Chapter 4229 is short-lived

For example, through the former comrades of Martyrs Hongmei, get new news...

These are all possible.

The military is now looking for the comrades in the army where Hongmei was born, especially to find someone who wants to help the comrades in Hongmei to deliver false news.

In the same year, this person gave Miss Cai the message of the death of Ye Jianshui, and he broke contact with all his comrades. So far, his whereabouts are unknown and he does not know where.

The military did not find this person through the household registration. It was suspected that the person had already changed his name and changed his name and changed his identity to live again.

Either still at home, or ... went abroad.

The country is big, the world is big, even if it is strong, if the military wants to find someone who has appeared in the face more than ten years ago, it is also difficult.

The two were no longer stared at by the villagers. Instead, the scouts stationed in the deep mountains of Shuikou Village were staring. They kept staring for three days and watched the other party empty hand and left Fujun Town. The scouts returned to the army.

At this time, Ye Jian ended the two-day simulation exercise with the Lu Zhi. She was the chief commander. After the finale, she immediately began to write a report. Not only did she write a detailed analysis report of the entire battle, but she also pointed out What are the deficiencies of the simulation system, what are the advantages, and what needs improvement.

Busy and fulfilling is the life state of Ye Jian’s entire military school.

The bedroom and the classroom are all turned off on time. The leaf that needs to write the report is simple and several staff members have to go to the library to hurry and write it out. It can't be dragged, and one day will be delayed.

"The avant-garde troops of the Lu Zhi and the reconnaissance team that we sent out encountered. If you want to take control of the sovereignty of the encounter, you have to see who is the first to react and the first to shoot."

"My reconnaissance team has always kept the weapon in a state of waiting, while the Luzhi defensive force is in a forward state and has not entered the state of being attacked. The sovereignty of the encounter is that whoever takes the first step to open the fire and attacks the fire in the most fierce form in an instant. And suppress, whoever is likely to be a winner."

"And we won, the Luzhi avant-garde troops lost. But we still made a big mistake, the avant-garde troops opened the vanguard, the support force distance was not locked in time, so we lost in the second half."

In the corner of the library, Ye Jian printed the drawn topographic map, and the curved lines on the pencil slowly slided on it, first identifying the shortcomings of the two Japanese parties.

The three staff members nodded from time to time and made relevant notes, while another instrument merged several people's discussions into a text-recording computer.

The report is not written and written, especially in combat reports. It is necessary to re-analyze the entire battlefield before it can report, and wait for Ye Jian to end the analysis. It is already over one o'clock in the morning when looking up the time.

At one o'clock in the morning, the library was quite quiet. There were two lights in the corner. In fact, it was dark all around, and when someone was yawning, they felt very loud.

The footsteps that were rushed were even louder than the daytime. I didn’t know how many decibels I had expanded, so that the last few Ye Jians had raised their heads in the direction of the library door.

It is very dark, black and can only hide and see the rows of books placed in rows.

The door was pushed open, and Ye Jian also got up. The students who were obviously breathing tightly smiled and said: "I am a student in a dormitory. You will continue to sort out. I will go see it."

He came to He Jing, who returned to school this afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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