The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 922: Will die soon

The test of the day is over.

The mad dragon team will enter the top 16 and will compete in the top four tomorrow.

The next game is the focus.

It will collide with the super team of the four martial arts courts of Qinglong, Suzaku, Xuanwu and Baihu. It will be extremely difficult at that time.


What happened in the ring today made Longfei somewhat unexpected. He did not think that the people of the Eighteenth Armed Forces were so insidious and despicable.

They can no longer be allowed to take risks.

But now...

Chen Tianfei, they are still recovering. In addition to Song Qianqian, Longfei has no extra manpower.

Go back to your accommodation.

Haven't waited for Longfei to sit down, and an order has been passed over. "Longfei, tomorrow's alchemy is often carried out than the test. You are not allowed to be absent, otherwise you will be defeated."

Sun Datou immediately asked: "Dragon is not winning Xu Tianhe, is there anyone who is more powerful than Xu Tianhe alchemy?"

The disciple said: "Xu Tianhe and Longfei's alchemy test can only guarantee that he will enter tomorrow's game, and did not say that he should take the first."

"I am only responsible for the words. If you want to ask, I will ask the Qinglong Dean."


The disciple turned and left.

Sun Datou immediately shouted: "It’s too bully. It’s not said on the court at all. Isn’t this a bully?”

Fan Tongdao: "In order to suppress us, they can't do anything. Is it fair today? How did the Emperor Academy become like this?"

Oya is also a wrinkle, and said: "The entire Emperor Academy is targeting Longfei."

"Longfei, or we will withdraw from the competition?" Oya said slightly.

The first day was like this. There are still two days still not knowing what will happen. Longfei and the mad dragon team are extremely difficult every step forward.

Ouyang War will never let Longfei win easily.


They simply won't let Longfei win!

Song Qianqian looked at Longfei and said: "It is better for us to quit the Emperor Academy directly. It is too uncomfortable. Such a college is not qualified to become the first college of Xianyu."

"Not as good as the Dark Academy in our dark field."

Song Qianqian is not convinced.

Linglong followed: "I agree."

The mandala also woke up and said: "Longfei, is it better for us to go back to Nantianyu with you?"

Sakura immediately got excited and said: "Go back to Nantian, hahaha..."


"Back to the South Tianyu, not here to take the gas." Linglong also said.

They all want to see what kind of place Nanfei is living in Longfei, and they want to see what kind of family the dragon family is.

"South Tianyu..."

Longfei murmured, his heart sank slightly, said: "South Tianyu must return, but not now."

Nantianyu is also known as the land of waste and has not changed.

The only way he wants to change people's views is to win all the way, to explode the 18th martial arts, and to prove everything with his own strength.


He still has too many things not completed. In front of the ‘18 Arhats’ mission, Oya has not been conquered, Jianli King Kong, Knife King Kong, and Luohan King Kong have not returned.

My own father...

These he did not figure out, how would it be Nantian?

What qualifications are there to go back?

He came with the mission of the rise of Nantianyu. He has nothing to do now. What face is there to go back? I didn’t even see my father’s face. If I went to see my grandfather?

You have to figure this out and go back.

Although Longfei always wants to go back to Nantian, he must have a role!

Song Qianqian looked at Longfeidao: "The next game will definitely be directed at you, I am worried about you..."

Everyone looked at Longfei.

Longfei smiled lightly and said: "The more you target me, the more I will become stronger. The more they can't stop me, the more they will become mad."

"Do not worry, I will certainly bear everything."

He will never admit defeat.

Jedi will not bow!

There is no such thing as ‘conceived defeat, escapes’ in his dictionary.


Longfei looked at Oya and said: "Trouble you to go to Tianfenglou and let Sister Shanshan do some preparations. You can release the information of the "Shenzhen Sword Fragments" appearing at the auction."


Longfei took out a bottle and a Danfang from his arms and said: "This is the life of Haidan, let the elders of the medicinal family get familiar with it first. These two days will be acquired by the spirits. How much is there."

"Also, the auction venue can not be too large, the location does not need too much, it is one hundred, this is hunger marketing, a location price is set to a hundred Xianshi." Longfei said slowly.

Oya nodded and said, "Okay, I will go."

Oya quickly left.


Longfei took out some secondary nucleation from the space ring and said: "This is a variant nucleus that will allow you to improve your cultivation in a short time."

"Don't worry about its value, what I have is."

Longfei will release the variant Xianjing.

Tomorrow will be a fierce battle. Longfei’s previous preparations are not enough. Now I can only hold the Buddha’s feet temporarily and make everyone as strong as possible.

"You cultivate."

Longfei confessed and walked toward the courtyard of Qiuwandao.

The first day of the mad dragon team's battle was too hard. Longfei didn't want these girls to take risks again. Now I only hope that Chen Tianfei can recover as soon as possible.


Panjia Hall.

The Qinglong martial arts, Baihuwuyuan, Zhuquewuyuan, and the four deans of the Xuanwu martial arts were all in the hall, and their faces were unpleasant.

Xu Tianhe’s death made them all cool.


They said everything well, but now they are used as guns.

Ouyang warfare: "The elders of the plate, you must give an explanation today. Xu Tianhe is dead today. It is us who will die tomorrow."

They are very clear about the forces of the Panjia.

They also know that the eight elders of the Essence were bought by the Pan, but why was Xu Tianhe betrayed at the crucial time?

Pan Wei smiled slightly: "The four deans don't worry, Xu Tianhe's death is indeed an accident, and I also received the information at that time."

Xiao Tianwu: "Information? What information?"

Panzhan said with a smile: "I can't say this forgive me, but I am here to assure you that Longfei will die, and it will die in personal ranks."

"Tomorrow's game, you will continue to target Longfei, weaken his energy, strength, and if you can let the people around him die a few better."

"If you can't do it, it doesn't matter. Anyway, in personal rankings, he will definitely lose and he will die!"

The four presidents did not understand.

However, looking at the expression of confidence in the battle, their hearts began to get excited.

After half an hour.

The four deans left, and an elder of the Pan family came in.

"The Great Elders, Fengyuan Business Alliance is indeed secretly preparing for the auction, and just received the news, they got the Fragments of the First Swordsmen of Xiannian."

“Zhulongdan, which was refining at the Emperor's College today, will also appear at the auction.”

“What do we need to prepare for?”

The battle was cold and cold, saying: "Dragon, do you want the Jedi to fight back? Hey, a person who is going to die, I want to see how you fight back!"


The second chapter, ask for a monthly ticket!

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