Chapter 4295 is in front of the emergency

Looking back at the old friend, I saw him waving at himself and Ye Jian raised his hand and said goodbye to him. "See you back, Yang Heng."

She said softly in her heart.

Xia Jinyuan took the soldiers to the coast.

The squadron leader of the Chinese peacekeeping camp in the city of Yemen did not see off. He was already busy with a person who could not be divided into three people. The things in the camp need to be dealt with, cleaned up after the war, and more than 100 kilometers away from the camp, in the depths of the rainforest. Some things in the mine need to be handled by the squadron leader.

Li Yannian left, and the browed squadron leader was holding a satellite phone and talking to the person in charge at the mine.

"That is tricky. We were attacked by illegal militants for two and a half hours today, the camp was injured, and there was a peacekeeper... sacrifice." When it comes to sacrifice, the squadron leader looks blank and has deep sorrow. "I try to When you send a class, you have to guard against their gangs."

The phone didn't know what was said. The squad leader smiled bitterly. "Two classes, no more. The special materials sent to the camp will be taken out this afternoon. You can rest assured that there will be no accident!"

"Well, I will send two classes to come over. You will persuade one more advice. If you look at it once, you will have a second time. Since the equipment has moved to the same level, take the time to withdraw. The situation is tense and you don’t know how long the government can last. There must be no more people in the mine, even if the guards can't stay!"

When the squadron leader finished the call, they learned that the special forces brothers who supported them had left, and Miao Commissioner and Tao Commissioner finally insisted on staying in the camp.

They can leave, but they know that they can keep up with the speed of the unspecialized soldiers. Even if they accidentally, they will be tired. No matter how they persuaded, even if they contact the country, the two commissioners will resolutely disagree with each other. Even the three accompanying disciples insisted. stay.

Reason: They need to take care of the two tutors.

The squadron leader sighed and the camp was temporarily safe. They will also die to protect the two commissioners.

He has now filed an application to evacuate the city of Nieki, depending on whether the Libyan president will allow it.

Thanks to this group of brothers today, the entire camp will become a "slaughterhouse". If it is not the material that is too important, he... I really don't want to support their brothers to leave.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the illegal militants occupying Nie City were supported, and Nieki was in a hurry!

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the government army that was clearly victorious was once again defeated, and Niecheng was completely occupied by illegal militants.

The camp immediately notified the Chinese mining plant that it was more than 100 kilometers away from the camp. The Chinese employees who were still holding the mine and transferring the equipment abandoned the factory.

Since the afternoon of the afternoon at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the country has issued a notice to let the Chinese staff in the mine immediately evacuate, and one will not stay.

There are more than 100 Chinese factories, and the main responsible person has been notified to arrange for the evacuation of the vehicles. The Libyan nationals are not willing to leave.

The Chinese enterprises in the mining plant accounted for a large investment. Libyan nationality employees were reluctant to leave. Even the responsible person could not leave, while transferring the employees who were willing to leave, and persuading the Libyan nationality employees who did not want to leave, they vowed to guarantee that once the mine started. Immediately ask them to come back to do things, and print out the agreement... The results are useless!

To date, 64 Libyan employees have been reluctant to leave. The Chinese authorities have said that they have done countless rounds and have not let these people evacuate until illegal militants rush in, and the cold and dark barrels are aimed at the workers.

(End of this chapter)

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