Chapter 4264 Counterattack

The mandarin word is only six words, but Yang Heng has a feeling of finding a home. At that moment, Yang Heng knows that he was saved.

Just five minutes before the fire broke out, the Chinese military in the peacekeeping camp in the city of Denis received warnings from illegal militants and asked the Chinese peacekeepers to evacuate the city of Nie in two hours. If there is no evacuation within two hours, Niecheng Then, China will have a peacekeeper who is responsible for the translation of the sacrifice.

This translation is Yang Heng.

The members of the Storm Commando received news from the peacekeeping camp and learned that the accompanying translator Yang Heng was controlled by illegal militants to the peacekeeping camp. Within two hours, the Chinese peacekeeping force did not leave and translated Yang Heng to be illegally armed. kill.

In the hidden corner of Li Yinian who received the news, the rifle in the hand aimed at the target of trying to climb the military frame crane gun, and answered the squadron leader of the Chinese peacekeeping force who talked with him. "Give us five minutes to rescue Yang Heng."

Within five minutes, Li Lannian killed four illegal militants who tried to get close to the heavy machine guns that had not been blown up. Then, the comrades-in-arms cover Li Jienian and quickly approached the jeep and successfully rescued Yang Heng.

"Translated Yang Heng successfully rescued." His cold voice was transmitted to everyone's ears through the fair channel, and then the scout sea anemone contacted the Chinese peacekeeping force squadron leader to report the news and heard the squadron commander long. Breathing sound.

I thought that the translation of Yang Heng would be killed by illegal militants. Now it is alright, saved!

The long-sighing squadron leader told a peacekeeper nearby: "I will tell the country immediately that I have successfully rescued Yang Heng!"

"Yes!" Powerful, the soldiers on his face immediately contacted the country.

Ye Jian, who has joined with Daxie, knows that their faces are happy.

The sudden opening of the government army this time can be said to help the storm commando team, so that they can save Yang Heng in the shortest possible time.

Yang Heng has been rescued, so the rescue of the Miao Commissioner and three students is imminent.

“Miao Commissioner and three trainees are still in the air-raid shelter of the railway station. The location is close to the southwest corner, a small room for storing food. The Miao Commissioner’s leg was injured by a stray bullet and was inconvenient.”

The rescued Yang Heng provided the latest news. Li Lannian simplifies his message to the comrades in action. "The inside guards of the Miao Commissioner and the three students are waiting for the outside news. Once the Chinese side maintains the two-hour period. The troops have not been withdrawn from Nie, and the Miao Commissioner will also be killed by four people."

It is said that everyone has a whole fire in their hearts, and they cannot directly blow the entire railway station into a flat land.

In the gunshots, the voice of Li Lingnian’s cold Ling Ling was very clearly introduced into the ears of every comrade. “We are now in harmony with you and immediately find out where the rest of the people are!”

This time, I have to go to Yang Heng.

He handed a rifle on the spot to Yang Heng. This is Yang Heng’s self-defense weapon. He can’t be alone. The storm commando can’t stay with him. He can only let Yang Heng return with them. The hinterland of the train station.

Most of all, Yang Heng knows that Miao Commissioner and his entourage are in full detention.

The opening of the government army awakened the illegal militants who were sleeping at the railway station. They also let the rebel Alva sit up from his dreams and learned that the government army suddenly fired at them. Alva showed a cold smile.

I saw it during the day.

(End of this chapter)

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