The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 955: Challenge 16 heads BOSS!

Killing more than just.

No defense!

When Longfei was exhibiting the dragon slaughter, he did not go to defense and continually murdered.


"Hey! Hey..."

The system beep sounds constantly.

Just... still did not break out the five-character roots, he is still a virtual fairy nine products, that is, can not break through.

"I rub!"

"I still don't believe it!"

Longfei leaps and bounds, "the hegemonic impact!"

"Violence mountain punch!"

A large wave of people crashed into the air, and Longfei’s fists exploded. He screamed at the genius disciples in midair. “Hey, hey, hehe...”

One by one was smashed down.

Also at this time.

Longfei is full of scars everywhere, blood is like a spring, and it rushes out.

He did not stop.

Ouyang war did not stop, and continued to drink: "He can't do it, he can't do it, give it to me, kill me."

Longfei is indeed strong.

His attack is sharp and powerful, but he is only one person. He can't fight against hundreds of high-level disciples.

As long as the sea of ​​people is deadlocked, Longfei will lose.

More and more people fell on the platform, and Longfei was killing more and more mad. His eyes were full of blood. Once the violent energy value reached 100, he immediately released.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’’’s killing ‘the senior disciple of the Emperor’s Academy’ has gained 4000 points, 230 points for the power, and 10 points for the energy.”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’ to get the artifact’s “Deadwood Sword””

"Mom, I don't want artifacts, I want five good roots." Longfei roared, he really wants to upgrade now, if he doesn't upgrade, he can't support it.

Because his life value is consumed more than half.

It seems that his strength is not reduced by half, but the more he kills, the more he is injured, but his life is also rapidly declining.

He must upgrade.

Only by upgrading his health can he recover instantly.

and so.

He needs five items of roots!

However, ... killing dozens of genius disciples in the realm of blood fairy, each of them has been integrated into the five-pronged roots is not burst out.

Ordinary explosion rate is also good, the property of the violent energy value is released, that is, there is no burst of five products.

Longfei snorted, "System your uncle, you want to play dead me."

"The explosion rate of Xiangen is too low, right?"

Longfei is hard, but one person is very excited, Yan Huang ancestors.

His mouth is filled with fragments of artifacts, and his smiles are not close to his mouth. He is happy with the New Year. "Kids, continue, continue, and work harder."

"Ha ha ha..."

"It's really cool."

Yan Huang's ancestors are very happy, the power inside the artifact is constantly absorbed, and his strength is constantly strengthening.


Longfei continued to kill.

The elite of the Eighteenth Military Academy is still rushing down.

After half an hour.

The top and bottom of the ring are all corpses, and Longfei is still the same fierce, but he is still the same as the nine sacred products.

"I can see it."

"If you want to break out the five-pronged roots, these high-level disciples will not do it at all." Longfei’s heart secretly glimpsed, and after entering the fairyland, the murder rarely smashed the root.

Today, hundreds of high-ranking disciples have not killed a fairy root.


Longfei’s eyes sank, staring at the remaining disciples on the ring, and slamming, “killing the gods!”

The dragon knife slashed.


Half of the ruins were ruined, and the disciples were instantly smashed.

Longfei's eyes lifted, his voice slammed, staring at Ouyang and yelling: "Who else? Laozi asks, who else is the mother?"

The sound was shocking the audience.

No one in the 18th martial arts disciples dared to rush.

Longfei is a meat grinder. It is death. They are not opponents at all. They are not at all above one level.


They were also crushed by the murder of the dragon flying body!

"Who else?"

Longfei continued to roar. "No one?"

"Then should I be the king of personal qualifying?"

"Now change the wheel to my right to exercise the king?"

He can't wait.

It’s very uncomfortable to get over 3 billion years of experience, and you can upgrade it, but he can’t rise now. What is this?

When Longfei spoke, Pan Sheng got up slightly.

But when he heard Longfei say that he wants to exercise his rights, he sat back again and he wanted to see what Longfei wanted to do.

As long as Longfei is on the ring, he is not worried that Longfei will escape.


Now that Longfei has half a life left, he can't escape.

In the realm of the virtual fairyland, Pansheng has 100% confidence to defeat Longfei within ten strokes and kill Longfei within 20 strokes!

Because his cultivation is a realm, it can completely crush Longfei!

The moves are stronger and the strength is fierce. They are all subject to level restrictions, no grades, nothing.

Pan Sheng stared at Longfei and smiled coldly. "The higher you stand, the more I can step on you to highlight my strength, Longfei, your life is mine!"


Longfei collected the Dragon Sword.


He didn't think much about it. He didn't think about any conspiracy in personal qualifying. He only wants one thing now, exploding 16 bosses!

Five products are born because he really wants to upgrade.

Longfei stared at Ouyang and smiled slightly: "No one is my opponent. Now it is my turn to challenge me?"

Ouyang wars coldly and shouts: "Who do you want to challenge?"

Longfei smiled and said: "I want to challenge, you, you, you, you..."

His fingers kept pointing at the directors of the 16 martial arts courts in the ring, and finally pointed his finger at Ouyang, saying: "And you!"

A total of 16 deputies of the martial arts.

For Longfei, it is sixteen bosses!

It is his boss who completed the 18 Arhats mission!

The entire performance field suddenly became quiet.

Even the eight elders of the Temple were shocked by Long Fei’s move.

Challenge the disciples of the Eighteenth Military Academy, and now challenge the Dean of the Eighteenth Military Academy?

Is he crazy?

Chen Tianfei smiled excitedly and said: "The boss is fierce. It is too mad to challenge the 16 martial arts deans."

Song Qianqian was frowning and shouted: "Dragon, don't be impulsive."

Just when the audience was shocked.

Ouyang war laughed, "Ha ha ha ... Long Fei, this is what you are looking for!"


Ouyang Zhan looked at the fifteen deans and smiled and said: "You dean, this dog thing has to ride on our heads, can you bear it?"

"Since he wants to challenge all of our deans, let him know what the gap is!"

Fifteen deans were all angered.

Dragonfly is arrogant!


The dean of the martial arts court fell.

"Boom, bang, bang, bang..."

One after another, the dean fell heavily from the stands, and his eyes locked in Longfei.

At last.

Ouyang War also flew down, staring at Longfei and laughing: "Longfei, your death is here!"

The dragon's mouth was slightly hooked, and the right hand fell. Pangu opened the axe and summoned it. The smile was sinister. "It's time to show off my new cultivation skills!"


Chapter 5, thank you for your support!

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