The woman grabbed the child in her palm.

And on her chest, a light flashed suddenly, and then a black dragon floated out of the flower city directly from it.

Needless to say, it was the western dragon that Long Fei had guessed before.


The dragon roared.

"That's it, kill him,   kill him, take the dragon mark on his chest, I can fit together, and then I can be stronger." The giant dragon bewitched.

But the woman in front of her was caught in hesitation.

There was some hesitation and struggle in his eyes.

Obviously, she wanted to grab the pendant on the baby's chest, but she couldn't make her kill the little guy in front of her.

"Why, have you forgotten your hatred? Have you forgotten how those people treated you? Don't you want to take revenge anymore?"  Black Dragon continued to bewitched.

And she kept floating up and down in front of the woman, and every time she swam around, there would be a black aura that flickered on him.

Under the influence of this breath, the woman's face gradually became more gloomy.

A wicked smile appeared on her face.

Ruthless, with ruthlessness.

"You're right, everyone in this world deserves to die. I would rather take the world's people instead of the world's people!"

The woman wanted the pupils in her eyes to gradually lose their luster, and a monstrous hatred erupted on her.

"Ding, trigger the prerequisite task of accepting apprentices, save the baby, and the reward will be stated separately."

Long Fei is watching a play.

To the world, he is a passer-by.

Although it is not enough to say that he hates the world deeply, but Long Fei will not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

But likewise, Long Fei didn't have any special feelings for people in the world, so he didn't even think about saving the baby.

But what Long Fei didn't expect was that the system had another wave of Sao operations at this time, and he had directly assigned himself a task. At this moment, even if he wanted to stand by and watch, it was impossible.

However, Long Fei looked embarrassed.


How to save?

Should I set fire to others if they want to kill?

Then pass the sound directly, if you kill, I will set fire.

Long Fei is afraid that the other party will say something directly. Why should we form a group?

Come to a man and woman?

One light and one dark, and then a swan song?

In an instant, Long Fei felt that the system was doing itself.

"System, although I have recovered some strength now, but I don't have a physical body now, you won't let me use three thousand powers when I come up?"

Long Fei reluctantly refuted.

It wasn't that Long Fei wanted to hide his clumsiness, but that he had no physical body now, and he couldn't control it at all. If he used it, he was afraid that this world would be affected.

If the time comes to provoke the attention of other temple spirits in this Promise Temple, he can't resist it because he has no physical body now.

"Ding, considering the player's current state, the system has decided to reissue the player's compensation reward in the black hole."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for gaining the power of Ancestral Dragon."

The system sound suddenly dropped.

Long Fei was stunned.

That's it?

Damn, how cruel was what I killed in the black hole back then, and now I just sent him the power to restore the Ancestral Dragon?

Is this something human can do?

"System, believe it or not, I don't need to take action, nor do I need to do quests. I can now penetrate the Origins?" Long Fei said suddenly.

"Are you kidding me?" the system responded.

"You made a joke with me first." Long Fei was very determined.

Resolutely cannot obey.

This is taking advantage of the loopholes.

A player yourself? Can the system take advantage of it?

This is a kind of contempt for his IQ.

The system fell silent, and Long Fei fell silent.

"Ding, this is only one of the rewards, it is a choice under the time." For a long time, the system compromised.

It seemed that Long Fei's attitude was too determined now, and he did not dare to press too hard.

"It's pretty much the same."

Long Fei accepted it calmly.

This opening must not be opened, otherwise the system will not know how to detain itself in the future.

"Ding, congratulations to the players for acquiring the power of the Ancestral Dragon." The system voice fell again.

Immediately, Long Fei could feel a unique and violent Ancestral Dragon breath throughout his body.

If it weren't for the fact that he doesn't have a physical body now, Long Fei really wants to soar directly.

However, now Long Fei has no consideration in this regard.

Since the system even gave him the power of Ancestral Dragon in order to complete this task, it proved that this is definitely not a simple task, and there must be other things involved in the follow-up.

So in an instant, Long Fei made a move.

At the same time, the woman was just about to shoot.

But suddenly.


The black dragon roared and fell directly from the void.

He fell heavily to the ground.

The woman also regained her clarity.

It's just that the woman didn't know what was going on, she just looked at her with a puzzled face, wondering how this vicious black dragon suddenly became so miserable.

"No! What kind of breath is this?" The black dragon wailed on the ground, his wings began to shrink together, and the scales on his body opened one by one, as if being pulled out by life.

Simply put.

He is directly degenerating.

The ferocity and aura on his body dissipated with a force visible to the naked eye.

"What's wrong with you?" The woman was puzzled, wondering what happened.

"Who is it, who is doing me. This is bloodline suppression. The supreme power of the Dragon Clan appears to deprive me of my bloodline. No, it is impossible. The Dragon Clan does not have such a strong existence." The black dragon roared, boundless. Under pain, life is better than death.

The woman was even more surprised.

Because in her cognition, this black dragon is extremely powerful.

Unexpectedly, it was so miserable now.

More importantly, she didn't even know who was doing it now.

"Dragons, what species are you, dare to call them dragons?"

At this moment, Long Fei spoke.

Long Fei knew that he should have played by himself at this time.

"Who is it?" The woman was taken aback suddenly.

His eyes looked around warily.

But obviously, she couldn't find Long Fei's existence at all.

"Don't look, little girl. This seat is a supreme existence, and it's just a thought that comes here at this moment, you can't find me at all." Long Fei pretended to be profound, and said.

"Impossible, even a strong man in the Conferred God Realm would not be able to do this." Heilong struggled, and his extreme pain made him seem to be in a state of violent violence.

"Dare to be arrogant when you die?" Long Fei sneered.

If it weren't for this black hole to be useful to him, Long Fei would directly turn into a reptile.

Of course, it is not to say that the black dragon has any use value to Long Fei.

It was that he had already felt that there was a certain inexplicable connection between this black dragon and his future little apprentice. What he was afraid of was just how easy it would be to make a move by himself, which would affect his apprentice.

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