The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 979: I am back.

The third layer of **** is open!

The devil is returning to his place.

Longfei body type, said: "Troll, talk to him about the rules!"

The gravity troll immediately said: "Understand!"

The demon stunned and said: "The sly, the rules are the opportunity to speak. Now, we still have to escape, the land of death is to be broken, and the space secret is forcibly crushed by the dragon's seal power. Now that the seal is broken, the land of death will definitely break down. The most urgent task is to go out quickly. As long as you can go out, you can do whatever you want."

The land of death is a secret space.

Subject to some kind of power.

Now that the seal power is cracked, the land of death will also collapse, and if it does not leave, it will be swallowed up by the power of the swallowing space.

Yan Huang’s ancestors reminded him, “He said it’s good, he has to leave here.”


Long Fei immediately asked: "Where is the nearest place to the exit?"

Devil Road: "Export? The sky is the export. As for the place, the ghost does not know, the dragon is godless... Hey... The dragon godless is too strong, I really don't know how he found this. The mystery will also restore the order of unbalanced power in the secret."

The dragon is very strong.

The more I go, the more I feel that the dragon is invincible.

The key is.

Why does he know that he will definitely come to the place of death?

Big prophecy?

Can things be predicted after millions of years?

Is this too horrible?

Longfei has no time to think more, step by step, "Taiwan!"


The body rushed to the sky, he constantly induced the contraction of the space, but also to the Yan Huang ancestors: "How much is still worse? How much worse?"

"Don't worry!"

Yanhuang's ancestors are more anxious than Longfei.

The ground is cracking, and one by one is caught in the bottomless abyss. The land of death becomes a giant mouth that swallows the beasts, madly swallowing everything in the land of death, even in the abyss of the earth. To that powerful sense of death, not from hell, but from some kind of powerful alien monster, the terrible existence.

"Domain Beast!"

"Small domain beast, he can swallow a small secret space, the boy will hurry, and if you don't hurry, you will be swallowed up by him." Yan Huang ancestor also sensed the powerful devouring power, the domain beast different general behemoth, he It is the turning of the devour space, the plane is born, its power is terrible, even if it is the peak realm, he is not an opponent.

“So strong?”

Longfei just thought, "If it can burst, is that..."

Before he even finished, Yan Huang’s ancestors despised: “You are not his opponent in 10,000. Don’t think about it, hurry to find a way to escape. Otherwise, you will die here.”

Longfei snorted, "I don't think about it?"

"If you live, you have to have a dream. If it is realized?"

“What is the difference between no dream and salted fish?”

Yan Huang’s ancestors really want to be mad by Longfei, saying: “My dream is to live, no dream is no different from salted fish, no life is a dead fish!”

Also at this moment.

Yan Huang’s ancestors slammed, “It’s now!”

When Longfei’s thoughts moved, he immediately said: “Walk in the void, give me a break!”


The body shuttled out and directly penetrated the secret space. At this moment, Longfei looked back and found that the dead space just turned into a little light, and then was swallowed up, completely disappearing in the void. Among them.

The roar of the beast of the field was heard in the void.

Longfei back oozing a cold sweat, sucking a cold breath, while his eyes swept away, looking at the surrounding environment, the corner of his mouth rose, cold and cold: "Ha ha ha ... three years, I finally came back! ”

"Too respect, are you ready?"


"Xuan Tian Wan Jian."

"Brushing brush..."

The whole world is a sword, madly stifling.

Those huge incomparable orangutans were all defeated by Song Qianqian.

Three years.

She is practicing swords all the time, and also the blood, the power of Xiangen to the limit, now it is!

Also at the moment she defeated those orangutans.


The door to space opens.

Song Qianqian strode forward and turned to look at the orangutans standing up behind him, thankful: "Thank you!"


Song Qianqian strode away.



"Oh ah..."

"Give me a burst!"

Five fingers of the giant mountain, the mountain has been connected thousands of miles, 10,000 meters high, huge gravity crushed on the shoulders of Chen Fatzi, at this moment, Chen fat child body muscles burst, the whole body muscles are as hard as steel, he did not The power of Xiangen was released, but the strength of the flesh, the heavy five-finger mountain, staring at the empty space, "ah..."



It is necessary for Sun Wukong to break out of the ordinary, but the impotence of Chen Fatzi is even more ferocious. The physical defense has already been against the sky. Chen Fatzi has not released the power of Shenjia Xiangen, and his current Xiangen strength has been cultivated to the ninth floor. .

"Three years!"

"For three years, the fat man finally came out."

"Wait, then!"

"I will never let the boss get a little threat!" Chen Fatzi clenched his fists and walked to the side of the open space door. He stepped out and snarled. "The fat man is back!"


A sharp voice.

The void bursts.

The mysterious space sends out one after another cracks.

Sonic attack, penetrate the mind and mind of the sea, disturb the thoughts of people.

Linglong is no longer a double wing.

But the whole body is shrouded in the **** bird Suzaku.

Linglong evolved!

He inspired all the power of the ancient Suzaku.

The space door opens.

Linglong said: "Thank you, I have to go out, I must find Longfei brother!"

Finished and turned away.


"Sword meaning!"


"Hey, hey, hehe..."

Oya's eyebrows moved, and the sword of Vengeance in her hand rang, followed by three swords of the same vengeful blade floating around her body. The general swords were the ones that Oya had cultivated for three years. The spirit of the sword.

More advanced than the sword spirit!


Oya's body moves, the blade waltz dances wildly, and the four swords move at the same time, just like the ever-changing figure writhing in the void, endless murder, endless swordsmanship, crushing everything.

The space door opens.

Oya went out, "Dragon, I am coming."



Wang Qingshan, Zheng Qingsong, Mandala, Sakura, and the disciples of the Department of Labor all came out of the space secret.

They have all changed in three years.

In three years, they were filled with hatred and concern.

just now!

They are going out.

It’s time for the big liquidation.

Tongtianxian Temple, Laozi is here!


Chapter Four,

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