Chapter 4265 is a heartbeat

At 3 o'clock in the morning, Niecheng was once again caught in artillery fire. Niecheng was a traffic fortress. The geographical position was special. The government forces that were temporarily defeated by NRPL militants and illegal militants raided the army and began to sweep the attack.

The rebellious Alva speed judged, and the heavy arming was also fired on the government army. The two armies fought, and the battle was fierce. Countless civilians who entered the dream were trapped in the gunfire. They did not wait until the rising sun would leave forever. There are cries and screams that can be heard everywhere in the shrouded city of Nie.

The government forces concentrated on firing at the train station. They received an order and must take the train station within three hours and kill the rebel Alva.

Alva, who was dispatched to the army, did not know that he had been exposed. He thought that he had crossed the sea, and that the hiding place was not discovered by the government. He was mobilized and heavily armed with fierce light in his eyes, and opened fire on his former robe.

Yang Heng listened to the sound of gunfire that shocked his eardrum. He held the rifle tightly and couldn’t even dare to squat the soldiers who led him. He passed through the smoke and avoided a team of illegal militants. Yang Heng heard that his heart was thundering, and he knew clearly how scared he was at this time.

He is really scared.

Before he sent him to Libya, he had an appointment. He clearly told him that Libby’s current national situation is unstable and the war is constant. It is a very dangerous country. It is very likely that he will not be able to come back and ask him to dare to go.

At that time, how did he answer, and his temperament was like a newborn calf who was not afraid of the tiger: "Dare! There is nothing to fear when you go, absolutely obey the arrangement!"

Well, he is such an categorical answer.

He thought that he was fully prepared and would not become a bear-like one. Now... A long-lasting Yang Heng smiled bitterly. He is far from the estimated bear-like situation.

It was only a short-term distraction. A black shadow instantly killed Yang Henglian with a gun, and Yang Heng, who was beaten by the ground gravel, heard him with him. The captain of the action team shouted: "I still want to be small." Life?"

The sound is cold, like a sword that is sheathed, so that Yang Heng can't help but swallow.

Yes, he wants to be a little life.

Before he was taken away by illegal armed forces, he was really prepared for sacrifice, but he was saved now, and he died.

An illegal militant who went to exchange fire with the government army ran through the run-down streets less than three meters from them. In the sound of gunfire, their footsteps still came so clearly. Yang Hengcai reacted to himself but only a few seconds of distraction. At one point, it hit the illegal militants.

The weight pressed against him was removed. He heard the captain say: "We have arrived at the train station and it is expected to pass the square to the west side in ten minutes."

The captain's voice was very cold, like a snowflake, with a burst of coldness.

After a slight pause, he said another word: "Good!"

Ye Jian and Da Yu have successfully entered the bomb shelter and started searching according to the position provided by Yang Heng.

Yang Heng has climbed up and continues to move forward.

This time, he didn't dare to be distracted again. He was afraid that he would be distracted and even lost.

In the faint starlight, these soldiers who rescued him were all physically strong, ups and downs, and they were very fast. They were much stronger than the peacekeepers he had seen, and he thought they should be faster, but they were dragged down by themselves. .

It’s not the peacekeepers who can’t save themselves, but...

(End of this chapter)

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