The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 961: Fusion Xiangen

Longfei looked at the appearance of Pan Sheng, and he secretly glimpsed himself. "Is this the Boss of this college?"


The golden light on his body is even stronger than the golden light on the 18th martial arts dean. He appeared at this time, and the finale appeared. That must be the boss, and... Longfei looked up at the sky and secretly said to himself: "Too respect, this is what you mean?"

The people in the ring have stepped back.

Eight elders of the Temple looked at Longfei, and their eyes were stunned.

It's as if everything is in their control.

As the finalist of the ‘Reaper’, the first slayer will create another glory. As long as the dragon fly is stepped on, the influence of the Panjia, the influence of Pansheng will reach an unprecedented high point.

I have to say that Pan Sheng is very beautiful.

However, the premise is that he has to win!

Longfei and him are left on the platform.

Longfei looked at Pansheng. At this time, he did not integrate Wupin Xiangen. The use of Lanling Grass Xiangen is not very big for Longfei. Is it necessary to integrate?

Not in a hurry!

At first, there was no explosion. Sengen Longfei was very anxious. Now that the roots are coming out, Longfei is not in a hurry.

Pan Sheng squinted, staring at Longfei dismissively said: "Dragon, you are not my opponent, give you a chance to reduce pain, give me a kneeling, hoe, I will let you die without any pain."

Very confident.

Shows the confidence of a strong person.

In his eyes, Longfei was vulnerable.

He did not put Longfei in his eyes at all. The repair of a virtual fairy nine is a waste in his eyes.

Longfei sneered and raised Pangu’s axe in his hand. He said, “Do you know how the battle was dead? Like them, I was killed by the broken head. Pan Sheng, today, if you don’t come out, it’s okay. At least, you can live for a few more years, but you can't die if you want to die. Are you looking for death?"

"I will give you a chance to live."

"Your singer conquered me to listen, if the singer is happy, maybe I will let you live for a few more years."

Don't wait for Longfei to finish talking.

The anger and killing in the heart of Pan Sheng rose, and his eyes were cold. "You are looking for death!"


The figure of Pan Sheng disappeared.

"So fast!"

"Kid, be careful, this guy's cultivation is above the realm of Jinxian's peak. I am afraid it is the realm of Yuanxian. Your current cultivation is not his opponent at all." Yan Huang Laozi quickly reminded him that he always pays attention to the dangers around him. Breath.

The speed of the disk is extremely fast.

Long Fei did not respond at all, and he could not see it.


At this time, the 'Nexus Guillotine' was in a state of cooling and could no longer be used in a short time.


The chest was cracked, the body of Longfei was sunken, and the body exploded. The Pangu axe in the hand could not hold it down. "Hey..."

The body flew out like a stub.


The heavy squatting on the ground, waiting for Longfei to stand up, the figure of Pansheng disappeared again. "As for your waste, dare to swear in front of me? Longfei, you are too weak, understand?"


It was another move, once again flying Longfei to fly out.

Longfei tried to resist.

However, his reaction can't keep up, the speed can't keep up, the power can't keep up, everything can't keep up with the speed of Pansheng, he doesn't have the feeling to deal with the strong man of Jinxian Realm, the realm of Yuanxian Realm By……

The strength is really different.

The power of Jinxian Realm and Yuanxian Realm differs by a hundred thousand miles.

Among the nine realms of Xianyu, Yuanxian is a hurdle.

At the level of difference, power is the difference between the world and the insurmountable existence.

"I rub!"

Longfei was dissatisfied and looked at his life value. He sighed in his heart. "I still don't believe it!"


"The seven levels are unparalleled, give me a drive!"

One hundred and twenty-eight times the power of the property is coming out.

Longfei’s eyes glanced.

At this time, the figure of Pan Sheng disappeared again.

"Can't see, can't see!"

"I still can't see!" Longfei constantly went to see, to sense the speed of the disk, even if he released the seven-level unparalleled, he still could not sense the position of Pansheng, the level gap is really too big.


A loud noise, Longfei was once again shot and flew out.

Pan Sheng’s figure fell, “Longfei, then Laozi’s arrogance, are you not to prove that Nantian’s people are not waste? Are you not to prove that your Dragon family is very good? You are not threatening to step on my disk. Is it home once?"

"What happened now?"

"How to become a dead dog?"

The sound of Pan Sheng exploded in the military field.

Very arrogant.

Very arrogant.

Just after the continuous crit, completely crushed Longfei.

Longfei has no room for backhand.

The whole person on the martial arts field was amazed. Longfei could kill the 18th Dean. He is very strong, but Pansheng is stronger than him. This is the gap, which also highlights the strength of the Pansheng, unparalleled power.


Pan Sheng is a tall man, the same as the upper one.

His voice fell and he immediately talked about it on the battlefield.

"The first demon slayer is the first demon slayer. Longfei is not a strong opponent of Pan Sheng, and is abused as a dog."

"Ha ha ha... Look at him now dare to be arrogant, now being abused into a dog, deserve it!"

"There are too many differences in the realm. Will it be unfair? The repair of Pansheng is to reach the realm of Yuanxian, and Longfei is the realm of the virtual fairy. There are too many gaps."

"Fair? There is no such thing as a fair word on this sister. Long Fei is looking for himself. It is very long and arrogant. Now? A dead dog, hahaha... Those who are called mad dragons? Why don’t you make a sound now? Come on? One by one has become dumb?"


Many people laughed at Longfei again.

Laughing at his arrogance, in front of Pan Sheng is like a dead dog, there is no room for resistance.

The courtmaster, 19 hands clasped his chest, suspended in the air and smiled coldly.

The eight elders of the Temple are also the same. They are also a high-rise, with a sneer on their faces, watching Longfei being blasted. They all show a look of contempt, and there is no meaning to stop them.

This kind of arrogant person should give him some lessons.

Awkward lessons.

Let him know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is!

Many people are looking forward to seeing the jokes of Longfei. From the big ratio to the present, Longfei’s arrogant arrogance crushes them.

Now they finally see what they want to see, and many people make a big laugh.

Chen Fatzi looked at Longfei, who was hanging blood on the corner of the ring, and approached the platform for a few minutes.

Pan Sheng looked proudly at the dying dragon fly, sneered, said: "I can kill you in the Thunder Mountain Range, I did not kill you, because you are not even qualified to kill me, today you still Same, but..."

The sound of Pan Sheng is magnified. "For the innocent people who died in the Imperial Academy, I will kill you today!"

Long Fei didn't pay any attention to him, and he said something in his mouth: "It seems that you really want to upgrade the level!"

"If this is the case..."



Chapter One,

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