The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 938: This rhythm, cool!

At first, Longfei didn't want to be disrespectful to the dead.

He is not a ridiculous family, nor will he steal the tomb.


It is different now, the emergence of the skill exchange system, and only twelve hours, can you see the twelve hours of time.

Longfei is no matter what the Emperor's cemetery, the deceased is big, in the face of interests, these are all shit.

The key point.

Longfei is not familiar with these people.

Not familiar?

Then do it!

Since they are all strange, since the system activates the redemption system, what is Longfei still jealous?

One word, dry!

Longfei slashed a tombstone, and the tomb exploded suddenly. A strong man rushed out, and it was also the realm of the sacred fairy.


The strong man broke through the tomb, glanced at him, staring at Longfei and screaming, "Little thief..."

Waiting for him to finish, Longfei slashed, "I am the thief of your uncle."


When the dragon knife fell, the blood tank on the top of the strong man instantly bottomed out and was directly killed by the dragon to the second.


The system prompts to sound, Longfei carefully read it again, or like the sword magic just now, the virtual fairy nine products realm, get 1 skill exchange point.

"If all of them are imaginary nine, then I have to play a hundred!" The movement of Longfei's body, the dragon knives in his hand released the burning arrogance and slid out.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

Hundreds of tombstones were smashed by the dragon.

"Boom, bang, bang!"

One and the other strong man rushed out of the grave, stood up in the void, and sipped, "Little thief..."

"Being smashed, I have no time!"

"The squadron, out!"

Long Fei doesn't want to waste even a second of time. He doesn't want to practice now. What he wants now is experience. What he wants is the skill exchange point.

What depends on your own strength, these are all going to hell.


A thousand insidious soldiers stood in front of Longfei. Compared with more than a month ago, these sinister soldiers have become stronger, and even one or two sinister soldiers have broken through the realm of blood fairy.

During this time, these sinister soldiers are like the New Year.

Not only can it absorb the power of Xianjing, but it can also absorb the energy cultivation of the mutant nucleus. Under the guidance of Yanhuang's ancestors, they are making rapid progress.

Longfei excitedly said: "Give me all these so-called strong people."


The Yinbing Corps got up and drank, rushing up to the one hundred strong men, just like a flood of beasts.

Longfei is not idle.

The Dragon Slayer continued to sweep, and a large piece of tombstone was broken, and a large piece of the strong man rushed out of the grave.


The dragon knives in the hands of Longfei moved, "Hurricane!"


The dragon knives smashed, and the powerful wind swept out, directly flying a large piece of the strong to the sky. "Slayers are arrogant, a thousand!"


Dragon and Dragon Dance, Longfei also danced in the air, crazy killing.

The scene is extremely windy.

At the same time that Longfei was killed, the thousand yin soldiers also broke their power.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ killing ‘Zhu Xian Jiu Pinqiang’ and gaining 1500 points, 10 points of Xianli and 1 point of energy.”


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to get the ‘skill exchange point +1’”

Nothing broke out, only a small amount of experience and skill exchange points.


What Longfei wants is the skill exchange point, and the system is crazy.

ten minutes later.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ killing ‘The Bloody One Stronger’ has gained 3,000 points, 20 points of Xianli and 1 point of ability.”


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to get ‘skill exchange point +2’”


The things that broke out were different. Longfei quickly checked and found a problem. One hundred of them were killed.

In other words.

The challenge of the virtual fairy nine products is over, and the cultivation of these strong men is a stronger step, and they enter the blood fairy.

In order to confirm this, Longfei continued to kill, and his heart secretly said: "Sure enough, one hundred strong players advanced to a level, experience, Xianli, skill exchange points all doubled!"

"Ha ha ha..."

"This piece of cemetery that can't see the margin is my paradise." Longfei is even more excited.

God's secret.

It is a special existence.

Longfei's own cultivation is a virtual fairy nine products, then the first strongman he challenges to the first strong is the virtual fairy nine products, as he challenges the success, the ranks of the strong will continue to increase.


Longfei exhaled a long breath and said: "Come on!"

The breath of the body exploded, "the hegemonic impact!"


Longfei violently slammed into the crowd of strong people, smashed them all up and moved their bodies. "Slaughtering dragons, madly releasing them."

Blood fairy is a grade higher than Longfei.


Longfei is still the same spike.

After fifteen minutes.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’’’s killing ‘blood sage two strongmen’ and gaining 6,000 points, 40 points and 10 points.”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to get ‘skill exchange point +4’”

"Ha ha ha..."

"It's getting more and more fun."

With more experience and more skill exchange points, Longfei has become even more crazy.

"Blood fairy two products, still spike!"

"Boom, bang, bang!"

after an hour.

The ranks of these strong have become the blood scent, and to this extent, the squadrons have been unable to withstand the attacks of these powerful.

Longfei also put them together.

They are not invincible here, and those who are strong can see their bodies.


A loud noise, a large tombstone was blown open.

Longfei did not stop, and continued to blast these tombstones. More and more powerful people rushed up behind him, hundreds of thousands, unusually fierce.

"Come on me."

"Come and chase me."


Longfei broke a large tombstone and looked at the big wave of strong people behind him. His eyes were full of light. These are all experiences.

They are all skill exchange points.


For half an hour, Longfei has been smashing these tombstones, and thousands of strong people are chasing his ass.

Also at this time.

Long Fei suddenly stopped his body, and his mouth was hooked. He smiled excitedly and said: "Feier girl can start."


Feier flew out of the beads, and the figure, the unique charm of the elves, was vividly displayed and beautifully messed up.

Mayfair held the staff and sang a few voices in a low voice. "The power of Thunder, listen to me, give me a fall!"

"Booming, rumbling!"

The Thunder is rolling, and the lightning is raging.

One piece of spike, the blood volume on the head of one strong one is instantly bottomed out, and hundreds of **** realms are all smashed and spiked.

The system prompts the sound to sound crazy.

Longfei looked at the experience slot and was not full.

"This rhythm, cool!"

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