The figure of Ji Zang disappeared in the void out of thin air, and the portal also disappeared into dots of light.

Long Fei was lost.

Naturally, feelings are indispensable in my heart.

It seemed that he was the most irresponsible master in history. After receiving his apprentice for only half a day, he directly exiled the apprentice.

At this time, Mu Nanyou and Black Dragon were also dead. What happened today is too shocking and has changed their inner perception.

"The ancestors are awesome."

After a long while, Heilong sighed with emotion.

He can only use the most popular adjective to describe Long Fei.

Mysterious and powerful!

What monstrous horror, the only one in the past, is already too popular, and it is not as appropriate as a powerful sentence.

Mu Nanyou no longer had the pride and coldness he had before.

Even she now clearly recognizes it.

In front of Long Fei, Long Fei would not be tempted by her appearance at all. Among other things, the fact that Long Fei was able to take out a portal to Yanglong Temple between his backhands was enough to prove his mystery and horror.

How can such existence be easily moved by a woman.

Now she knew how superficial her thoughts were before.

Thinking about the change of Long Fei's attitude before and after, she was even more upset. She felt that all of this was on her own.

Originally, all these opportunities should belong to her. But because of her arrogance and unwillingness to believe, she is missing everything now.

Thinking of Long Fei's ignorance of her now, her heart was a mess, with infinite regret.

If Long Fei knew what she was thinking in her mind, she would definitely laugh and laugh.

The reason why he is indifferent to Munanyou is because he wants to establish a person for himself.

Otherwise, this girl will definitely think of herself as an old-fashioned critic.

"Master, you... don't you want to accept me as an apprentice?" Mu Nanyou said, his voice was full of grievances, and his voice was trembling, as if full of extravagance.

After all, she is also a person with blood and blood.

Therefore, she naturally knew that all her hopes now lay in Long Fei.

Long Fei was taken aback.

Inexplicably, there was a sting in my heart.

It seems that Mu Nanyou has become so delicate in front of him, but it makes his heart even more touched.

"Who said that? Since you call me a master, then you are naturally my apprentice." Long Fei said.

"Then master you..." Mu Nanyou hesitated to say something.

She still feels that Long Fei has any opinion on her in her heart, so she has ignored her.

"What am I? Don't you believe in being a teacher? If you don't show a little real ability as a teacher, you might not know how many eyes the Lord Ma has!" Long Fei couldn't bear to continue torturing Mu Nanyou.

"Mawangye? Who is Mawangye?" How could Mu Nanyou know this classic quote on earth.

Naturally, he was dumbfounded.

"This is not the point." Long Fei interrupted directly.

"Don't pay attention to these details, what I want to prove is that I am really awesome." Long Fei said.

"I believe you, no matter what the master says now, I believe it." Mu Nanyou said quickly.

She is like a bird with a frightened bow, and a word from Long Fei will cause huge fluctuations in her heart. So now what Long Fei said, she did not dare to have any thoughts and responded directly.

"Just know it." Long Fei was proud.

"Damn, this girl is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Fortunately, my personal calculation is set up, otherwise it's really not easy." Long Fei thought in his heart.

Mu Nanyou is too thoughtful and has a strong inner attachment.

If you can't suppress her now, let's not say anything else, then shutting up your mouth means that you are greedy for my body, so you will accept me as a disciple.

Who can stand it.

Simply, it can be regarded as suffocating Munanyou now.

Thinking of this, Long Fei said: "You are different from your junior, and you are also different from your senior sister. That's why I want to save you until the end, and then I can concentrate on solving your practice problems." Long Fei said.


But when Munanyou heard it, his heart was moved. I feel that I am Long Fei's favorite.

As for the younger brother and sister, he didn't care at all.

She is the most loved one.

"Master cares about me the most. Because of my special situation, Master has to stay till the end." Mu Nanyou thought in his heart.

Driven by this idea, she was only touched.

He even blamed himself and felt that he had misunderstood Long Fei.

In an instant, a great sense of guilt emerged in my heart.

"Master, I feel your painstaking effort, I swear, I will not let you down. Master, no matter what your existence, I must chase from your perspective." Mu Nanyou vowed secretly in his heart.

"The teacher knows your situation, so you must be immersed in your mind to create the exercises for you. Simply, now your junior’s problem is solved. So now, let the teacher create the exercises for you." Long Fei pretended deep.

Slap and give another sweet date.

This is the routine he is carrying out now.

The purpose is to break through Mu Nanyou's heart.

"Ding, congratulations to the players for triggering the task, making Munanyou fall in love, and rewards confidential." The system voice suddenly fell.

When Long Fei heard it, he had a heartbreak.

"Fuck, system, are you treating Lao Tzu as a stallion? How can you do this?" Long Fei was furious.

However, this anger is very weak.

"Ding, please don't pretend to be in front of the system, you are clearly excited." The system responded indifferently without expression.

Long Fei was taken aback.

He wanted to say something, do you have to tell the truth?

Am I shameless?

Long Fei was helpless, but there was no way.

"System, why is the reward confidential again?" Long Fei asked.

Li Hanyue seemed to be like this before, and Long Fei thought that the mission had been completed, but before he had time to enjoy the results, he was sent by the system to look for Mu Nanyou.

"The player has no permission to know." The system said.

Long Fei was silent for a moment.

He felt that the system was losing his appetite.

Therefore, even if he asks a few more questions, it will not help.

"Forget it, wait for Lao Tzu to complete the task, and then be sure to see what idea you are making." Long Fei thought in his heart.


Long Fei fell into silence.

If he wants to, he can give Mu Nanyou the total steel of the magic way now.

But the words have already been said, and now it is natural to behave more deeply, so that I can show that I have really worked hard this time.

Otherwise, Mu Nanyou thought he was lying to him.

In a blink of an eye, three hours passed.

And Long Fei was finally a little impatient.


Long Fei gently applied force, coughed slightly, and then spit out a mouthful of blood.

Of course, the others still did not show up.

But this bit of blood shocked Mu Nanyou and Heilong instantly.

The black dragon was extremely eager, and almost without any hesitation, he dashed up and swallowed the blood.

And Mu Nanyou is extremely worried. "Master, what's wrong with you?"

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