The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 974: Laozi’s flight

What is this place?

A word from Yan Huang’s ancestors woke him up.

Long Fei's eyebrows are tight.

With the reminder of Yan Huang's ancestors, he woke up fiercely and looked down. A large group of dead creatures on the ground were staring at him with a grin, and the saliva flowed into the river.

A large monster.


They all have a little bit of light on their bodies, and they are obviously some elite monsters.


Longfei’s heart was shocked, and the mouth of the mouth immediately excited. Looking at the large-scale elite monsters below, “Tai Zun, you are countless, I have not counted that I will escape, and even less of your death. Land is heaven for me!"

"Ha ha ha..."

"Eight Golden Dragon ancestors listened!"

The words fell.

Jinlong’s ancestors sang together and said: “In!”

"Use your strength to protect my body!" Longfei said anxiously.



Reinforce your mind!


Recognize the sea!

Jinlong's ancestors couldn't take care of the words that Qinglong's ancestors said. He is now trying to ensure the safety of Longfei. He must not let him do anything else. Otherwise, he will not forgive himself for the rest of his life.

The power of the Golden Dragon protector is all open.

Longfei’s thoughts move, “Void walking!”


The body slammed into the ground and slid toward the ground.

"Kid, what do you want to do?"

"Your body is extremely weak, you should be healed immediately, you are like this..." Yan Huang's ancestors worried.

Longfei’s body is too weak.

The whole body is hurt.

Longfei himself knows that he has only more than one hundred points of health. If he doesn't add it, he will die, but it is not easy to add his life back. Even if he adds it back, his body is still injured. in.

and so,.

He wants to upgrade in the most direct way!

"Fusion Pangu Xiangen!"


“Are you sure?”


Pangu Xiangen disappeared from the space ring and merged into the body of Longfei.

In this moment.

Longfei screamed, "Zhenlong magical power, give me a drive!"


As the body changes, the dragon fly becomes a huge dragon in the blink of an eye. The whole body is braving the extremely hot flame, and the dead creatures on the ground are directly dumbfounded.

"Want me die?"

"The king of heaven will not work!"

"Tai Zun, Tong Tian Xian Dian, you will give me a wait." Longfei's heart raging into the sky, incarnation of the dragon, his body's integration of the fairy roots increased, Longfei stared at the dead creatures on the ground, "all give I am going to die!"


The huge body is crushed down, and the dead creatures are like ghosts, all stupidly squatting in place.


"Hey, hey, hehe..."

The system prompts the sound to sound crazy.

“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ killing ‘Death of the Dead’ and gaining 11,000 points, 10 points for the power, and 1 point for the energy.”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ killing ‘Death of the Dead’ and gaining 11,000 points, 10 points for the power, and 1 point for the energy.”


The experience is good, but the value of Xianli is very small.


Long Fei didn't manage these things. What he wants now is the experience value. The throat is rolling and moving, and he screams in a deep voice. "Inflammatory, give me everything."

At the same time.

Longfei summoned the 'burning dragon gun'.

The power of the fire attribute is intertwined, and a large flame spreads out like a huge fire dragon on a kilometer.

The grass where the flame is going is not dead.

Except death is death!


"Hey, hey, hehe..."

After three minutes.

Just when Longfei’s life was only five points left, the system sound finally sounded.


“Congratulations to the player’s ‘Longfei’ upgrade, the current level ‘Jinxian Yipin!’”


“Congratulations to the player’s ‘Longfei’ upgrade for special rewards.”

In the system interface, the gift box flashed again, and Longfei excitedly said: "Demasia!!"

The mind clicks up.

The gift box is opened and the system prompt sounds.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’ received the summoning card death knight’s ‘Demacia’s power!’”

The sound fell.

Longfei was forced to look at the card of the 'Death Knight' Dema in his mind. The boiling of the heart turned from a small bubble to a huge wave, and it kept rolling. "Ha ha ha... system, brother I want to love you."

"Demacian force!"


"Ha ha ha... 牛逼!"

Longfei didn't think of getting the reward of the system again, and it was still calling the card. The power of the hands of Noxus was extremely scary. Now that a call card is coming, Longfei's heart is really exciting.

The power of the Great Sword is crushing everything.

From the mind to the sea, all will be blown up.

Longfei cultivated Dema's big move, and he understood how powerful the ‘big sword’ was.

Can cultivate the ancient blood of Pangu to the ninth level of realm, Pangu virtual shadows are summoned to the disk Sheng, can be seen how strong and powerful? But in front of the big sword, he is a slag, a sword is spiked.


Another point.

The skills of Longfei's cultivation are different from those of the heroes themselves. Their skills are released more vigorously. The most important point is that these heroes will all be upgraded if they are equipped.


The picture is so beautiful, Longfei can't imagine it anymore!


"View hero attributes!"

Character: Demasia Power (Death Knight)

Level: Holy Order

Description: With unrivalled power, walk out of death and open the sky with the big sword in your hand!


Longfei screamed, and the hand of Noxus made him see a different Nuuk. Now, what kind of power can Dema, his big sword break out?

Longfei’s heart is extremely expecting.


"I need gold coins, I need to build the strongest team. I need six inexhaustible Dema and Knock. I am a brainless crit and attack!" Longfei is self-willed, he did not think about giving morality. Ma and Knock come to the point of defense equipment, he is the endless blade, is to burst!

"First wait for Laozi to upgrade, then slowly study!"

Now is not the time to consider these.

What Longfei needs most now is level, grade, and grade!

His current level is too low.

The realm of Jinxian is not enough to see.

There is a time limit for Yanlonghua, and he must seize all time and time.

"Inflamed, continue to burn everything for me!"




The flames are blasting and blasting in the center of the land of death.

at the same time.

Tongtianxian Temple, among the secret rooms of Taizun.

In the moment when his blaze of light was broken, the eyebrows of Taizun were tight, and the cold and cold said: "This is the time when you broke, and Longfei I really took you down."

"But, uh..."


Chapter Four,

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