The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 972: The second time of the tears of the goddess

Wait, it is a very empty thing.

It has too many unknowns.

Longfei is still alive?

already dead?

Can he come back?

When are you coming back?

There is too much to be known about this, and no one can guarantee anything.


Qiu Wandao knows very well that the only thing they can do at this time is to wait for his return and believe that he is still alive.

at the same time.

Qiu Wandao’s eyes sank and became firm. He said: “Before Longfei has not returned, I feel that we must also do something. He must work hard in some places to practice, and we cannot stand still.”

Fu Xishan immediately asked: "Qiu Lao, what do you think?"

"Tonight's war against the Panshi Business Alliance!"

"We must take down the Panshi Business Alliance, and let Nantian appear in every medicinal pharmacy in Tianwu. Longfei has a hundred and two silver coins. This is a deep layer of intention. This remedy can make all The warrior is grateful to Longfei, and at the same time we can earn the money of the entire Tianwu mainland warrior. Longfei definitely needs Xianshi, Xianjing, and we will do everything before he returns!” Qiu Wandao said slightly.

Dragon flies disappear, they can't do nothing.

The lesser master of the Pan's business alliance died, and the elders died in battle. Now is the time when the Panjia group has no leader, and it is also his weakest time. The Panjia will not think of the disappearance of Longfei. Fengyuan The business alliance also dared to do it to them.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Black knife micro-channel: "I agree!"

Yun Erdao: "I agree with the return of Longfei brother."

"it is good!"

"Then do the first thing!"

Fu Xishan’s double fists were heavy and said: “That’s with the Panjia, and it’s been a long time for half a year. It’s time to fight back.”

She has not done anything for the past six months.

Instead, she has been preparing, the secret base of the Panjia, the strength of the strong family, the number of disciples, she is clear.

Qiu Wandao said: "This time, uprooted!"

Fengyuan Business Alliance counterattacked.


Let's talk about Longfei.

The moment he was shot, his heart was like death.

He hates himself.

In the same year, Liu Luoxi gave himself a sigh of relief for Hong Tian. It was only this time that his heart was even more uncomfortable, more painful, and even more uncomfortable than death. He watched the brothers around him being shot, and the women one by one. He can't do anything if he is shot.

That kind of pain can't be said.

It’s too uncomfortable.

Longfei's body was abolished. The whole body was like the same mud. The bones were broken. The mind and the sea were crushed. The muscles were broken. The life value on his head was still falling, and he was going to die.

Longfei has suffered too much.

He can't stand it!

He has been working hard all the time, trying to make himself stronger and desperately guarding the people around him.


How are the relatives, brothers and women of Nantianyu now? he does not know.

He can't guard it!

How about a woman in Xianyu, how is a woman?

Watching them being photographed, he still can't guard.

The pain of heartbreaking causes Longfei to lose the desire to survive. The heartache is like death, his eyes are dull, and the pictures of their being shot once in their minds are repeated, and the pain is unbearable. "I can't guard anyone."

"I am useless!"

"I really don't work."

"Maybe, I should not appear in this world."

"Maybe, I should die like this."


As he spoke, Longfei’s eyes were wet and tears filled.

It is really painful.

Strong pressure has smashed him. He has collapsed now, hates himself, hates his own uselessness, can't protect anyone, and in front of the powerful and extraordinary, he doesn't count anything, nothing.

I am too weak.

Really too weak, too weak!

What about the dean who can kill the realm of Jinxian? What about the first demon who can kill the realm of Yuan Xian? How can you kill eight elders in the temple? Stronger, still not too respectable opponent, even his one can not stand.

This is the gap!

The gap between heaven and earth.

He is really tired.



Longfei eyes looked at the dark void, his body was sinking, and he smiled and said to himself: "Let me sink forever."


"Really sorry."


Longfei's eyes are slightly combined, and the body is like falling into the bottomless abyss, and it continues to fall.

Fourteen dragon ancestors are roaring, in the hustle and bustle.


Yan Tianshen light array separated them from Longfei, and their voice could not be transmitted to Longfei’s mind.

Yan Huang's ancestors tried everything, but still could not.

He can't wake up Long Fei.

Induction of Longfei's body is getting weaker and weaker, and each of them is extremely anxious. The fire in the South Tianyu has lost one time, but his heart has not lost the desire to survive.

Because he saw hope.

It can crush the hope of Hongtian.

But this time...

He can't see a little hope.

One's confidence is broken and his heart is broken.

Longfei is a man, he is not a god.

He can't do that to put everything out of the way.

He kept on sinking.

He needs someone to wake him up now, and he needs someone to give him hope again and let him regain his confidence.


No one can wake him up in this empty space.

Yan Huang's ancestors, the fourteen dragon ancestors were all isolated, and their voice could not wake up Long Fei.


The body sinks and I don't know how long it has been.

It’s as long as a few centuries.


A reminder sounds.


"Red Alert: Player's health is too low, please add health!"


"Red Alert: Player's health is too low, please add health!"


Longfei glanced at the blood trough with only a few hundred points of life left. He smiled lightly: "I am going to die, I will come to you right away, exquisite, thousands, Oya... you are waiting for me. I will come to you right away."

Just at this moment.

The ‘God of Tears’, which has been silently in the space of the Dragon Flying Space, radiates a light of stars. These little stars slowly merge into a woman in the darkness of nothingness, a woman who is beautiful to the extreme.

This woman is the woman he saw in the snowy secrets.

very beautiful!

Unbeatable beauty.

She said softly: "Longfei, Longfei, you have to cheer up."

"Are you a god?"

Longfei eyes blurred and looked at the stars in the void, smiling slightly: "Thank you for guarding me last time, but I am really tired, I want to sleep, I want to think about it..."

The goddess went on to say: "Dragon, you can't sleep, you have to save them, they are not dead yet."


Chapter two,

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