Long Fei felt uncomfortable, like a rootless duckweed floating in the void, walking all the way, aimlessly.

All this is carried out under the control of the system.

Long Fei didn't even know where the system was going to take him.

"System, this apprentice system, how many apprentices do you want?" Long Fei asked.

no respond.

The system is too lazy to respond to Long Fei's unnutritious topics.

"System, in fact, I don't think you need to be rushed. Now that girl Hanyue may not be able to handle everything." Long Fei said.

But in fact, what Long Fei thought was.

Li Hanyue must have been grateful to him now, as long as she was a little bit diligent, it is estimated that Li Hanyue would be completely homed.

At that time, not only the triggered task can be completed, maybe there will be special system rewards.

Even Long Fei is extremely curious in his heart. This reward is kept secret for the time being, but what will happen.

"Ding, the player's apprenticeship has reached the bottleneck, and it will take a long time to break through. By then, the player will have a very long time for rewards." The system voice fell.

Long Fei was shocked.

It turned out to be so.

In an instant, Long Fei no longer thought about it, and no longer thought about any mess.

The most important thing is to restore one's own cultivation base.

For a while, Long Fei no longer cared about the system's decision-making, but had some expectations in his heart.

Time passed by.

Finally, at a certain moment, Long Fei felt that he finally stopped.

But the world in front of him made Long Fei feel a little moved.

This is a piece of magic land.

There was blood and killing everywhere.

What I saw was a sea of ​​corpses and blood, shocking.

In fact, as far as Long Fei is concerned, killing is already commonplace.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it appeared in such a world. For Long Fei, it was a dimensionality reduction attack.

If he wants to, a knife can break the world.

But now in a normal state of mind, seeing such a picture, Long Fei felt cruel.

If you let those in the world of respect know, you will definitely curse shamelessly.

"Is my second apprentice still a member of the Demon Race?" Long Fei thought.

The system has said that this is to find a second apprentice.

But staying here now is naturally impossible for no reason. It can only be said that his second apprentice is here.

It's just that there is no one inhabited here, you can't see anything, let alone a figure, you can't even see a ghost.

Long Fei looked at the environment in front of him, lost in thought.

"The door has just been wiped out, the people who slaughtered here will not leave here for more than a few minutes!" Long Fei looked at the picture in front of him and analyzed.

The smell of blood here is still in the air.

There is even a devilish energy, still rippling in the air, and it all means that everything that happened here was just not long ago.

However, the people here have been completely annihilated, and they are the kind of souls and souls. Even if Long Fei has monstrous means to understand what happened, it is impossible.

Suddenly, a cry suddenly appeared in Long Fei's ears.

Long Fei was taken aback.

"Is anyone still alive?"

Long Fei felt incredible.

You know, even though he hasn't recovered his physical body now, he can definitely perceive everything. Within the radius, let alone anyone, even if the flying insects are still there, they can't hide Long Fei's perception.

But he didn't expect that he was close in front of him, but he didn't feel that someone was still there.

In the next moment, Long Fei followed the crying sound to find the past.

Soon, Long Fei found a clue in a dry well.

"It turned out to be like this. I said how can anyone escape my perception here. It turns out that there is a **** in the body."

At a glance, Long Fei could see through the problem.

In this dry well is a baby.

But what really caught Long Fei's attention was not the baby itself, but a jade pendant on the baby's body.

A dragon-shaped jade pendant.

However, the appearance of this dragon made Long Fei dare not compliment.

If Xiaobing were here, Long Fei might give him an ancestor recognition.

Because this is the pterosaur that gave birth to two wings.

But it is definitely not Yinglong among the dragons.

If it is explained based on the knowledge that Long Fei learned on the earth before, this is the western dragon.

"I don't know if there is a dragon in this world. If you see me, will you tremble." Long Fei thought in his heart.

He is the ancestor dragon of the ancient world.

In the accident of Long Batian, he was the largest among the entire dragon clan, and he was Zulong.

But in such a world, Long Fei couldn't tell what it was like.

"Ding, it is detected that the player apprentice is nearby, please pay attention to the player and find the right time."

Just as Long Fei was stunned, a voice suddenly appeared in Long Fei's ears.

The system reminded again!

"My grass, system, your sister is joking, there is only such a little kid in this area, don't you say, let me accept him as a disciple? Is it possible that I will be a dad for a few years? If so If I want to restore my cultivation, let alone think about it."

Long Fei said directly.

This is simply joking.

If the new apprentice is a baby, even he is born extraordinary. It is impossible to do the same as Long Wudi and Long Yingdao, who come up with great supernatural powers.

Therefore, Long Fei expressed her rejection in her heart.

But the system did not give any response at this time.

Long Fei was anxious, about to get angry, but suddenly, he caught a breath.

"Huh? Someone is here?"

Long Fei stopped accusing the system and looked back.

I saw a woman in a black gauze walking slowly.

The figure is exquisite and elegant, and the curve is enchanting.

At just a glance, Long Fei had a sense of expectation for the other party.

From bottom to top, Long Fei gradually looked up and finally caught the other's facial features.


Apart from Li Hanyue, Long Fei was the second woman in the world who could be defined as a perfect woman, even compared to her own woman.

More importantly, there is a touch of evil charm on this woman.

Extremely cold.

It's as if you are carrying a killer.

But this is not the point for Long Fei. The point is that there is an exclamation mark on her head.

This shows that this is the person I am really looking for.

"Old **** critics, originally I thought you had changed your tastes and wanted me to accept a child as an apprentice? But now it seems that I have been thinking too much. Excellent as always." Long Fei sighed, extremely satisfied with the apprentices selected by the system this time.

This feeling is even more impulsive than when Li Hanyue was accepted.

Because of this, it is hotter and more enchanting.

The dress is also bolder.

Simply satisfy all his fantasies.

But at this time, the woman couldn't feel him at all, just walked straight to the dry well.

Then he stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the child in the dry well gradually rose up, and finally fell into her hands.

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