The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 965: The hand of Noxus, come on!

"Pangu Kaitian!"

The giant axe squats.

In the sky, a light of justice falls.

A huge, golden jewel in the light of justice.

Pangu opened the earth.

The sky cracked.

Among the cracks, a big sword fell.

This scene is too strange.

Longfei stood still and did not care, "Come on!"


The thunder tumbling, within a million kilometers, was shrouded in the sound of a force.

The people of the Emperor's College looked up at the sky.

Everyone in the Divine City is also looking up at the sky.

A giant axe.

A big sword.

One second is average.


A super-popping sound exploded, and then the heavens and the earth recovered, and the darkness disappeared. The sky above the Emperor's College was peaceful and quiet. What happened?

Everyone’s heart is asking, what happened just now?

Longfei’s body shook a little, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood.

The loss of health is insane...

Pan Sheng stood still in the same place, and his strength of power disappeared.

Under the giant axe, the big sword is a step faster than the giant axe, and the heart of the Pan Sheng, the sea, the gods are all annihilated, spike! !

At that moment.

A number floats on the top of Pansheng.


A hit of 100 million damage!

Suddenly messed up.

Longfei’s heart is also shouting, “Demasia!”

"It's too fierce!"



The body of Pan Sheng cracked a little bit, like the melting of the ice, falling down and smashing the ground. His two eyes stared at Longfei, and he fell down in the sword. In an instant, his expression was fixed and motionless, "big, big, big, big sword..."

"Oh la la!"

The body cracked and the system sounded a tone.


“Congratulations to the player’s ‘Longfei’ violent ‘Pan Sheng’ has gained 1000000 points, Xianli 90000 points, and energy value 10 points.”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to get the ‘Panggu Open Axe’”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get the ‘ Pan Gu Kai Tian Jian’”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to get ‘Pangu’s bloodline’”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to get ‘Panggu Xiangen’”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get ‘Shenjian Shards’”


The system blew continuously.

Longfei looked at the explosion of the space ring, excited, but also confused, "Pan Sheng is not a boss, but I do not have violent energy value, how can there be so many things?"

"Is it?"

Longfei’s heart screamed, “Is it because of the big sword?”

"I rub!"

"That big sword is too windy."

At this moment.

Longfeidao: "Old ancestors..."

Don't wait for him to finish.


"The ancient blood of Pangu was swallowed by the Dragon Slayer."


"The Pangu Kaitian sword was broken down and swallowed."

Longfei: ...

"Old ancestor, your sister, can't you give me a look?" Longfei felt that he suffered 10 billion points of attack damage, and Pangu blood was swallowed up like this. Pangu Kaitian was eaten like this. so sad.

Yanhuang ancestors laughed and said: "I was scared to death just now, I have to eat some artifacts and pressure."

"Squeeze your sister's surprise." Longfei slammed.

Also at this time.

Longfei’s body sank, “Hey...”

A blood spurted out.

The dragon knives supported the ground, and Longfei did not fall to the ground, and his face became pale and instantly. Just now the body was in excitement. He did not find that his body was greatly damaged.

The power of the Pangu virtual shadow is too strong.

Even if Longfei is now killing Pansheng, crack this trick.


Pangu virtual shadows have caused a lot of damage to Longfei, and even Jinlong's ancestors can't resist it. If it is not Jinlong's ancestors, Longfei will die!


Chen Fatzi first rushed out.


A loud noise, not waiting for Chen Fatzi to be close to Longfei, was blasted out by a force.



Eight elders of the Xiandian Temple fell together, their eyes were smothered, and an elder said coldly: "The game is not over yet, and outsiders must not be near!"

"Dragon, you can kill the 18th president."

"But, you kill the demon, it is the hope of our future, and you have to pay the price today." One of the elders of the temple said, they could not believe everything in front of them, but the facts were before them.

The disk of the first slayer was dead.

This is a fatal blow to Xianyu.

They can't do nothing!

Longfei supported the Dragon Sword and stood up in a difficult way. He smiled coldly and said: "He was killed, then I am the demon slayer. How? Are you very upset? Want to slap the old man seriously? ”


"What are you doing when you are seriously injured?"

"Longfei, you committed a sinful crime, you must take your righteousness today."

It’s the way to make a shot when you are seriously injured.

The power that Longfei broke out was too strange, too horrible, and there was no absolute certainty in their hearts to kill in the case of Longfei's recovery.

You are sick, you are going to die.

They are very clear about this.


Chen Fatzi once again rushed, "Move me boss, I **** your family."

Before he rushed to the ring, the right hand of an elder of the temple was turned over, and a force swept out. Once again, Chen Fatzi was fanned out. "Squatting ants, give me a go."

At this moment.

Song Qianqian one sword stabbed.

The power of the mandala's poisonous spirit is released.

Oya will show out the swordsmanship.

Exquisite wings move, the power of Suzaku's blood is coming out.

Blade, Wang Qingshan, Zheng Qingsong, the brothers of the Department of Labor all rushed up.

They are desperate!


A sneer in the eyes of an elder in the temple, "A group of ugly people, you all give me a roll."


A loud bang, powerful power will make Song Qianqian all fly out.



Linglong squirted a blood, and Sakura also spurted a blood.


Longfei double-handedly clenched and said, word by word, "Move my brother, die!!"


The elder of the temple, sneer, sneered. "As far as you look like this, I can crush your cockroaches with one finger and fight with us? Longfei, you are not qualified enough, understand?"

Eight elders of the Temple of God revealed a sneer.

Longfei has been scrapped!

Now they can kill him with a single stroke.

"Is not qualified?"

"Are you arrogant in the Heavenly Hall?"

"The old man will let you see what is called qualification, what is called the bulls!"

Longfei screamed, his mind moved, and the card was activated, "Hand of Noxus!"

"Let's come!"


chapter Five.

Yesterday afternoon, a notebook with a loud bang 咔嚓 大海 穿越 , , , , , , , 大海 大海 大海 大海 大海 大海 大海 大海 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本 笔记本

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