The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 960: Against the battle disk!

It is a madman.

He killed 16 deputies of the martial arts in a row, and he himself was seriously injured.

Is this how fierce?

A roar awakened all the people.

"Dragon fly!"

Nineteen took the lead to scream.

Eight elders of the Xiandian Temple fell, and their eyes were clear.

They thought they could control everything in the game. Now it seems that they have nothing to control. The dean of the Eighteenth Armed Forces was killed by Longfei.

The current Emperor's College can be said to be chaotic.

This is very unfavorable for the layout of the Tongtian Temple.

"Elders of the Temple must do it!"

"Everyone is ready!"

Song Qianqian ordered, her words have not been finished, Aoya flew out in one step, directly rushed to the side of the dragon to fall to the side of Longfei, staring at one of the elders.

Oya’s eyes are killing.

The elder of the temple also sneered with disdain. "Do you want to learn to die like you?"

Oya was angry in her heart.

At this moment.


Chen Tianfei fell heavily. "You **** me to try my boss!"

"Boom!" Song Qianqian also fell.

Mandala, Sakura, exquisite, and the members of the mad dragon team all rushed to the ring, guarding the left and right sides of Longfei, with fierce eyes and no fear.

The court chief 19 fell from the air, a cold look, staring at Longfei and shouting: "Longfei, do you want to rebel?"

Long Fei smiled lightly and said: "How do I want to rebel? I always think that they want my life. How do I want to rebel?"

"The court president, may I ask, what am I doing wrong?"

The muscles of the nineteen-eyed eyes gently twitched, saying: "The 18th martial arts dean was killed by you, and countless talented disciples were killed by you. The strength of the Emperor's Academy was instantly weakened by half. Now you ask me what you are doing wrong. ?? Long Fei, what do you do not know yourself?"

The elite disciples of the Eighteenth Military Academy suffered more than half of their deaths.

The eighteen deans were all fallen.

The strength of the Emperor's College is not only as simple as a weakening. This has just begun, and a series of chain reactions have not yet occurred.

If these things are spread out, the Emperor's College may become a second-rate college.


The strength of the Western Devils, without the deterrence of the Emperor's College, they will become stronger and will be exploratory.

At that time, who will stop?

Longfei shrugged and said: "Nineteen Dean, you have to figure out a bit, is that I want to kill them? Which ones who have been killed by me don't want to kill me?"

"Which one doesn't want to step on me?"

"I challenge them, they can't accept it, do I force them to accept it?"

"The challenge of the 18th president, they can also accept that they do not accept it, who let them rush down, and now die in my hands, that is, I am doing things?"

"Who is doing things in the end, I am afraid you know best in your heart?"

Nineteen eyes glanced, cold and cold: "Strong words!"

Long Fei mouth corner, said: "I casually say, team battle, alchemy, personal qualifying, I have won, five thousand points is enough."

"Today I am going to build a new military court."


"There is still one thing. The dean of the 18 martial arts courts have all been defeated by one person. That is to say, I am now the leader of the Eighteenth Military Academy."

Longfei smiled and looked at the nineteenth: "According to the rules, what am I saying?"

Nineteen sinister smiled and said: "Long Fei, I have to say, you really want too much, I have not punish you, you are good, directly turn yourself into the dean of the Emperor's College. ?"

"Do you still have a court in your eyes? Is there a presence of the Temple of Heaven?"

Longfei smiled and said: "Do you want to tell the truth?"

Nineteen looked at the dragon fly.

Long Feidao: "To tell the truth, I really didn't look at you."



"Kid, you are looking for death!"

Nineteen and eight elders of the Xiandian screamed in anger, and Longfei’s speech moves undoubtedly touched their neuralgia. Who would dare to disrespect the Tongtian Temple?

"Looking for death, right?"

Longfei stared at an elder of the Temple, saying: "I want to find death, there is a kind of your mother who is coming to bite me, I am afraid that you will not be?"

Angrily screamed.

The strong killing of the body was released, and the heart said: "I want to try the power of 'Nock.'"

The summoning card has not been used yet.

How strong is Knock?

How strong is the holy card?

To be honest, Longfei really wants to know!

The elders of the fairy temple glanced at each other and said: "If you don't give you a lesson today, you are really lawless."


The fighting power is fully open, and the atmosphere of the elders of the Immortal Temple bursts into a thick and powerful pressure.

Completely angry.

Long Fei's eyebrows are tight.

Oya stepped forward step by step, and the revenge blade in her hand pointed at the elder of the temple, saying: "I want to swear for me, revenge for my mother!"

It is also at this moment.

A figure descended from the sky, "Boom!"

Falling in the middle of Oya and the elder of the temple, the breath of the body formed a huge wave, and directly sent Oya to the cockroach, and the dragon flew back slightly, dragging Oya in midair.

Look at each other, "Pan Sheng!"

The man is in the pan.

Pan Sheng with a cold smile on his face, a high-top look, staring at Longfeidao: "My name is your waste?"

The entire theater was also sensational.

"The first demon, Pan Sheng?"

"Is he not in the Heavenly Palace?"

"Wow, the strength of his body is strong."

"The first demon slayer, the most powerful figure of the younger generation of Tianwu mainland, the invincible genius, is also a true disciple of the Taizun adults."

"Does he have to do more?"

"In the Thunder Mountain Range, he defeated Longfei with one stroke. Now, after half a year, his repair is unfathomable. If Longfei is strong, it should not be his opponent?"

There are four arguments.

The influence of the demon slayer is extremely powerful.

Compared with half a year ago, Pan Sheng has become a lot stronger. The high level of his eyes is high, and the smugness of the superior is also a lot stronger.

In his eyes.

Longfei is still as vulnerable as it was half a year ago.

Although he continued to kill 16 of the Dean's strong, Pan Sheng still did not put him in the eye.


His cultivation is the realm, and has reached the realm of Yuanxian!

Enough to blast the existence of Longfei.

Longfei smiled slightly and said: "I don't want to call you a name, right? Well, let's take your mongrel dog. What do you think of this name?"

Pan Sheng eyes a little glimpse, revealing the killing.

Turn around.

He told the eight elders of the Essence Hall: "Elder elders, he will hand it over to me. I was able to crush him like a dead dog six months ago. It is now the same."

The war is burning.

Longfei also said to Chen Tianfei: "You go ahead."

Song Qianqian Weiwei: "Longfei, this person is too strong!"

Longfei smiled and said: "I lost half a year ago, now..."

"I want to blast him!"

Because... Pangu opened the sword, he also fancy!

Therefore, I want to explode him!


Chapter 5, thank you for your support!

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