The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 977: The ultimate BOSS of the land of death

"Void walking!"


The skill is released, and Longfei’s body shuttles directly and stands in the air.

As soon as the cooling time arrives, Longfei is released again.

After a few minutes.

Longfei boarded the island of death in the sea of ​​death.


"Who is actually smashing my death island?" A sound exploded, the whole island was shaking, and a circle of power spread out. Under the illumination of the aura of power, a series of seal runes appeared in every inch.

Very special.

The entire island is a huge seal.

Longfei is tight every day. "Someone is sealed here?"

Also at this moment.

The center of the island sounded an angry voice, "The blood of the dragon family, the dragon family?"

"Hello hahaha..."

"The old man waited for 3.9 million years and finally waited. Today I will use my blood to release my soul and give me death!" The sound is thunderous, and the power of arrogance is like the sky. The force is generally crushed down.

Extremely strong.

Longfei’s eyes swept away and he could not see the position of the speaker. He immediately asked: “Old ancestors?”

The Yan Huang ancestors immediately said: "In a valley in the center of the island, there is a strong power of strength."


The dragon flies at the corner of the mouth and looks at the power of the sky. "Want to kill me? You also match?"


The door of the void opens, and the figure of Longfei disappears in place.

"Boom, bang!"

The two forces are extremely powerful, the whole sea of ​​death is rolling, and at this moment, there are countless tentacles on the sea of ​​the Dead Sea. Each tentacles is like a death sickle, but it is longer than the death sickle. More.


Taking the island as the center, the crazy dragons swept through.


It is dense and full of heaven.

Just like a spider web, the dragon dragon's knife in the hands of Dragonfly, "Hey!"

The arm was numb, and the tentacle didn’t break at all, and there wasn’t even a trace of scratches. This guy’s defense was against the sky.

"I still don't believe in Laozi!"

"Seven levels are unparalleled, open!"

The power of one hundred and twenty-eight times of the property broke out. The dragon sword in the hands of Longfei smashed down. Every attack was full of action, but... still not, most of them just shocked those tentacles. It does not cause harm.

"This Nima is too abnormal."

Yan Huang's ancestors said: "You can't fight again, or you will be killed here, you must find a way to kill it."

Longfei is also aware of this.

This guy's defense is too fierce.

The body must be found.

"Void walking!"


The figure of Longfei shuttled out and rushed out of the encirclement, and quickly came to the valley where Yanhuang’s ancestors said, but... nothing in the valley, Longfei suddenly looked dumbfounded. “What is the situation? Older, you also look away Already?"

no doubt.

This is definitely the ultimate boss of the land of death!

It’s a boss that will definitely be golden, but there is nothing here.

Even the blood tank on the boss's head is not there, how does he kill him?

Yan Huang’s old-fashioned eyebrows are tight. “The breath is here, it’s definitely here, but he’s hiding.”



The sharp knives in the sky rushed to the sky, one root, more and more, and finally directly covered the sky, like a dense cable, all the knives pointed to Longfei, They are suspended in the air.

It is like waiting for some kind of command.

"Where is it?"

"Where is it?"

Longfei also sensed a strong atmosphere, but could not find the body.

"Kid, let's die."

"Ha ha ha..."

With a sigh of relief, the sickle that covers the sky and the sun thorns to the dragon, hiding can't hide, avoiding the inevitable existence, and the empty walker overuse, the cooling time becomes more than ten minutes.

Already can't be used!

"I rub!"

Longfei’s heart is dark and tight, and the situation is becoming more and more critical. The full-scale attack of Longfei can’t resist it. His body will be slashed into a sieve, but...

Look at the blade of the sky.

Longfei mouth corner hook, "Central Asia Golden Body!"


When the sound falls, Longfei will open the ‘Central Asia Golden Body’. This is also the system reward method. The whole body becomes golden. In the process, he is invincible, and no attack can hurt him!



Thousands of attacks fell, and everything in the valley became ruins.

Who can resist such an attack?


"Ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

That voice laughed wildly, and it was extremely arrogant. "Dragon is godless, you didn't think about it? Sealed Laozi for 3.9 million years, you can't think of it. I can't think of today. I can use my dragon's blood to unlock my seal. I want to rush. Out of this land of death, I want to let your Dragon family die and die."

"Ha ha ha..."

While he is laughing.

Longfei is insanely sensational, and Yanhuang’s ancestors are the same.


Longfei’s eyes glanced, “under the ground!”

Yan Huang’s ancestors also said: “It’s at our feet, there is a huge seal under our feet, just below it.”

"come on!"

"The blood of the dragon family, come on." The voice was so excited, but stopped for a few seconds, not to mention the blood, even the breath of Longfei could not be sensed, completely disappeared, "What happened?"

"No one can resist this move."

Just when he was puzzled.

A loud roar in the valley sounded.


As the sky sank, a huge chain of condensed chains of great incomparable chains knocked down against the cracks in the valley, and made a roar: "The devil, you roll out the old man!"


The gravity trolls shot, and the powerful gravity of the body crushed everything on the island.

A great bang, the mountain broke.

The entire island is in a state of collapse.

Also, as he slammed together, a golden light burst out of the crack, and Longfei’s mouth was hooked. “His sister, I said how can I not find you, you are hiding under the ground.”

"Troll, give me a blow!"

The troll is drinking a lot, "Understand!"


The bang of his hand, a stick and a stick, the ground cracks are getting bigger and bigger, and the stones that are flying up are all suspended by gravity. Those sharp sickles are also smoldered by the trolls. Grinding.

Lose power completely.

Gravity completely restrains the power of the earth.

at the same time.

Lei Mo is extremely excited, said: "Master, quickly accept him, he is the devil, his power can unlock the power of my seal."



The center of the valley is split and the golden sky is shining.

Longfei also walked in step by step, looking at the golden light of the glare, and the corner of his mouth was slightly ticked. "Don't you kill me? Come!"


Chapter two,

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