The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 954: Killing and killing, bursting burst!

Is the Eighteenth Military Academy?

Is it tyrannical?

Laozi will overturn you!

Longfei stood on the ring and was very arrogant. He said: "The genius of the Eighteenth Military Academy, all come, I have to take one person!"

If you want to be arrogant, you will be arrogant.

To challenge, challenge the Eighteenth Military Academy together.

God blocks the killing of God, and the Buddha blocks it!

Longfei is so crazy!

"Too arrogant!"

A senior disciple of Qinglongwuyuan flew down, and the sword in his hand was a illusion. The powerful sword was crushed and the pressure of the **** eight products was released. "Kid, die for me!"

Blood fairy eight products.

The repair is nine times higher than Longfei.

Difficult to survive.

The swordsmanship of cultivation is also extremely powerful.

Longfei’s eyes were slightly stunned, and the corner of his mouth was lightly ticked, sneer, saying: “Is the genius of Qinglongwuyuan?”

The dragon knives fell, not waiting for the disciple to fall, and the breath of Longfei’s body exploded. “The seven-level unparalleled, open!”


The strength of the dragon's body suddenly blasted, and the dragon sword in his hand did not hesitate, and he went down with a knife. "Hey..."

The black dragon roared.

The black dragon-shaped knife is crushed down.


The long sword broke, and the man was still killed by a dragon knife without falling down in the air.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’’’s killing ‘the senior disciple of Qinglong martial arts’ has gained 3,900 points, with a power of 200 points and an energy value of 10 points!”

"Congratulations to the player..."

Longfei looked at the things that broke out, and sighed in his heart. "Nothing broke out, it failed!"

He now needs five roots.

Very need!

The experience of three billion cannot be released, which is a very painful thing.

The dragon knives moved, squatting on the shoulders, and the dragon flew at the corner of his mouth, staring at the Ouyang war slogan: "Continue!"



The geniuses of the two Qinglong martial arts rushed down, and the sword was even more fierce, and the dragon flew to the front and back.

"There is no way out."

"It was completely sealed by the sword."

"I am afraid that I will be injured."

"Hey... Why are you so arrogant? Isn't convergence a bit bad?"



The most powerful presence of the Emperor's Academy, the disciples of each Qinglong martial arts are super geniuses, they are too strong.

Just as everyone thought that Longfei must be injured, Longfei’s body suddenly jumped.


"You have to die when you jump into the air!"

A disciple’s sword is crushed down.

In this moment.

"Overlord hit!"


Directly knock a disciple off.

In this moment, Longfei’s body moved again, “the hegemonic impact!”


This set of skills is not cool down, can be infinite combo, what are the disciples of the two Qinglong martial arts in the district?

The hand fell and the knife fell.



The system sounded a prompt tone, or the same did not burst out of the five fairy blood fairyland, Longfei was a little annoyed, screamed, said: "You Qinglong martial arts on this person? Unhappy Laozi, want to kill me All of them will be rolled down. The disciples of the Eighteenth Armed Forces will give me all the dissatisfaction. I will solve them with you."


Very upset.

Can not upgrade is really very annoying, watching more than three billion experience piled up there is very annoying, my heart is extremely hard to force, "Who the mother wants to come out, the upgrade actually set this threshold, your uncle, if I did not get What do you do when you go to Wupin Xiangen?"

"Always stay in the realm of virtual fairy?"

The rating is really important.

Today is especially important.

Whether Longfei’s power now comes out is only the realm of the nine immortals. Without the upgrade, the power of the blood fairyland cannot be obtained, and it is better to deal with the realm of blood fairy.

However, once it is the strongest in the realm of Jinxian, Longfei will become very difficult and even difficult to confront.

"You must upgrade!"

"You must burst out five sacred roots." Longfei's heart is anxious, and he has realized that there must be a mysterious strongman.

Must be prepared!


"Ouyang war, are you not very arrogant?"

"Don't you always want to put me to death? Send all the disciples of your 18th martial arts."

"Who is not convinced today, Lao Tzu hits him to serve!"

Longfei is very arrogant.

There is only one way to get five items of Xiangen, burst!

There are still sixteen bosses in the Eighteenth Armed Forces. Now they can't challenge them. They must win all the competitions to be qualified to challenge those outside the disciples.

Ouyang wars staring at Longfei, his eyes are sprayed with flames, and he sings out a voice: "Give me up!"

The voice fell.

The senior disciples of the Eighteenth Military Academy flew down one by one.

In just a few seconds, the platform was full of people, and there were hundreds of people, big and small. These are all elite disciples of the Eighteenth Military Academy.

Everyone is a super genius.

"So many challenges at once?"

"Is he crazy?"

"Dragonfly can't be the opponent of more than one hundred talented warriors?"

"I have gotten it, is it crazy?"


The discussion sounded around the stands.

The eight elders of the Essence Temple picked up their eyes slightly. They looked at the dragon flying on the platform in a cold, and did not intervene.

Pansheng is the same, cold and cold laughs: "It is equal to the enemy of the Eighteenth Armed Forces to be the enemy of the entire Emperor's College. I want to see how long you can support it?"

Song Qianqian could not help but worry about it.

There are really too many people on the stage.


Their repairs are all on the dragon fly, how could it be an opponent?

Chen Fatzi walked a few steps, he wants to ensure the safety of Longfei, no matter what happens, he must ensure the safety of Longfei, this is his commitment to Qiu Wandao.

It is also something he has to do.

This is a challenge that cannot be won.

"The Eighteenth Military Academy, how high is it."

"You all refused Laozi at the beginning."

"At that time, I swear, I will definitely turn over your 18th martial arts one by one." Longfei smirked like a madman.


"This vow is about to be realized."

The more people there are, the more powerful they are, the more he likes it.


This rate will increase.

"Kid, today is your death."

"I will see when your kid can be arrogant."

"You are waiting to go to hell."

"Don't talk nonsense with him, kill him!"

Suddenly sword.

More than a hundred talented disciples brushed up and rushed to Longfei.

Longfei is not afraid.

The breath of the body blasted fiercely, and the right hand clenched the Dragon Slayer. The body moved and slammed out with a powerful force. "The hegemonic impact!"


A large disciple was hit and flew into the air, and Longfei’s body did not have any stops.

The Dragon Slayer screamed in the air.

At the same time.

Other genius disciples did not stay in the same place and did nothing. They were also attacking the dragon in midair.

"Explosion, explosion, explosion!"

"Give me a burst!"


Chapter Four,

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