The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 907: Exquisite explosion

Both battles have been successful.

Rolling victory.

Longfei returned to the team and was excited: "The bulls are screaming."

Sakura said with a smile: "I haven't shot yet, and thousands of sisters are too powerful."

Song Qianqian said: "I can't stand it."

Longfeidao: "You are too early to expose yourself, the next battle will be a bit difficult, but according to my tactical arrangement will not be a problem."

He believes in his own tactics.

With years of experience in the game, his tactics are definitely the best.

This is confident that Longfei is still there.

Song Qianqian said: "You can rest assured, I will pay attention."


Song Qianqian looked at one place and said: "The people of the Pan family are also here."

Long Fei mouth corner hook, smiled and said: "I saw it."

I am afraid that no one knows the people of the Pan family before him, because... the golden light on the battle, the golden light from the boss is too glaring.

Long Fei just saw it when he entered the stadium.

I was so excited inside, "Panggu opened the axe, is this an ancient artifact?"

Longfei’s heart has been obsessed with the Pangu Axe since the battle, and he is the same for good things.

This time the battle reappeared, and Longfei secretly said: "I have to find a way to explode him."

The Yanhuang ancestors suddenly interjected: "I need a little bit of ancient blood, and the purity of the Pangu blood flowing on his body should be higher."

Longfei snorted and said: "Old ancestors, what do you want to do with the ancient blood?"

Since Yanhuang's ancestors promised to create a 'blood pulse' for Longfei, every time the dragonfly kills the boss, the blood of the monster will get a little bit better than the dragon knife.

What is it?

What kind of blood is you going to create?

Yan Huang’s ancestors smiled and said: “You will know how long it will take. I need some super-grade blood power. I just paid attention to it. Don’t say, Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Hyun Dance, there are many If the disciples of the blood of the gods can absorb the blood of their bodies, the process of blood research and development will be doubled."

Longfei glimpsed, "What blood is it?"

The Yan Huang ancestors smiled mysteriously: "You will know when you get there."

Longfei did not ask more.


"The second game, played by the Battle of the Armed Forces..."

The contest of the team is continuing.

In addition to the last year's quarter-finals without the need for external warfare, the other 20 teams will compete for eight places, and finally the knockout.

After half an hour.

The first round of alchemy trials ended.

According to the rules of the game, the second round will take place after ten minutes.

However, it does not.

Instead, I am waiting for the end of the first round of the team.

Still aiming at Longfei, I will not let Longfei have time to participate in alchemy, but also participate in the team test, and the dragonfly.

"Fighting with me, you should have the waste from the South Tianyu. You have no status. If you want to have no status, you can fight with me by Qiu Wandao, the over-powered dean?"


The battle was cold and said: "Dragon, you can't play!"

"The second round begins."

"The first game, the mad dragon team against the second team."

"The first game of the second round of the alchemy test, Longfei vs. Wu Changkun."

"Please ask the players to go out."

It is done at the same time.

Do not give Longfei any chance at all.

Song Qianqian said: "Longfei, you can rest assured in the team game, we will not let you down."

Longfei smiled and said: "You never let me down."

Linglong suddenly said: "Senior brother, Wu Changkun is a senior disciple of Ling Danwuyuan. His alchemy is very strong. You must be careful."


Longfei smiled.

His current alchemy has reached the ninth grade.

Even the elders of the Ling Dan martial arts are few of his opponents.

Longfei is not worried about the alchemy.

It is Song Qianqian, and they are not at ease in Longfei’s heart.

The second team of the War Wushu Academy was repaired as a real fairyland. They were all three-year high-ranking disciples. They did not appear when Longfei challenged the Warriors.

"The Second Combat Team, the average strength of the virtual fairy four realm."

"The strength of this secret training has all improved a lot." The dean of the Warrior Academy said slightly, "It is more than enough to deal with these female disciples."

Ouyang Warfare: "How about what I told you to do?"

Dean of the War Wu smiled and said: "I have already told people to pass on. Longfei must have thought that we would target Song Qianqian, but... they certainly would not think that we are targeting the weakest of them."


Ouyang war sinisterly smiled and said: "It is time for Longfei to see the blood, hahaha... In addition to these five female disciples, there are a few martial arts disciples left, one by one, seeing How is he playing?"

Also at this time.

The dean of the Lingdan martial arts also came up with a smile and said: "Everything is arranged properly, and the spirit grass used by Longfei has been dropped."

"These grasses don't want to refine specific medicinal herbs."


"Ha ha ha..." Ouyang war first laughed. "Well, this round will make Longfei completely annihilated!"

Ouyang war was extremely proud. When he looked at the alchemy field, he smiled coldly: "The kid, strength is important, but sometimes the means is more important than strength, you are still too tender, hahaha..."


On the stage.

The disciples of the Second Combat Team of the Warrior were slightly moved, and they shot at the same time.

All attacked Song Qianqian.

For Song Qianqian?

Sakura, Mandala, Han Xueji, and Linglong also rushed up at the same time. "Thousands of sisters, we will help you."

"You are shameless."

Just as they rushed up, the moves of the second team of the War V. changed instantly. Suddenly, the five-person sword locked in the exquisite and the five swords came out.

"Exquisite and careful!"

Song Qianqian shouted.

This is premeditated, and the five people are changing too fast.


From the beginning their purpose was to be exquisite, not her!

The exquisite experience of the exquisite work is very down. In the face of a sudden attack, her heart panic and disordered.

The five swords sneaked and sealed all the retreats around her.

The battle was cold and laughed. "Yes, Ouyang War has a bit of a brain."

"This little girl is going to die."

Ouyang Zhan also smiled proudly. "When you are exquisite, you should be angry? When is it... Hahaha... Super God score? Establishing a new martial arts school? Longfei, you are a joke."

"Exquisite and careful."

Linglong looked at the five people sneak up, her heart was flustered, but her heart has been telling herself that she can't drag her brother's hind legs.

Can not drag the back legs of the mad dragon team.

Can't give trouble to the brothers.

I should do my best to help my brother.

In an instant, the wings of a pair of colorful feathers on the exquisite back screamed out...


Chapter two,

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