The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Vol 2 Chapter 4230: There is an emergency

Chapter 4230 has an emergency

He Jing and Xu Wen went to the provincial military area to attend the meeting with the faculty members in the past few days. They did not participate in the task of simulating the actual combat exercises. At this time, they were rushing to find the library in the middle of the night, showing that there was an emergency.

In the corner of the library, several students joked: "Three years in the same class, Ye Jian listened to the footsteps and knew who it was. You said, can she listen to the footsteps of the whole class and who is who?"

This is a joke, at midnight, when you are most sleepy, you need to relax and relax.

"Ye is not the same as the general, maybe it can really be heard. Hey, have you heard that? We have come back from a few brothers in the past few days. It is said that they were the same people in our military school as Ye Jian. The students who listened to the class of the freshman said that Ye Jian and the brothers who were the same characters had learned from each other. They did not lose. Several rounds also forced the brother to have no power to fight."

The student started a topic, and the other two immediately increased their interest and nodded.

"I heard, I heard, our class is also passing these days. I also heard them say that the fighting techniques used by Ye Jian are not instructors, all of them are deadly fighting."

"Yes, yes, I have heard it. The instructor said that Ye Jian’s melee fighting is still a Ma Jiashu, and the combination of fighting, really wants to fight the instructor is not necessarily Ye Jian’s opponent.”

After the student finished, the other two students were silent.

After a short while, the students who had started the topic went to the table with their hands and whispered: "Do you remember what Ye Jian reported when he started school?"

"At that time, we were all about military training. Ye Jian came over. As a result, she stood in a military position and kicked in. All kinds of regular military training were qualified."

All of them are juniors. If you are a freshman in the freshman year, even if you have been fresh in the past three years, you can still remember it, as if it happened yesterday.

"Why don't you remember, I, that was the time to kick to know Ye Jian. At that time, I thought, how can I look more like a soldier than the seniors who trained us at the time."

"I am far away from you, I have not seen the performance of Ye Jianjin. I saw Ye Jian on the flag-raising ceremony. At that time, I thought it was the instructor as the standard-bearer. Look, there are heavy military powers."

The instrument for sorting out the materials did not join. Although he heard what the participants discussed, he also wanted to say that the one that impressed him the most was Ye Jian’s target. The gun posture was more standard than the demonstration in the textbook.

Unfortunately, he does not have time to join such a common topic, he has to put all the information into the computer, and Ye Jian will be handed over to the leader tomorrow.

Ye Jian has already seen He Jing, she did not turn on the diameter of the lights, and He Jing, who was rushing to push the door in, was shocked.

Steady, gasping He Jing whispered: "Fast, the leader is looking for you, saying that there are very urgent things to let you go. The work at hand is all put down, no time."

The leader personally went to the bedroom to find someone. The result was not found. Hey, she, Xu Wen, and the leaders of the department separately searched for Ye Jian.

There are many places for the students to study at night, and even the training halls are sometimes open. Ye Jian usually goes to three places, playgrounds, libraries and training halls at night.

(End of this chapter)

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