The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 959: System, you are going to make me god.

A glimpse!


Ouyang Zhan looked at the Pangu Axe, which was smashing down on the face, and screamed, "Save..."

The words have not been finished yet.

Pangu open the axe and fell down.



Directly an axe breaks the head, the body is divided into two, the system also sounds a tone at this time, Longfei is also a thought move, "release violent energy."


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ killing ‘Ouyang War’ and gaining 190000 points, 18,000 points and 10 points.”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get ‘Qinghong Shenjian’”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get ‘Qinglong Battle Armor’”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get ‘Xianjing*12’”

“Congratulations to the player, “Dragon Flying”, is the fusion of “Five Pinseng Root Blue Lingcao”?”


The system sounds constantly sounding, and Longfei is also extremely nervous, because this is the last boss of the eighteen boss, and the strongest boss. If he doesn’t burst out of Xiangen, then he really plays an egg. .

When Longfei heard the words “Five Pin Xiangen”, he was excited.

"I rub!"

"At the end of the explosion, finally, finally broke out!" Longfei is about to cry, more than three billion experience can not be upgraded, this is a painful thing.

It is finally bursting out now.


Longfei saw the same ‘five-grade sage root blue Lingcao’ in the heart, “Let’s be so bad luck, how is it a sacred grass root, how is it not fighting the roots?”

Longfei did not have the first time to merge.

Also at this time.

The system sounds a beep again.


“Congratulations to the ‘Kill of the Heart’ upgraded by the player’s ‘Longfei’ cultivation, and the effect of “Blood Fury”.”


"Can killing the road still be upgraded?"

The dragon flies from the dark.

Because the reason why he killed too fast, too decisive, and too cool, directly changed the heart of the murderous, and became a more intense killing.

This killing has a strong oppressive force.

With a blood anger effect, this is a kind of power blessing.

Yan Huang's ancestors said: "Either way of practicing, you must upgrade, three thousand avenues, and the power of thousands of trails, they will break through with your cultivation."


"Your murder can only be broken by understanding the true meaning of killing."

"Obviously, you just smashed sixteen people, not afraid of life and death, regardless of the block, and the kind of murderous heart in your heart made the murderous breakthrough."

"Kid, from today, you are really on the road. The road to killing the road is very difficult. If you are not careful, you will be overwhelmed. You must be careful. Don't let the killing path devour your heart and control you. "Yan Huang's ancestors said with a lingering heart."

Wanqian Avenue has the greatest risk factor for killing the road.

Even in the chaotic world, there are not many people who take the road of 'killing'. The more killings you have on the road to cultivation, the more sacred ones will suffer.

Want to break through the plane and accept the baptism of heaven, that time is the real time of horror.

Yanhuang's ancestors did not discourage Longfei from practicing and killing the road, because Longfei was taking a road from the beginning without a retreat. This is the only way for him.

No matter what you encounter in the future.

Yan Huang's ancestors will go all out to protect him.

Longfei seriously said: "I remember."

"Since I set foot on this road, I will go forward, never step back, and will not let any power control my body. I will not let my life!"

Yan Huang’s ancestors laughed and said, “A good sentence, I can’t help but God.”

At this time.

The system sounded again.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to complete the ‘18 Lohan’ mission and get a reward of 1 million experience, 30,000 points of power!”


"System rating..."


"Task score is s+ level"


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ triggers the fusion of the eighteen Arhat attributes and concise the Luohan King Kong.”

"One percent concise..."

A progress bar appeared in Longfei’s mind.

Moving forward bit by bit, Longfei was excited. "Rohan King Kong, is this the eighth King Kong? Hahaha..."

"If the black knife is a mad knife, then my eight King Kong will be together!"



"First, you must take Oya's sword power King Kong."

Luohan King Kong was activated, and all the eight King Kongs appeared. Now, Longfei only needs one to complete, and the black knife Uncle’s knives King Kong also thinks of a solution.

Now just wait for Oya to win!

When the real dragon is excited, this time the system sounds again, and the dragon flies again and again. "I rub."

"Today the system is a bit abnormal."

"What is the situation?"

"I really want to let me go to heaven."


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ killing ‘Ouyang War’ to get special rewards!”

The voice fell.

A flashing gift box appeared on the system interface in the mind. Longfei’s thoughts clicked up, and then the golden light flashed, and a card was suspended in Longfei’s mind.

Dragon flew, "What is this?"

The idea is clicked again.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to activate the card system to gain 100 points, 100 points for Xianli and 100 points for special rewards.”


“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get the 'Hand of Noxus’, is it called?”


Longfei swallowed heavily and looked at the fierceness of the card, just like the same beast, and is still the slam dunk skin of Knock!

"Going to heaven!"

"This rhythm is definitely going to be heaven."

The small heart of Longfei was a little bit unbearable, and it came too suddenly.

Can't adapt to it.


Longfei immediately checked the attributes of ‘Nock’.

Hero: The Hand of Noxus (Slam Dunk)

Grade: Holy Order

Description: Have full skill of the hero, level upgrade to get equipment, equipment is selected by the player.

Looking at the description of the hero, Longfei was completely forced.

“Can you equip it?”

"Black cut?"

"Blood hands?"

"Is it still all output?"

"Mom, system your sister, you want to make my heart explode, it's really cool, I like it, hahaha..." Longfei laughed so ridiculously.

I think that I still have a set of skills that are rewarded in the secrets of the Emperor. I laughed inside and excitedly. "Will you reward the hero's card?"


"Ha ha ha..." Longfei's heart was boiling.

It was at this time.

Longfei screamed, "Mom, Laozi asks, who else?"

Really cool, no.

Also in his sentence, the entire peace of the battlefield was broken.

Nineteen furious.

The faces of the elders of the Eight Great Halls became extremely ugly, and Longfei murdered under their eyes, and they did not put them in their eyes.

The anger is raging.

At this time, Pan Sheng in the stands slowly stood up, his eyes smothered, and cold and cold: "Now it is my turn!"


Chapter Four,

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