The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 962: You **** to beat me.

I really don't want to integrate a kind of fairy root that I don't want to fit with.

This is why Longfei has not merged with Lan Lingcao.

He wants to integrate the battle class Xiangen, who knows that Ouyang war only bursts out a kind of spirit grass fairy root, and there is still no use of blue spirit grass, Longfei really does not want to merge, but now...

Was forced to the edge of the cliff!


The dragon's voice sank, the blue spirit grass in the space ring disappeared, and his body was madly absorbing the power of the blue spirit grass.


"What is it?"

"What can you merge at this time, and integrate Xiangen? Even if you break through the blood fairy realm?"

"It’s still a waste, hahaha..." Pan Sheng did not rush to start with Longfei. He wanted to tease him, step on his face, and if he would kill Longfei, he would not be able to highlight him. Powerful.


He enjoys the process of playing and flying.

"Boom, bang, bang!"

Longfei's body constantly makes a roar of power, and it takes a little bit of time to integrate Xiangen.


"There is only one arrogant ending in front of Laozi, you just wait." Longfei's body quickly absorbed the power of Xiangen, and the power of Wupin Xiangen Blue Lingcao was being swallowed by him crazy, while his The experience slot began to tremble.

“How can more than three billion years of experience soar?”

Longfei’s heart is very much looking forward to it.

"What is he doing?"

"This time the integration of Xiangen, he is crazy?"

"Even if the integration is successful, what is the most? It is only a blood fairy, and nothing can be done. It is not an opponent of Pansheng."

"I see that he is deceiving and can't make any name."

"Less, don't waste time with him, kill him and kill him."

"Kill him, avenge the 18th president, avenge the dead disciple and kill him."


The sound became stronger and stronger, Pansheng also smiled proudly, watching Longfei excitedly smiled and said: "Longfei, you hear no, all are cruel about your voice, hahaha... then you give I am going to die."

In an instant.

The body of the disk is moving.


The power of the Yuanxian realm broke out in an all-round way.

One palm!

"Pangu opens the sky."


The palms are rolling, and the heavy ones are on the chest of Longfei.

The power is very strong.


"Dragon fly!"

"Dragon less!"

Chen Fatzi, they were so scared that their faces were whitish, and the power of that palm was too fierce. The repair of the virtual fairy nine products was simply unable to withstand the power.

Longfei did not go to defense.

His body flew out, his chest cracked, his body was bursting with a huge amount of power, but at this moment, the system sounded a tone.


“Congratulations to the player’s ‘Dragon’’ upgrade, the current level ‘blood fairy one!’”

What does the upgrade mean?

The upgrade means full blood resurrection, which means that all the pain in the body has disappeared. Even if the heart of Longfei is pierced, as long as his life value is still a little, he can still survive and be full of blood when he upgrades!

The dragon flew on the ground and continued to integrate Xiangen.

Pan Sheng's original face, his expression suddenly became stiff, his mind sensed that Longfei's body completely recovered with his palm, and the previous wounds all healed. What is the situation?

"He he he he is still a person?"

"Does this palm not die?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't die. You see the wounds on his body, all healed. Isn't the power of the disk just a healing power?"

"Still, the power of Pansheng is simply a weak chicken?"


It’s too strange.

The elders of the Eight Great Halls can't understand, it's impossible.

How strong is Pan Sheng’s strength? They are very clear. Ten warriors in the realm of the virtual fairy will be killed by an instant. Longfei has nothing to do. Nothing is worth it. What are the wounds on his wounds? ?

Many people squinted and thought they had hallucinations, but Longfei sat on his knees and his wounds healed.

Longfei mouth smiled coldly and said: "Pan Sheng, do you have this strength? You didn't eat in the morning? You are too weak chicken."

Very arrogant.

Very crazy.

Longfei’s look of contempt was staring at Pan Sheng, hooking his fingers and saying, “Come on, come, you **** me.”

The integration of Wu Pin Xian Gen takes time.

Longfei finds the fastest way to integrate and utilize external forces.

Just one hand of Pan Sheng let him instantly merge the first layer, and also instantly upgrade.

Every kind of fairy root has its own characteristics, and the characteristics of this blue spirit grass will not be abused?

The disk is full of anger.


With a roar, the power of the Yuanxian realm broke out again and again, "Panggu opens the sky!!"


A super strong force broke out from his body, the thunder in the sky, the Buddha will split, and the power is too fierce.


This time, Pan Sheng did not choose to continue to attack Long Fei's chest, but the top of the head!

"I have to see if you die this time!"

Falling from the sky, a palm is crushed down.

Chen Fatzi’s heart is tight again, “Boss!”

There are four arguments on the battlefield.

"This time, Longfei is dead."

"It must have been installed by him just now. I will continue to install it now."

"Ha ha ha... this time he will die."

"Exploding his head directly!"


The elders of the Eight Great Halls also showed a satisfied smile. The palm of the Pansheng will inevitably kill the dragon and can't resist it.

The nineteen eyebrows are tight and some are worried.


Too respected him to keep Longfei not to die.


At this time, his heart was shaken, because the current Emperor's College has the highest qualifications, and the position of the Dean... The heart of the 19th is sinking, and the darkness says: "All the battles can happen, let alone... I am above it, I can’t stop it.”

"Dragon, you will die."


I slapped it.

Longfei feels that his head is going to crack.


At this moment, the system sounds again.


“Congratulations to the player’s ‘Longfei’ upgrade, the current level ‘blood fairy two products’!”

Another upgrade!

Blue Lingcao Xiangen merges with the second layer!

Longfei smiled coldly and said: "Pan Sheng, you weak chicken, can you be a little more fierce, your strength is not enough to tickle Lao Tzu, hurry, hurry, hurry to hit me. ""

The whole game was written.

The top of the disk is full of smoke, and it is completely violent.

Two consecutive strokes of heavy blows, but did not cause a little damage to Longfei, his heart was hit by a mess, and even began to doubt life.

Obviously it can be spiked.

Why not die?

Why are you not injured?

Aside from these, how can Longfei break through under his two heavy blows?

Don't you want to live?


Chapter two,

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