped out.

The Dark Spirit fell silent, as if he didn't believe Long Wudi's words at all.

"Why don't you believe it?" Long Wudi was upset, saying that he was weak and he could bear it, but if Long Fei was not invincible, he absolutely couldn't bear it.

"I really don't believe it very much, because you are too weak now. So even if your father is much stronger than you, it is absolutely impossible to compare with that person." said the black hole spirit.

"Hmph, just wait if you don't believe me. My father will also enter this black hole area behind us. He will be here soon. Then you will know whether my father is strong enough!" Long Wudi said.

"What? You said he is your father?"

But at the moment when Long Wudi's voice fell, the spirit of the black hole directly exclaimed.

"Huh?" Long Wudi was taken aback, and he didn't understand why the spirit of the black hole behaved like this.

"If your father is a man who can shine, then I admit that he is very strong." The spirit of the black hole said silently.

But Xiao Wudi's face was full of doubts.

"The glowing man? What's the situation?"

He has seen a lot of Long Fei's methods, but the shining man, this sentence is extremely inappropriate to describe Long Fei.

"Is your daddy him?" At this moment, the direction of the voice suddenly condensed into a picture.

This scene is exactly the scene where the spirit of the black hole was killed before.

"Father!" Long Wudi said in surprise. The eyes are also full of pride.

Because after all, Long Fei proved his invincible posture.

"Great. Since he is your father, it proves that you are very important to him." The spirit of the black hole also gave a pleasant surprise.

"Huh? What do you mean? Do you want to use me to threaten my father?" Long Wudi immediately entered a defensive state.

Even if the jade and the stone were burned, even if he died here, he would not let himself become a prisoner. Because he could not forget the kind of despair he faced before in the Dragon Court of the Galaxy World.

Therefore, he would rather die than face that state again.

"No, I will not threaten you, I just want to make a deal with you." said the black hole spirit.

"Deal? What do you mean."

"It means that as long as you are willing to save me, I am willing to give you something. Even to recognize you as the master is fine." The spirit of the black hole continued.

Long Wudi pondered slightly, and he wanted to understand everything.

"Are you afraid of my father coming and beheading you? That's why you asked me to save you?" Xiao Wudi said. "Yes, your father is too cruel, he would kill him if he said nothing. He didn't even give a chance to ask for mercy, so I want to live, only you can save me. As long as you accept me, let me recognize you as Lord, your father should not be able to do it.

"The spirit of the black hole said.

"Is that so? But, what good is it for me to recognize me as Lord?" Long Wudi asked.

"Of course, as long as you accept me, you will be able to control some of the power of the black hole. I am sure that you can increase your current strength several times." The spirit of the black hole said quickly, showing his own value. "The power of the black hole? It sounds good, if that's the case, let's make a deal!" Long Wudi relaxed and said lightly.

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