The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 975: The first one is coming out!

"Where is this?"


Song Qianqian woke up from a coma. Her body was severely damaged. It seemed to be split. In front of him was a group of orangutans. They held the same shade of the hands of Song Qianqian. Excalibur.

When they saw Song Qianqian waking up, they suddenly moved.

The long sword hit.


On the top of their heads, the illusion of the blood of the nine-day mysterious woman also appeared, completely copying the practice of Song Qianqian.

Song Qianqian stunned.




"There is a kind of you who will kill me, or I will escape from here one day sooner or later." Chen Fatzi groaned, he was crushed by the five-finger mountain, and as he continued to resist, the area of ​​the Wuzhi Mountain continued. The increase, the weight is increased, the crushing of him is crushed, and he can not be moved to the ground.

Chen Tianfei kept groaning, and the gods in his body were constantly getting stronger.


"God bird?"

"Are you a Suzaku bird that passed on to my blood?" Linglong looked at a huge infinite bird, colorful feathers, and the very familiar atmosphere of the whole body, very special.

The **** bird screamed.

The sound penetrates everything, the mind, the sea, all must be cracked.

Linglong was instantly smashed on the ground by this sound, spurting blood, and extremely painful.


"Wan Jiantang?"

"This is where?"

“Why didn’t I know that there was such a place like Wanjiantang?” Oya woke up and found this place and special, there was only such a house in the void space, and after she stepped in, the whole world changed.

Become a world of kendo.

A powerful sword is constantly pouring into her mind.

It’s very painful to look at her own sword.


The sharp knife of the blade.

The poison of the mandala.

Sakura's violence.

Zheng Qingsong’s formation...

They are all sent to a special space.

At the moment they were shot, their stuns were stunned. The only thing they could feel was that they were changed by another powerful force in the middle of the journey. They all died, but...

They all lived.

Enter into a space they never knew.

They don't know who is saving them.


They know that they must live!

Longfei was detained in the array of the release of Taizun, and Longfei was waiting for them to save!

Must live.

Desperate to live, for the dragon to fly!




After two heavy blows, Longfei’s body slammed open and fell on a treetop. The big mouth gasped and said: “I wipe, these dead creatures are too strong, and my attack is only Can cause four-digit damage."

"It's too uncomfortable."

"How can Yanlong's ancestors be so relaxed?"

Three days down.

Longfei used the Dragon of the Dragon to break through the Jinxian two products. When the time came, he started killing himself, but... He found it really too difficult. It was not an opponent at all. Once there were more than four death monsters, He is a bit overwhelmed.


"System Tip: The hand of the Noxus is cool!"


"System prompt: Demasia's power is cool!"


Longfei summoned the mutant panther, and then rushed down. He watched the dead worm on the ground smile coldly and said: "Come on, let you taste the taste of the big sword, hahaha..."

"Let's come!"

"The hand of Noxus, crush them all!"

"Let's come!"

"The power of Demasia, use your big sword to smash their chrysanthemums, hahaha..."



"In the tower in!"

"The weak, I will crush you."

A death knight suit of Galen, a slam dunk's Knock, the two as two gods will fall from the sky, blasted in the monsters, and then violently rushed up, Longfei smiled : "Kill, kill, kill, kill me!"

Galen picked up the big sword and turned it in the whirlwind.

Nock did not dare to show weakness, a big killing of the Quartet, the speed of movement accelerated, hooking a bug, causing a brutal blow, a big move will be blasted, and no way to live.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’’’s killing ‘death worm’ and gaining 11,000 points, 10 points, and 1 energy.”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to get 2 special items of gold coins!”

"Continue, continue!"

Although there are only two small gold coins, the death worms here are not killing. As long as the time is enough, buying six inexhaustible blades is not a problem at all. "Too respect, you are waiting for Laozi, and Laozi must use the endless blade." Rotten your chrysanthemum."

"carry on!"

The two gods will be madly slaughtered.

They are independent, and the gold coins that each person kills are all of their own. Longfei cannot combine the gold coins.

Then again.

Galen of the Great Sword and Nok of the Guillotine are all good. The only thing is that there is only ten minutes of playing time every day. The time is too short. It is not enough to watch. Every time Longfei is trying to blame, then wait for the cooling time. Let them go crazy and kill.

Even so, it is very difficult to buy an endless blade.


Tmd's endless blade needs not 3,800, but 380,000!

Longfei looked at the price of the endless blade. He had the urge to be a kind of mother, too bully.

"I only get a few thousand pieces a day, you have an endless blade of 380,000, your sister's." Longfei's heart is hard, but there is no way, his six endless blades must be built.

of course.

There is also a reason for the endless blade.

The endlessness of the game is only a few dozen points of attack, but the endlessness of this game is directly a few thousand points of attack, and plus 500% of the crit, see this attribute Longfei is more determined to be his endless blade army.

Be sure to turn Dema and Knock into a violent army!



"I am desperately killing."

Longfei was not idle for a moment, madly killing all this.

"The squadrons attack!"

"Don't kill, kill them all." Longfei seized all the opportunities to earn gold coins, let Dema and Knock go all out to harvest and maximize the money.

Full four months.

Longfei broke through from Jinxian two products to Jinxian four products.

Two months up.

He now needs a long, zero experience to upgrade, and countless times, Longfei has not counted clearly. After he entered the realm of Jinxian, the upgrade became too difficult.

"Open the hero shop!"

Longfei’s face was black and his eyes were golden, his mouth was hooked, showing a very wicked smile. “Hey... gold coins are finally enough!”

"Nock, Galen."

"Brother let you fly today!"


Chapter 5, thank you for your support!

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