The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 906: Rolling victory

The first battle was the dragon dragon's mad dragon team.

At the same time, it was the first battle of the alchemy contest. It was actually a person who had a personal ranking and a repetition of the 18th martial arts. Otherwise, they would conduct three trials together.

"Choose Alchemy?"

Ouyang’s brow was picked and sneered. “Since you choose alchemy, your mad dragon team will stop here.”

The dean of Lingshuiwuyuan smiled slightly and said: "On a team composed of a group of female disciples, they are directly slammed down."

"Dragonfly seems to get the super **** score?"

"Ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha... he is just a joke."

Many deans laughed loudly and unscrupulously.

Song Qianqian five people went to the ring.

At the same time, the enchantment on the ring is opened, and the enchantment of the ring is a kind of protection measure, so that the power of the battle will not be released, so as not to hurt the innocent.

"Five big beautiful women."

"Big beauty, we don't want to destroy flowers, as long as you admit defeat, and become our double companion in front of the whole college, we will spare you." The captain of the Lingshui team smiled proudly.

Looking at the Song thousand and five people, one is more than a water spirit, can not wait to push them all into the bed.

Song Qianqian smiled slightly: "If you don't talk, you can still live with your life. It's your stinking mouth that hurts you."

Sakura said: "You, and your team have to die in the ring."

The captain of the Lingshui team sneered with disdain and said, "Do you want to face your face?"

"Brothers, wait until you are welcome, first tear the clothes on them, let everyone see what the beauty on the beauty list doesn't wear clothes."

"Ha ha ha..."

Everyone laughed.

Song Qianqian’s eyes were slightly stunned.

Also at this time,

The host said a little, "The team qualifying, the first game, the mad dragon team against the Lingshui team, the game begins!"

The voice fell.

The captain of the Lingshui team showed an evil smirk and said: "Little people, squatting under our arm, hahaha..."


Before he finished laughing, a cold and cold sword crossed his neck, and then he felt a deep feeling in his heart.

The right hand touched it gently and looked at the blood on the palm of his hand. The body trembled slightly and said: "This, this, you, you,,"


The body fell backwards, and fell heavily on the ground, and blood rushed out of the neck.

Song Qianqian’s figure also fell, shouting: “Call again, why not?”

A sword is killed.


The captain did not respond at all, and it should be that he did not respond at all, a sword spike!

The entire audience on the battlefield did not respond.

The dean of the Lingshui Academy also had a smug smile on his face. Looking at the scene on the ring, his smile began to become stiff.


The face of the Dean of the Eighteenth Military Academy has also become difficult to look.

Panic eyes, a cold, "waste."

"Oh la la..."

The whole audience was in a state of utter disappointment. All of them got up and stretched out their necks and stared at the platform. "Scorpio, a sword spike, how fierce it is, it is amazing."

"This female disciple is too overbearing."

"I just couldn't see how she got the sword."

"A fierce mess."


Countless people are shocked.

Only one person was not shocked, Longfei.

What did Song Qianqian repair?

What strength is she?

Longfei is very clear. If she is angry, it is a sword deadly, so... It turns out that don't provoke a woman, otherwise the consequences will be very miserable.



The remaining members of the Lingshui team all brushed their knees on the ground, a pale face and a trembling body. Their most powerful captains were killed by a sword, and their will to fight also collapsed. There is no fighting power.

Sakura stepped forward and said: "Thousands of sisters, let them sing and conquer."


Song Qianqian smiled a little, "good idea."

"A few of you have heard it clearly. I sang one sentence. You sing one sentence, understand?" Song Qianchi laughed. Her eyes looked at the position of the 18th martial arts square. "It was conquered by you."

"Sing me!"

This is what Longfei taught her, and she only learned it once.

The four men of the Lingshui team whispered: "So you are conquered..."

"Let's be loud, I want to die, right?" Sakura's temper was a drink.

The four immediately screamed out the strength of breastfeeding, "it was conquered by you."

Song Qianqian swept the whole city and said: "Want to get our mad dragon team, there is a kind of you coming, I want you to sing and conquer on the ground one by one."


This makes the people of the Eighteenth Armed Forces extremely unhappy.

Ouyang’s eyebrows were stunned. “A sword was killed, and the face of the Eighteenth Armed Forces was lost by the people of your Lingshui Academy.”

"Give me a quick check, what is this female disciple?"

He knew nothing about the background of Song Qianqian.

The entire Emperor's College knows that there are very few people in Song Qianqian, which is also because she rarely shows up.

The host shouted reluctantly, "The mad dragon team won and entered the next round."



"Longfei brother's team won." Yuner jumped up, everyone smiled, but not so happy.


This is only the first game, and the Lingshui team is just cannon fodder. They are only used to test the strength of the mad dragon team. The power of Song Qianqian is exposed, and the next battle will be targeted and focused.


Originally, the Eighteenth Military Academy was comprehensively targeted at Longfei, and now it seems that there is one more targeted object.

Just when Song Qianqian won the first game.

The Longfei Alchemy Test is over.

Soon, although there is no killing of Song Qianqian, it is almost the same.

"Dragon flies."

"Go into the next round."

Everyone is paying attention to the team game. No one pays attention to how Longfei is alchemy. He only hears the referee, and the first alchemy contest is over.

"What is the situation?"

"How come you won?"

“Is alchemy so fast?”

"Leng Fei refining the medicinal herbs of the six grades of Xianxian, I don’t have to look at it to know that he won."

"Xianpin six?"

Many people were shocked. "Is he a master of Xiandan?"


"The boss won." The knife was excited.

The heart of the black knife is also slightly loose. He has been watching Longfei. He knows that Longfei is an alchemy teacher, but he did not expect his alchemy ability to be so strong.

Then there is no lie to him.

Yuner’s eyes may indeed be cured.

Yuner laughed very joyfully and said: "Longfei brother is so powerful, the first game is completely crushed."

"The mad dragon team is so powerful, completely crushed."


In the observation group, the battles were stunned and cold and cold: "Longfei, don't be too proud, this is just the beginning!"


Chapter One,

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