Long Fei followed the breath he felt.

It's just that there is no direction in this black hole, and Long Fei can only move forward with his own feelings.


Also at this moment, when Long Fei was distraught, a voice appeared.

It is Dragon Invincible.

Long Fei was taken aback.

Now Long Wudi not only has no injuries on his body, but the state of his whole person looks surprisingly good. Even the breath is much stronger than before.

More importantly, Long Fei felt the power of the black hole in his body.

"You subdued the spirit of the black hole?" Long Fei asked.

Only this possibility can make Long Wudi have such a sudden change, that is, Long Wudi has controlled a black hole spirit.

"Hey, don't let the old man tell it. It's boring. But it's the old man, you are so fierce, kill all the way, scared the spirit of the black hole, and take the initiative to find me to recognize the lord." Long Wudi laughed the most and began to praise the dragon. fly.

"Because of me?" Long Fei was taken aback.

Unexpectedly, his own killing would have such an effect.

"No, if it wasn't for you, father, I would still wander in this endless darkness. I don't know how the second child is now, but the second child's methods are not ordinary, there shouldn't be any problems." Invincible said.

Long Fei pondered slightly.

Xiao Wudi's words made Long Fei think of one thing, that is, since this dark spirit can know his own killing, can he also sense the position of Long Yingdao?

Thinking of this, Long Fei said: "Let your dark spirit come out, I have something to ask him."

Xiao Wudi naturally wouldn't have any hesitation about Long Fei's words, just a thought turned, and a black shadow appeared directly.

Of course, only Long Fei and Long Wudi could see this shadow.

Xiao Wudi is able to see because he has become the owner.

But Long Fei is because he controls the light of civilization and shines on all darkness.

As soon as the spirit of the black hole saw Long Fei, his body trembled instinctively, and he hid behind Xiao Wudi.

Long Fei was taken aback, and touched his nose.

This reaction is as if he is a person who is invincible.

"Don't be afraid, since you are already invincible, then I will naturally not move you. But I want to know some things, don't hide it from me." Long Fei said, politely before the soldiers, a word of advice, a word of warning. "You ask, as long as I know things, there will never be the slightest concealment. No matter what you want to know, I will tell you." The spirit of the black hole has already been scared, and now I heard Long Fei say this. , Where can I be too late


"I ask you, how long is this black hole zone?" Long Fei asked.

He didn't know how many black hole spirits had been slaughtered this way. But still can't perceive the end, as if it is endless.

Although beheading the spirit of the black hole, for Long Fei, it was just a matter of effort and backhand. But if this is boundless, Long Fei must make other plans.

He doesn't have so much time wasted here.

"I don't know." said the spirit of the black hole.

Long Fei's face sank.

what is this?

A moment ago, I said that knowing is everything, but now that I turn around, it has directly become ignorance?

"My lord, calm down, I really don't know." The spirit of the black hole was about to cry, his expression tangled and twisted.

"I don't know? As the spirit of the black hole, you don't know how big this place is?"

Long Fei was helpless and full of doubts.

Not knowing this sentence made him feel a little confused.

Even the spirit of the black hole born here doesn't know if there is an end here, then when will he kill?

Long Fei suddenly felt that he did not take advantage of the system, but regarded it as cheap labor.

At this moment, he felt it was necessary to have a good chat with the system. But without waiting for Long Fei to think, the spirit of the black hole suddenly said: "In the black hole zone, there are countless spirits of the black hole. As far as I can perceive, there are more than 90,000. And the deeper they go, the stronger they are. "The spirit of the black hole said, emotionally

Also gradually stabilized.

"The deeper the deeper, the stronger, so to speak, all I have encountered before are Caibo?" Long Fei was taken aback.

Suddenly, Long Fei thought of the first black hole spirit he had encountered.

I thought that the other party was an extremely powerful existence, but now it seems that the other party is just a little rubbish, just the most delicious one among the countless black hole spirits.

After all, that was what I encountered at the very edge.

Reminiscing about the attitude of the spirit of the black hole towards himself and the performance of the spirit of the black hole in front of him,  Long Fei had only one thought in his heart.

That's ignorance... it's really scary.

"Theoretically this is the case, but there are accidents. But the deeper it is, the stronger it is. This is unchanging." said the black hole spirit.

Long Fei nodded.

"Then can you feel the breath of another person?" Long Fei asked.

This is the top priority.

Xiao Wudi is now safe and sound, so the next step is naturally Xiao Yingdao.

But the spirit of darkness shook his head at this moment.

"The adults happen to be within the range of the spirit of the black hole that I sensed, so I can feel and even see the divine might of adults. But apart from adults, I can't feel anyone else." said the spirit of the black hole. .

Long Fei's face fell silent.

Can't perceive?

This means that Xiao Ying Dao should be deeper.

"Well, in this case, you take my son and leave. I think you, as the spirit of the black hole, will definitely have the means to leave the black hole." Long Fei said.

"Naturally, I have the means to leave. However, this black hole zone is infinitely long and there are many civilized worlds around it. Where am I going?" the spirit of the black hole asked, as if amnesty.

He really didn't want you to face Long Fei, in front of Long Fei, it was too depressing. If it weren't for Long Fei, he didn't mean to target him at all, I'm afraid that the moment Long Fei appeared, he would have collapsed.

Long Fei was also asked this question.

He didn't have a star map in his hands, and there was no place in the civilized world.

"Father, I want to travel by myself. Don't worry, I have the spirit of the black hole now, and there will be no danger even if I enter the black hole zone again in the future. And my current strength is also very strong." Long Wudi Said.

He naturally saw Long Fei's embarrassment.

So please take the initiative.

"Okay, my son, Long Fei, is naturally not a scumbag. Since you have the determination to make your own way, then as you wish." Long Fei nodded.

The flowers in the greenhouse will not bloom in full bloom.

He naturally didn't want his son to be inactive.

"Okay, daddy, then I will leave now. You must see it and bring it back to your brother." Xiao Wudi looked at Long Fei, and Yiliani solemnly said.

"Don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with me," Long Fei said.

Xiao Wudi nodded, and then before Long Fei said more, the spirit of manipulation disappeared, but in an instant, it disappeared.

Long Fei sighed while looking at Long Wudi's figure. He knew that now was the real beginning of Long Wu's life.

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