The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 978: Landmine returning

Devil, very strong!

He can control the earth, but the gravity troll is not bound by the earth, but his power completely restrains the earth.

The three valleys and five divisions will open the valley.

Above the array.

A little dwarf stood on top of the formation, his face full of anger, staring at the huge incomparable troll, and angered: "Troll, when did you become the running dog of the dragon family? You really took the face of our Mozu I lost it."

"The dragon family suppresses us, but you become his running dog, hehe!"

"I despise you!"

The gravity troll snorted and said: "The demon, don't blame me for not reminding you, the dragon godless adult gave you a chance to be born again, don't know how to cherish, otherwise..."

Don't wait for the gravity troll to finish.

The dwarf demons suddenly roared. "The dragon is nothing to count, what qualifications does he have to decide my fate?"

"Gravity Troll!"

"Do you think you can stop me? As long as I swallow the blood of this kid, I can restore the most powerful power. I want to block my eyes again this day..."



Instantly entered the state of the runaway.

Long Fei’s eyebrows tightened and immediately shouted: “The troll is careful!”

at the same time.

Longfei’s heart is also angry, “Super Saiyan, the power of bloodlines!”



The second stage of the evolution of the Super Saiyan, the power of blood.

Longfei’s blonde sky is shining, the power is burning in madness, and the right hand is caught, “burning the sky!”


A fiery arrogance broke out in the burning dragon's rifle. Longfei locked the devil: "The ancestor can suppress you once, and Lao Tzu can suppress you for the second time, give me a sigh!"

"Yuanlong is godless!"

Yuanlong moves.

Against the power of the sky.

At this moment, the dragon's rifle broke out like a flame and a powerful force.


The demon's body sank, and the enchantment shield of the rock around him instantly burst, and a shot pierced his body. A red number floated on his head, but he did not kill the monster.

The demons are also furious.

"Do you dare to let me in front of me in the small **** of your golden fairy realm?"

"The land is dull!"


"This is your own door, hahaha..." The demons laughed wildly, the ground of the entire land of death was shaking, the land was rolled up, and the crazy bag came up.

Gravity Troll Road: "Master, be careful."

"Ghost, are you **** crazy?"

The devil screamed and laughed. "I am crazy. I was crushed by the dragon without gods for 3.9 million years. If I didn't break the seal for a few years, I haven't come to escape." People are coming again?"

"If you don't live for Laozi, then no one can live!"

The devil is desperate, he must kill Longfei.

at this time.

The gravity troll explained that it was useless, and he couldn’t listen at all.

Long Fei’s eyebrows are awkward. “Isn’t Jinyu’s realm is not qualified?”

"I will let you know what is qualification!"

When the fired dragons were collected, the Pangu open axe fell into the hands and looked at the overwhelming land bag. As long as the dragon flies, the earth bursts, Longfei will be directly violently killed, as long as the ground can be killed before this. Resolve everything.

The devil sullenly smiled and said: "You will die for me."


Longfei picked up the Pangu Axe and didn't even think about it. An axe smashed down, facing the head of the demon, "The guillotine!"


Powerful, directly to the land demons.

The demons did not resist, excitedly said: "You can't kill me, my defense is that you can't kill me like this kind of waste, hahaha... dragon is godless, you never think of it, I want to break through your settings. The seal is over."

Also at this time.

The dragon's mouth was slightly ticked and sneered, saying: "Your blood volume has reached the state of being spiked."

The two moves just made a foreshadowing.

just now……

It is the highlight!

It is the key attack.

Longfei showed a smile like a death, saying: "Give me hell, open me to the 18th floor of Hell!!"

"Demacia Justice!"

"Great sword!"

"Give me to death!"

The sky cracked.

Powerful justice and golden light power descend from the sky, a huge incomparable big sword penetrates everything, do you defend against the sky? Are you demon? In front of the big sword, you are just a slag, and the **** can't be slag.

The devil looked up.

With a glimpse of his eyes, a question arises in his heart. "What the **** is this?"

Also at this moment.

His mind was shrouded in death and snorted, "I am relying, finished!"

"No, no!"


"The dragon is not killing me, he let me wait, waiting for the day of rebirth, you can't kill me, you can't kill me."

Longfei swears: "Now ask for mercy? Late!"

"You can rest assured, I will make you born again, how can you be born again, hahaha..."

"The dragon is godless, I hate you!"


The big sword slammed down and slammed directly on the top of the demon's head. At this moment, the blood on his head bottomed out and the system prompted the sound.

The boss of the land of death!

Longfei’s heart is moving, “Release the violent energy value!”


"Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon Flying’ killing ‘Ground Devil’ and gaining 5000000 points, Xianli 50000 points, and energy value 1 point.”

“Congratulations to the player’s ‘Longfei’ demons, is it a fusion?”

“Congratulations to the player’s “Dragon Flying” to get the god-level meditation “sandstorm burial” is it cultivated?”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ to get ‘Desert Crystal’

“Congratulations to the player ‘Long Fei’ to get the ‘Sword of the Earth’”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ got...”


The system beep sounds constantly.

The violent voice is cool.

Also at the same time.

The system sounded again.


“Congratulations to the player’s “Dragon Flying” to accept the ‘Ground Devil’”

“Congratulations to the player ‘Longfei’ and the 18th floor of Hell’s third floor!”


"System prompt: the devil is home!"

Also at this moment.

The demons are waking up from a nightmare. They are cold and sweaty. They feel that they are still alive. They immediately yelled: "Ha ha ha... I haven’t died yet, I haven’t died yet, and the dragon’s family is no longer dead. How? I am..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

He found two trolls staring at him.

One is the gravity troll, and the other is the thunder.

"Where is this?" The demons immediately fell.

Gravity Troll said: "This is the special space of our master. Here is the 18th floor of Hell. The person who killed you just now is also the one who makes you born again. He is called Longfei. From today, he is also your master. Do you understand? ?"

There is a strong crush in the sound, because just a little bit of the devil will blow the dragon to death, the troll is very upset.

As long as the devil can't understand, he will definitely be a stick, he doesn't even know his mother!


third chapter,

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