The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 973: Skills, walking in the void!

How strong is it?

How strong is his strength, Longfei is very clear, one move, not to shoot them, but to instantly crush them into powder, instant spike.

Longfei thinks they are all dead!

It’s all because he died, and it’s because of the pain in the heart of Longfei.

He is not afraid of being too respectful.

His character is uncomfortable and he will do it.

People die in the sky, not dying for thousands of years.

People who have died once, what are you afraid of?

and so.

Longfei has always been, no matter whether it is against the King of Trans, the Western Devil is still too respectable, he has never been stunned, he has never been arrogant, because he is never afraid.

His inner breakdown was not because of the power of being too respectable, but because he was killed by his brother.

Let Song Qianqian, Chen Fatzi die.

He can't forgive himself.

This is the reason for his collapse.

When Longfei heard that 'they are still not dead,' his nerves were like some kind of stimulation. In a flash, it was like a moment of survival. "They are still dead?"

The goddess of the stars went on to say: "They are being thrown into a special space like you, they are waiting for you to save,"

"South Tianyu is still waiting for you to save."

"Dragon is waiting for you to save."

"Tianwu mainland is still waiting for you to save."

"I want to... I am waiting for you."

Her words slowly spread in the mind of Longfei.

The last sentence is very light.

I can't even hear it lightly.

Longfei was excited. "They didn't die, they didn't die, hahaha... they didn't die!"

The goddess looked at Long Fei’s excited look and said: "So you have to get back up, you have to save everything."

"Wake up, Dragonfly!"

"Wake up, Dragonfly!"

"Hurry up and wake up..."


Longfei breathed a sigh of relief, his face pale, his breath was short, his eyes opened. "I was dreaming? Not right... It is the tears of the goddess, she is guiding me, she will not lie to me, exquisite them. They are still alive, they are still not dead!"

"Then I can't die!"

"I can never die!"

Longfei’s eyes became firm.

The system is still ringing the tone.


"Red Alert: Player's health is too low, please add it now!"

"Red Alert: Player's health is too low, please add it now!"

In addition to the system prompts, there is no other sound in Longfei’s mind.

Longfei glanced at the tears of the goddess in the space ring, and said slightly: "Thank you!"


Long Fei stood up in a difficult way, and the idea link "Xian Bian Ling Shi" exhaled a heavy breath, said: "Tai Zun, you can kill Laozi, you wait for Laozi, wait for Laozi to return to God. On the day of the Imperial College, you must be called Huang Quan!"



“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ triggering ‘Xianling Lingshi’ to get a bonus of 1 million points, and there are still 7 uses!”


Longfei sucked a sigh of coldness. His current physical condition could not use the 'Yanlonghua's power.' His body was directly blasted by powerful forces. He did not release the sacred dragon, because even if he used it, It is difficult to rush out of the Yantians light array in an instant.

"It's time to start the second hero skill!"

Longfei’s thoughts moved, and a fairy force surged out and gave a slight sigh, saying: “Voidwalker!”



“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon Flying’ to activate the ‘Void Walk’ skill, gaining 100 points of experience, 100 points of Xianli, and 100 points for special rewards.”

This set of skills is not red dragon exchange.

His 18,000-point skill redemption point can only be redeemed for one skill, and he redeems the ‘Nexus Guillotine!’

As for Casa Ding’s big move 'Void Walking' is a special reward for the system, he has not been activated. This is a set of skills that can escape and kill. As the system prompts to sound, Longfei’s heart screams, “Tai Zun Want to trap me?"

"You will wait for me!"


Longfei’s thoughts moved, and ‘empty walking’ was released. A virtual door opened momentarily, and Longfei also wore it out in an instant.


A loud bang in the mind, Longfei whole people shuttled out and directly out of the Yantianshen array.

at the same time.

All the forces of the dragon fly have disappeared.

The eardrum exploded in general.

Qinglong ancestors: "Boss, boss, wake up quickly, can't sleep, can't sleep, wait for you to open the dragon field, wait for you to get all the power of Yuanlong, how to crush a how much to crush how to crush ""

Hailong Wang: "Boss, you can't have anything. You are the last hope of our Nantianyu Dragons. You must hold on."

Jinlong ancestors: "I blame me for being bad, because my defense is not strong enough to protect you."

Duron ancestor: "Boss, if you don't wake up again, I have to put a poisonous bomb. Come wake up soon, hurry up, brothers are waiting for you, Long Domain is waiting for your return, wake up soon Let's go."


The fourteen dragon ancestors were crying anxiously.

They are extremely worried.

Yan Huang’s ancestors also said with enthusiasm: "Boy, what are you doing? Nan Tianyu is coming over, and Xianyu will be turned over by you. What do you mean by not waking up now? You are going to Do I give up? Do you just eat some of your artifacts? Do you have to use this? Kid, I put all the treasure on you, can you just squat like this, big deal, I won’t eat you later. The artifact is all right."

very worried.

Can't say the worry.

Longfei listened to these sounds, his heart was warm.


His thoughts moved, and he said slightly: "Reassured, I am not so easy to fall."

"I am flying, I am back!"

The words fell.

The fourteen dragons burst into tears and couldn’t say a word.

Yan Huang’s ancestors smiled slightly, and he also had the urge to cry, whispering, “You kid!”

The big stone in their hearts finally fell.

They also can see that Longfei really came over.

They don't know what happened, but they all understand that after this incident, Longfei's heart will become more determined and brave. In the face of big setbacks, it will harden to go up. Life is a wonderful life. !


"Old ancestors, what did you say?"

"Do not swallow my artifact, is this what you said?" Longfei smiled.

Yan Huang’s ancestors immediately stunned and pretended to be stupid: “Have I said that? I don’t remember, you are definitely wrong.”


"Can you not be so shameless?" Longfei sneaked a sigh.

It was at this time.

The Yan Huang ancestors suddenly said: "Below, there are a lot of strong breaths below, boy, where are you?"


third chapter,

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