Mu Nanyou is now convinced by Long Fei, it can be said that what Long Fei is saying now is what she has in her heart.

There is no doubt at all.

In other words, she has truly recognized Long Fei in her heart and believes that Long Fei is her master.

Therefore, now Long Fei's every move will affect his mind, let alone Long Fei vomiting blood.

"It's okay to be a teacher, it's just a painstaking effort and a little effort." Long Fei said lightly.

But in fact, he has nothing to do now, just to make Mu Nanyou feel guilty.

Sure enough, a self-blaming look appeared directly on Mu Nanyou's face.

It seems that she is now the chief culprit looking back, she is the root of all evils.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Master, I'm sorry, I was wrong, it was all my fault. If it weren't for me, Master would not get hurt at all, I'm sorry Master." Mu Nanyou blamed himself and felt that he made a big mistake .

"You are my apprentice. If you don't feel sorry for your teacher, who will feel sorry for you." Long Fei was shameless, followed the vine and went one step further, preparing to run himself into a master Yan.

"Master!" Mu Nanyou suddenly looked up.

The master called out from his mouth.

Tears were also in his eyes.

It can be seen how moved her heart is.

Long Fei: Uh uh uh...

Long Fei suddenly felt that he was a bad old man, very bad! She turned a devil into a little woman.

"You don't need to be like this. This is what a teacher should do." Long Fei said frankly.

However, the more he said this, the more moved Mu Nanyou's heart, the more unable to extricate himself.

"Master, no matter what you want, I will not refuse." Mu Nanyou said.

This discourse is full of guidance.

This made Long Fei couldn't help but think of the four words Yishenxiangxu.

Indeed, with Munanyou's face like this, any man can't refuse it if it is said to be accepted by the body.

"Nan You, you still have a bit of a misunderstanding about being a teacher. Well, when the teacher will come here in the future, I will talk about other things when the time comes. But now, the teacher will teach you the exercises I have painstakingly promoted." Long Fei paved a way for himself, for fear that Mu Nanyou would not admit it in the future.

But at the same time, the topic has also changed.

"Well, Master, don't worry, I'll wait for you." Mu Nanyou is very determined.

In the emptiness, Long Fei could only shake his head and sigh.

"Eh, this **** personality charm. Wouldn't it be the charm points blessed by the previous system, but now it works again? Sure enough, I, Long Fei, really is Long Fei." Long Fei praised himself in his heart.

Holding the sun and the moon and picking the stars, there is no one like me in the world.

Inexplicably, he felt a lonely master in his heart.

It is a pity that he is not physically present now, otherwise he will definitely sigh: "Life...lonely as snow."


After a while, Long Fei directly taught Mu Nanyou the master plan.

The aura on Mu Nanyou's body also surged suddenly at this moment.

After all, her previous cultivation base was not low, although it was because of the spirituality, but this cultivation base was actually her own cultivation.

If it weren't for her appearance, she should already be in the Qi state.

Therefore, she naturally understood the basics of cultivation.

However, this Demon Dao general outline is the same as the previous Ksitigarbha and Li Hanyue's, they are all changing her own strength, and will not really improve her cultivation.

For example, Li Hanyue's sword power dantian.

Surrounded by the ghost power of Jizo.

This change is to change their own power system.

Although they limited their power attributes, they brought unlimited possibilities for their power.

They are the representatives of this kind of power, and even in the future, they can become the only ones and the supreme beings.

And this seems to be the original intention of the system.

All power is developed systematically, and it seems that if a student is selected, a master plan will be given.

Therefore, Long Fei was also happy and leisurely, and didn't have to think about it so much.

Step by step, just give the system power directly.

And with the passage of time, now the aura on Mu Nanyou's body has also become very strange.

The demonic energy is surging, and the demonic flame is overwhelming.

Groups of magic fire burned, directly covering her body, the black flames were terrifying and shocking, even the black dragon in front of them felt heart palpitations.

As if feeling a crush on the soul.

"Old ancestor, what kind of power is this, why is it so terrifying, second only to your suppression of my bloodline." Heilong endured the pain, shivering, and asked.

"The magic way is crushed. Although you are a dragon clan, you also belong to the category of the devil. And what I gave her is the magic way." Long Fei said.

"Dao Dao? Are you still the ancestor of the Dao Dao?" Heilong was shocked, and his eyes became more admired.

He felt that Long Fei was now an omnipotent transcendent existence.

"I am not, I am not, don't talk nonsense."

Long Fei denied Sanlian.

Thinking of a network novel that I heard about in the past life, the ancestor of the magical path, I can't help feeling cold.

The black dragon froze for a moment, and froze on the spot.

He originally wanted to seize the opportunity to compliment Long Fei, but he didn't expect that Long Fei would deny it so simply, and even tried to get rid of it.

For a while, he could only be silent.

At this moment, Mu Nanyou slowly opened his eyes.

But as soon as he opened his eyes, even Long Fei felt a little bit of astonishment.

No whites!

The whole eyes are like black holes, endless darkness, full of depth and unknown, as if viciously, nurturing a troll.

"Good guy, do I have to cultivate a peerless great demon by myself. Tsk tsk, but it seems to look good." Long Fei said with emotion.

What about demons, what about gods?

There is no definition at all in Long Fei's mind.

The only difference is the power of practice.

As the saying goes, everybody who kills dogs is always ruthless.

This is like a perfect interpretation of gods and demons.

Even though it is a demon, there are also the most true and good people. Even if it is a god, there are moralists. Therefore, Long Fei would not treat him differently because of his cultivation power.

What's more, this is his own apprentice.

"I remember I still have a task, but it's a pity that the coffin of eternal life has not been completely refined, and the body of eternal life is also missing the last step, so the task is also the last link." Long Fei sighed in his heart.

"My violent Overlord Flower, I will return soon." Long Fei thought infinitely.

But soon, this thought was forcibly suppressed by Long Fei.

The top priority is now Mu Nanyou.

At this time, Mu Nanyou also gradually woke up.

She slowly raised her head.

"Master..." she said lightly.

There was a tremor in her voice, which shows how strong the shock this time has brought to her heart.

At this time, Long Fei also looked at Mu Nanyou.

In just a moment, Long Fei said to me, and it came to mind directly.

"Fuck, so perverted?"

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