The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 939: Gravity troll firepower

"Feier, another wave!"


Longfei slammed out and was smothered by a wave of strong players. Now the realm of these powerful people is about to break through the realm of Jinxian.

And some strong people have reached the realm of Jinxian.

Longfei is a bit too much to eat.

Mayfair is also a bit too much to eat.

"The power of the Thunder, listen to my call!"


The huge minefield rolled over, the thick lightning flashed down, and a large wave of strong people could not take care of themselves, but there was no spike or heavy damage.

It's just a part less blood.

Fei Fei said with enthusiasm: "Master, they are too strong, and the power of my thunder element has not been cultivated yet."

"That, that..."

"I will withdraw first!"

Mayfair was a bit frustrated and somewhat reluctant. She said in her heart: "I must become stronger."

She was hit.

Being attacked by these strong men, she thought that the direct lightning was omnipotent, and now I found myself weak.

"Ah?" Longfei said in his heart, "Fairy, don't go!"

Mayfair has been transferred to the Dragon Ball.

Also at this time.

Longfei was surrounded by hundreds of strong men, staring at him with a gaze, trying to devour his life.


"How can you not escape?"

"Discharge, why don't you continue to discharge?"

"Kid, I see where you can escape!" A strong man in the realm of Jinxian was panting and was very upset by Longfei.

Every strong person around is the same.

Gray-faced, incomparable wolverine, many strong hairs were blown up, like a chicken coop, a non-mainstream, unusual wolf.

"Give me another run."

"Let's die!"

When the sound fell, everyone’s people got up and said, “Let him die!”

When the pace is moving, those who are strong are all stepping forward and stepping on.

Longfei mouth corner hook, cold and cold smile: "kill me? Just you, do you think that your level is high? I will not see anyone in front of me."

Very arrogant.

In the heart of Longfei’s heart, he said: “The Yinbing Legion is used, Feier used it, now...”


"The seal on your body has broken through?"

The trolls in the eighteen layers of **** have a thick voice, saying: "Master, I have been waiting for your call!"

Gravity trolls can't wait.

Longfei smiled excitedly and said: "Let me see your strength without any restraint, come on, let these superpowers who have been rampant in the world look."


At the same time, those strong ones brushed to the dragon.



Continuous explosion, Longfei's side is surrounded by a huge incomparable devil head, arms wrapped around the seal of the chain, two eyes gloomy, a vortex-like atmosphere around his body faint, from the moment he came out, The tombstone slowly hangs up, the gravel is suspended, and even the strong body's body is somewhat uncontrollable to be suspended.

Longfei’s understatement: "killing!"

The gravity troll gloomy smile, "Understand!"

"10,000 times gravity!"

"Gravity bomb, give me a burst!"

With a sigh of anger, the whirlpool of his body rushed out directly, wrapping all the powerful people around him. At this moment, all the strengths of the strong bodies were lifted up, and in this moment...


"Boom, bang, bang..."

The body burst out and was directly crushed and turned into a powder, and no bone residue remained.

Many of these strong men are the masters of the Jinxian realm, but... they are crushed by the breath of the gravity trolls, the seals are fully open, and the power of the gravity trolls is restored to the peak.

A powerful mess!

"Hey, hey, hey!"

"Hey, hey, hey!"

The system prompts the sound of madness, deafening, the eardrum is about to be blown up, and Longfei laughs. "I want Laozi’s life?"

"You also match?"

The increase in experience value is ton tons, but... Longfei does not have a fusion of five products, he can't upgrade now, but Longfei is not worried. Although he is restricted and cannot be upgraded, the experience value will not be less. As long as he integrates Wu Pin Xian Gen, he will continue to break through.

Can't upgrade, but experience is there.

However, Longfei can't get stronger power without upgrading.

“It’s no longer important to upgrade without upgrading.”

"What I want is a skill exchange point." Longfei must be in his heart, screaming: "The troll swept, swept, and swept everything here."

In the past few hours, Longfei swept a large piece, but it was only the tip of the iceberg relative to the entire Emperor's cemetery.

Keep going!

"Thirty-eight thousand points skill exchange points, what devil fruit, what blood wheel eye, I have to redeem the skills of the undead series."

Longfei doesn't want anything else, just wants to... the big king's big move!

Five seconds true man.

The gravity troll madly sweeps everything, and the strong man in the realm of Jinxian is not his opponent at all, killing all the way, killing all the way.

Longfei was shocked by the power of the gravity trolls, and his heart was secretly glad that the ten Tongtian Xianxian had no white steals.

at the same time.

Longfei’s thoughts moved and said: “Thunder!”

Lei Mo’s eyes were shocked and excited, saying: “Master.”

Longfeidao: "You can find a way to break the tombstone in this cemetery as much as possible. How many fights you can play, in short, you must have more!"

Lei Mo didn't know what Longfei was going to do, but he was still very excited: "Follow!"

Gravity trolls, Ray Devils, they all belong to the devil in the 18-layer hell, they all have time limits.

As the gravity troll broke through the seal, his playing time increased from the original five minutes to the current fifteen minutes, which was too short for Longfei.

He needs experience too much now, too much skill transfer value.

If their time is up, Longfei wants to kill any strong one, I am afraid it will cost a very heavy price!

and so.

He must think of countermeasures!

Countermeasure at all costs!


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ killing ‘Golden Immortals’ and earning experience of 160000 points, with a power of 1200 points and an energy value of 1 point.”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get a ‘skill exchange point +64 points.’”

It has not increased as much as the beginning, but this experience is already extremely rich.

A copy of the heaven level!

Brush the super paradise of experience.

Longfei will not miss it.

Never miss it.

After fifteen minutes.

Overwhelming, all over the sky are all those strong, these strong are all Jinxian peak, and even the strongest of the realm of Yuanxian.

"Master, my time is coming."

The gravity troll watched so many powerful people worried about Longfei.

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