The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 964: Try the taste of the big sword.

"It's my turn!"

Longfei blinked his eyes and his body moved and rushed out.


The power of the blood fairy nine blasted in the body of Longfei.


"Seven levels are unparalleled, open!"

One hundred and twenty-eight times the power of the property came out, and the dragon flew like a fly, suddenly jumped, "the hegemonic impact!"


The body is like a shell bombing.

The Pan Sheng, which was almost destroyed by Longfei, had no time to react. He did not expect Longfei to fight back.

The body was hit and flew.

As soon as the dragon knives fell, Longfei stimulated the blood of the Dragon Sword to absorb the blood. At the same time, the second layer of his heart, the murderous heart, was activated by the blood anger.

"One thousand!!"

The Dragon Slayer screamed in the air, and the power of the wrath of blood anger poured into it.

The power of each knife is endlessly powerful.


A series of bright red damage figures floated on the top of Pansheng.





"The boss countered!" Chen Fatzi excited, watching the dragon flying in the air, he became extremely excited.

The people on the martial arts are also shocked.

"Finally hit back!"

"What about the counterattack? Even if he is now a **** nine product, it is not an opponent of the lesser, he is the strongest in the realm of the Yuanxian, and the strong blood fairy is not his opponent."

"Well said!"

"Longfei will definitely be abused into a dead dog."


How is it improved?

The gap in the ranks is still very large, and it is not an opponent.

Nineteenth, the warfare of this Pan Sheng is fading. He has attacked nine times in a row, allowing Longfei to break through nine times in a row. His mentality cannot withstand this reality. "This will not work."

Nineteen voices to drink, said: "Pan Sheng, Long Fei just merged with the five elements of Xiangen, he does not have six products in his body now, you can not break through now, you can freely release the power of the body."

He must let Pan Sheng rekindle the war in his heart.

The eight elders of the Temple also shouted: "The 19th Dean said it was good, he can no longer break through, and now release your power."


Listening to these words, Pan Sheng’s heart suddenly sinks.


Pan Sheng roared and said: "Long Fei, you 蝼 ants give me to die."

The power of the Yuanxian realm broke out.

A strong breath forms a force shock wave, and directly sends the dragon fly to the earthquake.


The strength of Pan Sheng’s body burned wildly, his eyes staring at Longfei, not far away, and the killing in his eyes became strong again. A contemptuous expression, smiled: “How about the blood fairy nine? ”

"You are still a waste in my eyes."

Burned up again.

Pan Sheng is a super genius.

A sentence of nineteen made him wake up instantly.

Longfei is impossible to break through!

If this is the case, then he will crush the dragon.

Nineteen cold smiles, "the battle of Pan Sheng resumed, Longfei did not have a chance to win."

The eight elders of the Temple also laughed smugly. "The first demon can not be so easily defeated, otherwise he will not become the first demon."

Yan Huang’s ancestors reminded him, “You need to be careful when you are kid, you can’t break through now, the power of the kid is different. The Pangu Xiangen and the Pangu blood in his body are cultivated to a super high. In the realm, his explosive power is stronger than before, and he can kill you."

Longfei didn't care, but asked: "Once, did you lack the blood of Pangu in the blood of refining?"

Yan Huang’s ancestors said, “Lack of it.”


"That's it!"

"Panggu blood is definitely mine." Long Fei mouth gently tapped, looking at the blood on the top of Pan Sheng, slightly smiled: "Pan Sheng, want to taste the taste of big health care?"


"It's a big sword!"

Pan Sheng put the Pangu open axe and put it on, and put it on the Pangu Kaitian sword, condensing a virtual shadow on his body, a huge and incomparable virtual shadow, just like the legendary open-minded Pangu giant god, he stared at the dragon fly.

The shadow is also staring at Longfei.

That feeling...

It’s like being stared by death, it’s hard to bear!

" Pangu virtual shadow!"

"The ninth layer of Pangu bloodline?"

"Good boy, he really cultivated it!"

The eight elders of the Temple were shocked.

Pangu blood, the most ancient blood of Tianwu mainland, it contains the power of Pangu giants, unparalleled and powerful, this half year in the cultivation of the Heavenly Palace, Pan Sheng will continue to enhance the blood force, reaching the ninth layer of horror.


Inside the Temple of Heaven.

The face of Taizun is also slightly changed, "Panggu virtual shadow?"

The elders on the temple were as shocked as the eight elders.

"It is the first demon slayer. These talents are unmatched."

"Dragonfly will die!"

"Dragon has no blood power in the body, and can't resist it at all. Besides, he still faces Pan Guzheng, and he will be crushed directly."


The eyes of too respectful are tight.

Longfei is too mad, he really wants to teach, but he does not want the dragon to die, his master will not agree, suddenly, his thoughts sink, voiced to the 19th Dean, said: "Give me Stop the disk!"

"Dragon is still not dead now!"

Nineteen seems to have not heard the same.

Tai Zun’s brow was tight and he sipped, “Nineteen, do you dare to disobey my orders?”

Nineteen bodies trembled slightly and said: "Too great, my repair is very clear to you, I am not an opponent of Pan Sheng, how can I stop him?"

It is also on the occasion of this millennium.

Pan Sheng stepped out, "Booming..."

Avalanche is generally broken!


The ring is turned into ruins.

The entire martial arts field is shaking. The entire Emperor's College, the Emperor Mountain is shaking, the heavens and the earth are dull, and the darkness is like an ancient giant coming out of the darkness. The power of the Pangu Shadow is too strong.

Invincible and powerful!

"I rub!"

"Is it really bad for Pangu blood?"

Longfei has no fear inside, he is only excited now!

Very excited!

"Exploded him!"


Longfei also stepped out in a step, the expression was extremely excited, watching the release distance of the big sword, one meter and one meter close, suddenly, Longfei stopped.

Also at this time.

Pan Sheng also stopped. The Pan Gu shadow on his body moved, picked up the Pangu open axe and shrugged into the clouds, and squatted against the head of Longfei. "Give me to die!!"

The dragon flies at the corner of the mouth and does not hide. The heart slams out, "Demacia justice!!"

"Great sword!"

"Look at his mother to see who will die first!"


Chapter Four,

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