The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 982: Laozi is your ancestor

Trigger the task.

That dragon will go to finish.


Experience he likes!

Although he can't upgrade now, he doesn't worry, because he enjoys the feeling of a few seconds, so it's cool.



The demon man fled, seeing that Longfei was not eager to follow behind, just like being chased by death, he was not so scared in his life.

On the way.

Xiao Qing simply narrated what happened in the past three years.

"After the Daodi of the Emperor's College, the dean of the Eighteenth Military Academy fell, and the eight elders of the Xiandian were fallen. They all died in the hands of one person. This person is called Longfei. He is really amazing, but... many Everyone blames him. If it is not for him to break the balance between Xiannian and Western Devils, the Mozu army does not dare to attack, but I think he is a hero. He does things that others can't do. He breaks the rules and gives those highs. The unspeakable people are taking the lead and letting them know that the Emperor's College is not the one who has the final say. The same is true of the Heavenly Temple."

Longfei looked at Xiaoqing and his heart sank.

The invasion of the Mozu.

This matter is going to happen sooner or later, but... After he made a big fuss about the Emperor's College, he directly let the Mozu army advance in advance. He has to say that he is the promoter of this Xianyu disaster.


Xiaoqing said: "Dragon is really great. He refines the medicinal herbs that change the Tianwu continent, so that every warrior and every ordinary person has the opportunity to change his destiny. He is really great, the warrior of Tianwu mainland. In just a few years, it has been upgraded to an ultra-high level. It is only... the military has improved its strength, and the Mozu warriors have also improved their strength. They have improved more quickly, and Nantiandan has also become a weapon."

"Many people are blaming Longfei and saying that he broke the balance of Tianwu."


"I think he is right. He is for the entire Wuwu mainland. No one can do this. He can, so I really admire him." Xiaoqing's eyes reveal a hot worship.

In the heart of Longfei, there was another shock. The heart said: "Is it my fault?"

He really didn't think about it.

The power of the Emperor's Academy restricts the Mozu, he broke, and the Mozu attacked the fairyland!

Nan Tiandan changed his life, which allowed each warrior to evolve. However, the Mozu warriors absorbed faster and changed faster in Nantiandan, and their power became stronger. It was because of this, once again. The time when the Mozu attacked the fairyland.

"Is it wrong?" Longfei said to himself.

Listening to what Xiao Qing said, his heart has become very heavy.

Whether he is right or wrong, the disaster of Xianyu is more or less caused by him.

The inside is tight.


"I didn't think that would be like this, but..." Longfei looked up at the sky. Above the sky is the Tianwai Palace. It is the Heavenly Heaven Hall. The double fists are tightly clenched. The dark passage: "The strength of the Heavenly Heaven Hall can be blocked. The army of the Mozu, who is too respectful and clear, can tie the battle with the ancestors, but you are sitting idly by. In your opinion, these people are mortals. You are all gods on the Tianwu continent..."

"Since, you don't do it!"

"Then I will replace you!"

"Too respect, give me a wait!"

In the heart of Longfei, a fire was pressed. When he was beaten into the land of death, the anger of this group was faintly burning. Seeing the tragic situation in Xianyu, it can be avoided clearly, but Taizun has nothing to do.

They are gods!

God does not care for mortals.

They are high on the top, peace of mind!

In their eyes, only cultivation is supreme. Is there something to worry about ‘ant ants’?

Xiaoqing felt the anger from Longfei, saying: "Uncle, what's wrong with you? Do you also worship Longfei?"


"It's a pity that he has fallen."

"If he is still there, he will definitely not let the chief of the Mozu army drive straight in. He will definitely think of ways to block the army of the Mozu, but... he is dead." Xiaoqing looks very low.

There are many warriors on the mainland who are like her.

Longfei is a hero.

He dared to go to the Emperor's College, dare to scream with the Heavenly Immortal Temple, dare to break the rules.

Among the younger generation, many people are excited because of Longfei, and they choose to work harder. They regard Longfei as an idol.

Longfei said faintly: "He is not dead, he is back!"

Xiaoqing sighed, said: "He is back? Who is he?"

Longfei did not answer.

Also at this time.

The demon suddenly stopped, and the look of fear disappeared. Instead, he was excited and sneered, because there was a military camp behind him. More than a dozen demons had already rushed up. "Haha... dog stuff, want kill me?"

"Look at who is dead today!"

Xiaoqing’s face changed and said: “Uncle, it’s awful. Here is the advance camp of the Mozu army. We, we are surrounded.”

Her body fainted and her heart was afraid.

Longfei smiled faintly: "You are wrong, not that they surrounded us, I surrounded them."

The words fell.

Longfei’s eyes were cold, and his body’s killings surged. “Here is the advance army of the Mozu army?”


"Kid, you are right!"

"Dare to kill our Mozu warriors, you can't escape today." The demon man said: "Give me a kill!"

More than a dozen Mozu warriors rushed to Longfei with a long gun.

Longfei’s idea was to summon the mutant panther and said: “Protect her!”


Longfei disappeared instantly.

A figure of fantasy.

A series of explosions appeared behind him, touching, touching, touching...

More than a dozen Mozu soldiers rushing up were killed in a flash, and the system sounded mad.

Longfei fell on the demon's body, and smiled coldly: "You said it is wrong, it is you who can't escape!"

A fist banged out and banged on the chest of the demon, and powerful forces directly blasted him into the military camp.

"Who dares to slay in the Mozu advance camp?"

Dozens of Mozu warriors rushed out.

Longfei stepped forward and stood at the gate of the advance camp. His voice sank and screamed. "The dogs in the first camp are all smashed out, and all of them are rolled out!"


"Boom, bang, bang..."

A statue of the demon rushed out of the camp.

The entire advance camp, the 18,000 Devil Warriors are elite.

The generals of the advance army, Shi Feng, held a long gun, and the incomparable breath spread out. He stood in the air and stared at the dragonfly at the gate. His eyes sank and he sipped. "Who is this dog? Dare to come to me." The army is wild? I think you are tired."

Longfei grabbed it again, and the dragon knives summoned it, squatting on his shoulders, smiling coldly, saying: "I am your ancestors!"



Chapter two,

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