Longfei is the absolute core. As long as he kills him, things that are centered on him can be easily dismantled.

Fengyuan Business Alliance?

Crazy Dragons?

His southern sky?

All of these will be smashed by the Panjia, so the battle is not anxious to deal with the Fengyuan Business Alliance, and even he did not want to deal with Fu Xishan in the past.

As long as you kill Dragonfly, everything is not a problem.

After the battle, I believe that after two days of personal qualifying, Longfei must have died in the ring and died in the hands of his disciples.

"Ha ha ha... Longfei, you just wait." Panic laughed.


at the same time.

In the small courtyard of Qiu Wandao, there are still a pile of ruins.


Under the ruins is a secret room.



A boring force crashed, followed by a thick mountain-like defensive force, and Chen Tianfei sank his arms.


His body is like a mountain standing in the same place.

Qiu Wandao nodded slightly: "You can go out."

"Ha ha ha..." Chen Tianfei smiled excitedly and said: "Thank you Qiu Lao, I can finally go out, almost killed me."

He cultivated defense and the strongest defense.

Therefore, the injury in his body recovered quickly and was the fastest of the four.

Chen Tianfei looked at the blade behind him and smiled. He said, "Brother, you cheer, fight for tomorrow, hahaha..."

The blade's scornful contempt: "Metamorphosis."

Wang Qingshan snorted and said: "Are you still a person?"

Zheng Qingsong admired: "Qiu Lao, can you put some water, we will recover almost the same, just a little bit."

Qiu Wandao immediately said: "No!"

"You three give me some quick training."


In the yard.

The Tsing Yi old man looked at Long Fei and said: "Today's things, the Emperor's College is doing too much. You should be more careful about tomorrow's game."

"And, you must be careful about the people who pass through the Temple of Heaven."

"They are the most insidious group of people in the world."

Longfei looked at the Tsing Yi old man and couldn't help but ask: "I was his father who was framed by the Taitian Temple? Where can he tell me now?"

The Western magic ancestors said that the Dragon Family and the Heavenly Heaven Hall have **** seas and enmity, and the Western Devils did not need to take this thing to joke with Longfei.

The Tongtian Temple on Xianyu has no relationship with Nantian.

The only possibility is that these hatreds are the feuds of his father and the Heavenly Hall.

For such a long time, only his father entered the fairyland.


Although there is no real evidence that Longfei is using him to look for the dragon domain, he is very clear in his heart. Since he used himself to find the dragon domain, was his father used to use it like this?

The old man in Tsing Yi frowned and said: "I don't know a lot of things, but you said it is good. The Dragon family has a **** revenge with the Tongtianxian Temple."

"As far as your father is, we don't know."

This is the truth.

He really doesn't know where the dragon battle is.

At this time, Qiu Wandao came out with Chen Fatzi.

Chen Tianfei saw the incredible excitement of Longfei and said: "Boss."

Longfei stunned and said: "Qiu Lao, how is he recovering?"

Qiu Wandao smiled and said: "This little fat man is simply a metamorphosis. The power of the gods are very powerful. Now even the general Jinxian realm is not wanting to hurt him. This guy's defense is too abnormal."

Chen Tianfei smiled smugly and said: "Look at this uncle, kill the Quartet, hahaha..."

Qiu Wandao knocked up a burst of chestnut and said, "You have a fart."


Chen Tianfei’s head bulged a big bag in an instant. He was hurting his mouth and rubbing his head with both hands. “Qiu Lao, can you not engage in a sneak attack?”

Qiu Wandao said: "This is your weakness. You must always be prepared. You can't relax a little. When you can do this, you can explode the power of the gods."

"and also!"

"You are now the defensive force of the general Jinxian realm of the strong, but the dean of the four major martial arts can easily smash you."

"You can do it, but don't be arrogant in front of them." Qiu Wandao reminded him. ,

It is enough to be able to withstand the attacks of the strong people in the Golden Fairy.

The current mad dragon team lacks a 'tank', and Chen Tianfei's recovery is undoubtedly a charity in the snow. Longfei now needs him too much.

Chen Tianfei said: "I know, Qiu Lao, can you not be such a mother-in-law like a mother, a man should be arrogant, look at my boss..."

Don't wait for him to finish.


Qiu Wandao is another explosion.

"Ah, ah, can you not sneak attack?" Chen Tianfei's head bulged a big bag, and he ran away with pain, really can't be with an old metamorphosis.

Qiu Wandao glanced at him and said: "You just forgot what you said, and I dare not dare to see you later."

His power can't be prevented.

In just one day, the cultivation of Qiu Wandao and Tsing Yi’s old man went further. This is because Longfei’s life Haidan is like opening a new world to them.

Qiu Wandao walked up to Longfei and said: "Do you really decide to continue to try?"

Longfei nodded and said: "No one can stop the things I want to do. My father has no success, and I will succeed."

Qiu Wandao breathed a heavy sigh of relief and said: "Long Fei, I also know that I can't persuade you. In short, you are all careful. You have to face not only the Eighteenth Military Academy, the Panjia, but also the Tongtian Temple. You have to do everything in your heart."

Chen Tianfei snorted, "So sly?"

"Which is not an enemy of the entire Xianyu?"

"Wow, there are so many things happening in two months, but I am catching up." Chen Tianfei got up again.

Longfeidao: "I will be careful."

Qiu Wandao suddenly thought of something, said: "Yes, don't be stupid to smash the enchantment on the stage. The earthquake resistance is too strong. Today, your blasting enchantment should be in the five steps, they are sure Will be replaced by the magical enchantment."

"It's easy to break the knot."

"Just find the person who controls the enchantment."

Longfei: ...

Some speechless, muttered to himself: "I am stupid, forget this thing."


Longfei asked some things about his father, but Qiu Wandao did not say.

Just tell him that his father is retreating.

Maybe... already out.

Perhaps, it will take a long time to meet, and Longfei has some expectation to meet his father for the first time. He has never had the impression of his father in his mind.

The two walked out of the yard.

Qiu Wandao shouted to Chen Fatzi, "Fat, remember what I said."

"Know it." Chen Tianfei did not look back.

Long Fei asked: "What is he talking about?"

Chen Fatzi scratched his head and said, "Nothing."

His heart is secretly saying: "I will use my own life to keep the boss!"


third chapter,

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