The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 946: Spike Suzaku Dean

The array is not broken, and Chen Tianfei on the stage is dead.

Liu Changkong shot, Oya they are dead.

Oya is seriously injured and the formation is not broken.

Song Qianqian was entangled and could not break free.

She can only watch Liu Changkong step by step to Oya, and all the people are anxious.

Ouyang wars them are very proud, this time they seem to forget the existence of Longfei, this time is too excited.


Just when they were so excited, a figure of the sky fell.


This figure is a bit weird, the blonde is skyrocketing, and the visible form of the body's breath is burning in madness, like being wrapped in a forceful flame.

The huge golden palm print was crushed down.

The sky sank and seemed to be split.

The powerful force of the Holy Buddha came down one after another, and locked the palm of the sky.

Too fast!

Quickly let Liu Changkong have no reaction time.

Too fierce!

The fiercely shocked everyone in the entire martial arts field, completely imagining that Longfei will appear at this time, or fall from the sky.

The form of blonde hair.

Liu Changkong looked at the sky with a scream of horror, "ah..."

The huge palm print was taken from the top of his head!



There is a huge palm print on the ground, and the body of Liu Changkong is like a mass of meat in the center of the palm, without any interest.


Also at this time, the system sounded a tone.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ killing ‘Liu Changkong’ and gaining 80,900 points, 8000 points and 10 points.”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get ‘Shengjing’s three’”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get the ‘Floating Battle’

“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get the ‘God’s Sword’”


All were swallowed up by the Yanhuang ancestors.

Longfei didn't go to the tube, looked at the platform and saw them like Aoya and Sun Datou. They both had a fist and shook hands. "Get my brother, die!"


When the figure moved, the golden light flashed.

Destroyed and ruined in front of the disciples of the Qinglong martial arts.

The fighting power is fully open.

From the impact of heavy air in the air, "the hegemonic impact!"


A loud noise, the ground cracked, and the disciples of more than a dozen Qinglong martial arts were hit and flew. In this moment, the dragon knives in the hands of Longfei fell.

"The dragon is arrogant."

"One thousand!!"

The dragon knives are arrogant. In the Super Saiyan mode, killing the disciples of these Qinglong martial arts is simply a crit, a crazy harvest.


The blood was so crazy as the rain, the scenes were all shocked, staring at Longfei.


More than a dozen disciples of the Qinglong martial arts were instantly killed.

Longfei did not hear that his body sank and looked at another disciple of the Qinglongwuyuan. "Batian-style impact!"


It was another collision, and they all flew into the air. The Super Saiyan’s Longfei double fist was like a heavy artillery launch. “Hey, hey, hehe...”

"All give me death!"

One by one bombardment.

Fist to the flesh, fist punch!

The originally fierce Qinglong martial arts, the dean of the 18th martial arts school, who was originally proud, the people who were all watching jokes are now being crushed by Long Fei’s appearance, just like stepping on their heads. They are slap in the face, hot and incomprehensible.

Liu Changkong was spiked.

More than 20 disciples of the Qinglong martial arts were killed.

Longfei’s body was suspended in the air, and he screamed, “Mom, who else!”

The audience was quiet.

No sound can come out.

Longfei's hair turns into gold, and the strength of his body is a powerful bloodline power. They are completely strangers. What is this?

I don't understand it at all!

Ouyang war is the strongest force of Longfei because of the ‘step of the gods’, but now... Longfei has erupted out of the power of the gods.

And the combination of the two will even give Liu Changkong a second.

Although, Longfei is a sneak attack, Liu Changkong has not been prepared to come too fast, but he is the super strong person of Jinxian Liupin, so he was killed by this?

How strong is the combination of the Super Saiyan and the Russell?

He can't understand!

People in the entire show are not able to understand.

Longfei was shocked by their psychological impact, and his arrogant and arrogant atmosphere crushed them.


Longfei once again sighed, "I will ask another one, who else?"

Eyes staring at Ouyang War, eyes with killing.

At this moment.

Ouya struggling to go forward, the vengeful blade in the hand thorns on the mysterious stone.


The basalite ruptured and the Tianluo method on the platform disappeared.

"Mom got a bit!"

"Now it’s my turn."

The power of the array disappeared, and the powerful defense of the gods recovered. Chen Tianfei’s neck swayed, the joints rang, and the thick defense formed the anti-injury force. Standing in front of the five people, the sinister smile: “Mom, Now I want to kill you."

Also at the same time.

Han Xueji, Datura, and Sakura's three forces are intertwined into a net, and the force of the combination is released.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

Sakura’s pace is like a thunder and rapid impact, and the power of violent roots bursts out, “Boom!”

a punch.

On the fist, as the fist of 100,000 tons of metal bombarded, the captain of the Qinglong team was slammed on the ground.

Chen Tianfei leaped, and his **** rolled up, "Hey!"

"I said, if you don't kill me, I will overturn you." Chen Tianfei's defense formed an attack, and each of them had beaten him.

At the moment when he gave the Qinglong captain a seat, Chen Tianfei’s eyebrows screamed coldly. “All give me a kneeling!”



Suddenly there was a counter-attack force on the five people. The stronger their strength, the stronger the counter-attack power they received.

Five people squirted blood at the same time.

They are pale, and they don't know how to defend against this kind of attack.

The body sank.

Sakura horror's strange power, continuous attack, every shot is full force.

In just a few seconds.

Qinglong team... the group is out!

Chen Fatzi lifted the blade and the five stood in a row, learning the dragon's tone, and yelling at the same time, "Who else??"

The audience was in awe.

Once again, the five people of the mad dragon team were shocked.

Fight back.

The five people who were crushed to the desperate situation killed all five of the Qinglong team in such an instant, causing the group to die.

And the kind of domineering that they radiated from them is too fierce.


Also at this time, a small voice sounded, "Dragon, mad dragon, mad dragon..."


Many people responded, "The mad dragon, the mad dragon mad dragon..."


Boiling for the dragon's mad dragon team.

Ouyang Zhan’s face is blue and green, killing!


Chapter One,

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