The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 947: Going to war?

The team ranks and fights, wins!

Take the first team.

The undisputed victory, the complete collapse of the victory of the regiment, there is no room for controversy.


One person is very upset, Ouyang war!

The five people of the Qinglong team are his most proud disciples. These people are the list of his submission to the Heavenly Palace, but...

All are in the ring.

The anger in my heart could not help for a moment.

Power bursts, a heavy glimpse, "Dragon!!"

The sound is huge, and the strength of the Jinxian seven products on the body will also be crushed by the whole audience, and the audience will be quiet for a moment.

"The Qinglong yard is angry."

"Dragon is going to be unlucky."

"He is also true. He is openly opposed to the four major martial arts, and he also sneaked into Liu Changkong and killed so many Qinglong martial arts disciples. Isn't that looking for death?"

"Even if he is strong again, he is only a realm of virtual fairy. If it is not Liu Changkong who is too rude to defend, how can Longfei kill the Suzaku Dean?"

"Young and frivolous, do not understand convergence, even if the field can win the first, how can you be strong, can you have the strength of the 18th martial arts?"

"This time the Ouyang War is really angry."


Many people talked in detail.

no doubt.

Longfei has already let Ouyang war completely run away.

Killing his son, today he has turned his Qinglong team and killed so many disciples of the Qinglong Academy, how can he be called not angry?

At this moment.

Longfei’s time for the ‘Super Saiyan’ model ended, but he was not worried, and all the reasons for releasing the Super Saiyan model were simple. ,


He has a more powerful move.

The tricks of using the skill exchange points and system rewards in the gods' secrets.

Two sets of skills!

So now, Longfei is not worried about the use of Super Saiyan skills to cool things.

Longfei’s mouth rose and smiled. He stared at Ouyang and said: “What are you doing at home?”


Ouyang battled the teeth biting and screamed, and his eyes roared and flew, saying: "Slay the Suzaku Dean, kill the disciples of the Qinglong martial arts, today..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Longfei was not afraid, said: "That is because they are damned, move my brother and woman, this is the end!"

"Ouyang war, are you still saying what I am going to die today?"

"Don't worry!"

"Let's go straight down and turn over Laozi." Longfei's eyes are also very angry and screaming at Ouyang. The heart is extremely unhappy. If he plays for a minute, he will probably die here, and the consequences will be extremely heavy. He will never forgive himself.

Thinking of the anger of these dragons, I pointed to the Ouyang war and said: "You are the dean of the Qinglong martial arts, leading the elders of the 18th martial arts, disciples, and the dean for us, actually arranged the formation in advance. Ok, don't you feel shameful?"

"The previous colleges are separated from each other. The battle between the team and the alchemy is going on at the same time. Do you feel shameful against Laozi?"

"Joint referee, collusion, and buy, are you not ashamed?"

"of course!"

Longfei’s voice sneered. “It’s not a shame for someone like you who is thicker than the walls of the Imperial City.”


Longfei’s eyes shook and said: “How can these be? Who can stop my steps, who can stop the pace of my mad dragon team, all crushed!”

"What is your Ouyang battle?"

Very angry, crazy venting.

Longfei’s heart is really uncomfortable.

Ouyang war is even more unhappy.

People around the stands are talking about it.

"Dragonfly seems to be right. This time, the college is bigger than the team. He seems to be facing the team, but the entire Emperor Academy."

"Is this really good?"

"It's too unfair."

"All the teams have no way to enter the game, it is like this."

"I rely on it, really shameless."


Ouyang Zhan listened to the surrounding arguments, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, his body was full of anger, and the whole person was in a state of violent walking.

Longfei’s eyes glanced, cold and cold: “You will come if you have one!”

The task of the Eighteen Arhats has killed the second!


Ouyang warhead did not suspend this golden exclamation mark, but he dared to come down, Longfei would dare to kill!

Jinxian seven products! !

Really strong.

Longfei believes that the two sets of skills that he has newly cultivated must be!

Even if he can't kill him, he can ruin him.


The most anxious thing in Longfei’s heart is that if you get the five-pronged roots, the experience of three billion can’t be suppressed in the experience slot.

I must find a way to improve the level.

As long as the level goes up, Longfei is more sure!


Ouyang war screamed and all the disciples of the Qinglong martial arts stood up.

All eyes are on the dragon.

Also at this time.

Song Qianqian walked to the side of Longfei.

Chen Tianfei jumped from the ring and stood beside Longfei.


Blade, Mandala, Han Xueji, Sakura, Oya, brothers of the commissars all stood by Longfei, almost taking a life Haidan at the same time, followed by a variant nucleus.

The power of their power suddenly changed.

Longfei excitedly smiled and stared at the Ouyang battlefield: "Is it going to fight with Laozi? Come on! I am afraid that you will not be?"

Too mad.

Qinglongwuyuan, the first military court of Emperor's College, the strongest military court.

Now it is actually not being looked at by a disciple of the realm of the virtual fairy, and the arrogance is lawless.

Xiao Tianwu snorted, "Dragon, you are too mad, want to go to war? I am Xuanwu martial arts to fight with you!"

"White Tiger Warrior!"

"Ling Po Tomb!"

"French martial arts..."

Then, the deans of the Eighteenth Armed Forces all stood up one by one, and the elite disciples behind them all stood up and shouted heavily, "Go war!"

These are the most elite of the Emperor's College.

It can be said.

They can replace the entire Emperor Academy.

Offended the public?

Ouyang war smiled coldly. "Come with our 18th martial arts. Today I will see how many lives you have!"


As soon as the sound fell, Ouyang’s eyes sank and stepped out.

Long Fei’s eyebrows are tight, whispering: “Once you fight, you can find a way to escape.”

Chen Tianfei said: "Boss, I am not fat man."

Blade pointed out: "Dragon is less, you have to be born together, you have to die... you have to die together!"

Zheng Qingsong said with excitement: "Brothers are going to do this, and turn them over."

Song Qianqian, Oya, and Mandala also looked at Longfei. No one wanted to leave. The same was true of the disciples in the Department of Labor.

Longfei’s double fists are heavy, and “the same life is dead!”

"With the total death!"

Everyone sang in unison, and Tu Longdao squatted on his shoulders, staring at Ouyang Zhan, and screaming, "Kill!!"


Chapter two,

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