The Mightiest Leveling System

Chapter 983: Mass grave


The Mozu warriors rushed out like the tide.

Longfei’s body sank slightly, and the corner of his mouth was lightly hooked. He looked at the boss in the distance and showed an excited smile. “Come on!”

The dragon knives fell.


The arrogance of the thick black dragon ancestors spread out.

The pace is like flying.


"Overlord hit!"

Longfei’s body sank and slammed like a cannonball. He slammed into the most dense place of the Mozu warrior and directly smashed those people. At the same time, the dragon’s knife in the hands of Longfei danced wildly. Dragon mad!"

"One thousand!"


One knife!

Just like cutting cabbage, a thousand scorpions have not yet finished, and those Mozu warriors who have been hit in the air are all dead, and the stumps are full of blood.

The moment that the Mozu warriors landed in the dragon, he will be surrounded by death!

Longfei's body was stained with blood, and the whole person became more and more excited. The blood stimulated the killing of his heart, the power of blood anger surging, and the strong murderous breath came out. "Ha ha ha... today you will enjoy Release it."

A dragon flies.

There was a glimmer of blood in his eyes.


The power of murder in his heart began to surge.

"Give me kill!"

A general snorted and the Mozu warriors rushed at the same time.

The dragon-flying dragon knives were collected, and the double fists exploded. The arms were snarled in the roaring, and the powerful force burst out. "Touch, touch, touch..."

A punch with a punch and a fist.

Each time it deals hundreds of thousands of points of damage, and every time it is a spike.

The system sounds madly.

This rhythm is extremely incomparable.

There are more and more Mozu warriors rushing out, but more and more Mozu warriors are falling, and the double fists are tired. Longfei’s left hand is slaughtered with a knife, and the right hand is an ancient axe. It’s crazy sweeping. Where the grass is not born.

In just a few minutes, the bodies at the front door of the camp were piled up.

"I am guilty of my immortality!"

Longfei has a heavy glimpse.

far away.

Xiao Qing looked at the dragon flying with blood and muttered: "My first idol is Longfei hero, uncle, sorry, you can only be the second idol."


The stone seal's eyes are awkward, and the dragon fly is more and more violent. The more the killing, the more ferocious. His army of the Mozu can't resist it. "The district of Jinxian can be a hundred enemy, a thousand enemy, but... I don't believe him. Can be a million enemy!"

"Not allowed to go back, kill me all."

One day later.

Longfei is still killing.

The entire advance camp has already flown into the river.

"Give me death!"


A Mozu warrior was crushed.

The system sounds a tone.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Dragon’’’s killing the ‘Devil Warrior’ and gaining 3000 points, the value of the power is 100 points, the energy value is 10 points, and the score is 10 points.”


“Congratulations to the player’s ‘Longfei’ for ten thousand years, and whether the skill ‘massive’ is cultivated?”


“Congratulations to the player’s ‘Dragon’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’

When Longfei flew 10,000 people, the system sounded a tone.

A full day.

Like a high-speed machine, Longfei has not stopped.

There are only 8,000 left in the 18,000 Demon Warriors.

"Come back!"

Longfei screamed, and his body was covered with a thick blood shell. Like the blood-colored armor, each of his hair was solidified by blood. The whole person was like a Gorefiend. The meaning and the anger are intertwined, making people unable to get close.

The stone seal screamed and asked: "Who are you?"

"Do you know that our Mozu advances?"

He didn't want to understand.

From the moment he embarked on the journey, he was killing all the way, killing all the way, without encountering any obstacles.

What is the Emperor's College, and no one of the strongest people in the Heavenly Temple has appeared.

In his view, the Emperor's College, Tongtianxian Temple did not dare to confront them. No one in the world can stop their way, no one is their opponent.

and so.

His advance army was even more unscrupulous, burning and looting, no evil, nowhere, wherever they went, all crushed.

Today he was beaten a bit.

I don’t understand who this guy is.

Longfei mouth corner hook, staring at the distant stone seal road: "I told you yesterday, I am your ancestor!"

"you wanna die!"

The stone seal was angry, and the three generals around him moved in unison. Before they fell, the dragon sword in the hands of Longfei swayed. In one fell swoop, he burst into laughter and said: "Let you try my new practice!"

“Millions of people!”


There was a loud noise in the sky.

The souls of the 10,000 Mozu warriors killed by Longfei are among the knives.

Mass graves.

What is embarrassing is people, what is embarrassing.

It’s your soul!


After half a second, the three generals who had not yet fallen were instantly crushed and turned into blood rain skins in the air. At this moment, the living Mozu warriors collapsed and could not withstand such crushing. It’s crazy to escape.



They have always been nightmares of others, but they did not think that they are afraid of seeing ghosts today.

"Want to go?"

"I agree with Laozi?"

Xianli surging.

200,000 of Xianli was released, and the eyebrows were tight. Longfei’s body madly burst out and screamed with anger: “The sand bursts and funeral, all give me death!”

The sound fell.

The body demon of the demons is released.

The place where Longfei’s breath went, rolled up the three-meter-thick land on the ground, wrapped it up like a lotus petal, and rolled back all the Mozu warriors who wanted to escape. There were only a few generals. The strong man escaped and the dragon flew out, "Lotus, burst!!"


Lotus one!

A muffled sound was heard.

More than 7,000 Demon warriors were swallowed up by the earth at this moment.

The system prompts to explode in general!


Fury is not stop!

Thunder thundered.

This rhythm is flying fast.

This explosion is the experience of tens of millions of points.

It’s so cool!


At the same time, Longfei has become extremely exhausted.

One day and one night, his physical strength has reached its limit.

The huge move of the sandstorm burial was extremely devastating, and his body was near the edge of the collapse.

The stone seal was suspended in the air and looked at Longfei. His face was pale and his voice was shaking. "Who are you, the army of the Mozu, you can't resist it, you want to save the fairyland, it is impossible." thing."


The 20,000 killings of Longfei are a bit unbearable.

If it is a million army.

I am afraid that people who are strong will not be able to resist.


The words fell.

The long gun in the stone seal was thrown to the dragon.


The void made a series of noises.

Locking Longfei's eyebrows, if this gun is in the middle, Longfei's head will be blown out!


third chapter,

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