The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 956: Knock big move, guillotine!

" Pangu open the axe?"

At this moment, Pan Sheng recognized it.

Pangu Kaitian Axe is an artifact that has been inherited for millions of years. The flowing scent of the plate can be sensed in an instant, thinking of the breath that has just disappeared, and the heart of the disk is stunned. "The elders... ”


The strength of the body of the disk suddenly sank.

At this time, a disciple rushed up and rushed to the plate, saying: "The Lord, just came the news, the elders, he, he..."

Pansheng’s voice was angry and said: “Say!”

The disciple of the Panjia dialect said: "The elders are dead! The head is smashed!"

"Giggle..." Pan Sheng stared at the dragon flying on the platform. The anger in his heart was very high, and the bite of the teeth blew. "Dragon, I will use your life to be buried with the elders!"

He has a big battle with a big fight, and the battle is very important to him.

I didn’t think that I’m actually dead now, and Pan’s current killings have soared to the extreme.


On the stage.

The dragon's shoulders and the ancient axe, the imposing manner, looked at the sixteen bosses who would enclose themselves in a circle. His mouth was lightly hooked and he smiled coldly. "The 16 deans, you are also the gods." The 16 strongest people in the college?"

"If you kill all of you, then this Emperor's Academy is my king."

Ouyang war sneered, "Long Fei, you think too much, since arrogant to challenge our 16 presidents, then you don't want to live down the ring today."

"The arrogance is a price to pay."

"For the Suzaku Dean."

"For the Dean of Ling Dan."

"kill him!"

"Kill him, kill him..."

The sixteen people became fierce, and the pressure of the road was like the Mount Tai, which was crushed on the top of Longfei. The 16 deans were all strong in the Jinxian class.

Very strong, very strong!

The pressure of the sixteen people was combined and crushed together. Longfei’s body slammed and his legs were shaking, and he could not bear the crushing.

The mind and the sea are all in turmoil.

Jinlong guardian can't hold back.

Longfei's current level is too low, not at all on one level, even if the dragon guardian of Jinlong's ancestors can not hold back.

Yan Huang’s ancestors said a little: "I want to shoot me?"

Yan Huang's ancestors have not played for a long time.

He felt the heart of the dragon flying, the violent turmoil of the sea, the heart almost reached the edge of the collapse, and Yan Huang's ancestors could not help worry about Longfei.

Longfei’s smile, said: “No!”

"I have to kill them personally."


The stronger he is, the more crazy he is.

Longfei excitedly said: "Are you able to bear this point?"

More arrogant.

"Is he crazy?"

"The sixteen Jinxian-level powerhouses joined forces to display the pressure, he couldn't bear it. What did he want to do?"

"This dragon is too arrogant?"

"I wondered who gave him confidence. He is now crushed and dead, and he can't move any more."


The discussion around the stands.

Long Feiqiang, they are all clear, but he is only a real world of virtual fairy, and strong can not be the opponent of sixteen Jinxian strong.

Moreover, there is also the super strong of Jinxian seven products, Ouyang war!

How could it be an opponent?

It's totally impossible!

Chen Tianfei frowned and once again approached the platform, he is now somewhat worried.

Oya was worried and asked: "Don't you have anything to do with Dragonfly?"

Song Qianqian also followed the ring and said: "If he has an accident, everyone must stay together and must keep Longfei."



In the Tongtian Temple, Taizun looked at the dragonfly that was crushed on the platform with a too virtual mirror. He said: "16 presidents, how do you fight?"

"The dragon family is crazy?"

"In my opinion, this is a brainless madness, looking for death!"

Even if he is too respectable, he can't see any point of the dragon's turnaround, because the gap is really too big.

Sorrowful in a very respectful heart, "This is also good, it can also let you understand the fact that the world's strong is king, you can also find me to find the tomb of the dragon tail, open the dragon domain as soon as possible."

The elders on the temple of Tongtianxian all sneered with scorn, laughing at the fact that Longfei was not self-sufficient.

"Oh arrogant!"

"Dragon, isn't your arrogance just arrogant?"

"Now the crushed linkages can't move, just look at how you are arrogant?"

"Ha ha ha..."

"Kid, you are ready to die."

Some people laughed loudly, and they watched Longfei being crushed and extremely happy.

Longfei is too mad.

Many people are upset, they are now crushed, they vent their madness and ridicule.

Ouyang Zhan also laughed coldly and said: "Long Fei, how do you become a dead dog now? Was it not very arrogant? Are you not crazy?"

"Now continue to be rampant."

"Kid, today is your death."

"Compatible with our 18th martial arts school? Just rely on your waste from the South Tianyu, you also match?"

"In the beginning we refused you, because you are a person from Nantian, and Nantianyu will only waste, hahaha..."

Sixteen dean sneered.

It was crushed by Longfei for three days, and now they can finally export bad luck.

This time he couldn't help but laugh.

The pressure was aggravated, and Longfei’s body was bent down, and his feet trembled wildly.

The heart is stirring, and the atmosphere inside the sea is rolling.

Longfei's face was pale, and he couldn't even breathe out of the atmosphere. He had to say that the strength of the 16 Jinxian strongmen combined greatly exceeded his expectations.


Longfei is not in a hurry, he is still waiting, still waiting...


Ouyang war slammed out and said: "Kid, you give me a kneel!"

In this moment.

The pressure of Ouyang War was reduced, and it became a more powerful pressure to crush down. At the moment when he was crushed, Longfei’s body slammed.

The Pangu Axe on the shoulder fell and was shocked.

With one hand in the hand, facing the top of the head with a golden yellow exclamation point, the court of the martial arts court slammed a hook and pulled it. "This trick is called..."

"The ruthless iron hand!"

Comprehend skills!

The court chief was pulled down by Longfei, and Pangu was cut off.

On the body of the court, two drops of black blood were suspended. Before he ran away, Longfei slashed again.

"Three drops!"

"Four drops!"

Quickly attack, completely stuck to his side, do not give him any chance, the black blood of the court chief is also accumulating.

"Five drops!"

Longfei looked at the court's chief with five black blood and a hook on his mouth. He was not eager to attack.

And this time.

There was a **** red glow on his body.

Just like the blood is shining.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to activate the ‘Nexus Guillotine’, is it released?”

Long Fei mouth corner excitedly laughed, "release!"

The body jumps!

Holding the axe with both hands, squatting on the head of the martial arts dean, "Let you see the new trick of Laozi!"



The first chapter, happy holidays!

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