Chapter 4296 is in a hurry

At 4:30 in the afternoon, the mining areas jointly developed by Chinese enterprises and Libyan enterprises were occupied by illegal militants. All Chinese employees and Libyan employees who were able to retreat in the future were controlled by illegal militants.

There are 12 Chinese employees, one of whom is the main person in charge, two are technicians, nine are evacuated from the important equipment of the mining area, and 64 are Libyan employees. A total of 76 mine employees are in the hands of illegal armed elements.

In the fall of Niecheng, the Chinese peacekeeping station in the city of Nieki was completely evacuated.

The squadron leader lost contact with the mine. He had no way to contact the person in charge of the mine who had talked with himself two hours ago. After several times without contact, he had a strong ominous premonition in his heart. In the class, the squadron leader has a little peace of mind.

When the person in charge of the mine ended the call, he immediately sent two classes to meet and drove directly. It has been two hours since then, and I have already arrived at the mine.

Despite this thought, the squadron leader is still not assured, and he will contact the mine from time to time while withdrawing from the side. There is no news until five o'clock.

The evacuation of the Chinese camp was not very smooth, and the government troops in Nicheng had already taken care of themselves. When the evacuation, the wounded were sent to the camp, which invisibly added difficulty to the camp.

After receiving the president’s evacuation notice, there was no way to evacuate.


The squadron leader who had been busy with the lack of skills heard the "report" outside the door. He put down the microphone and said: "Please come in!"

Still not getting in touch with the mine, things are getting more and more tricky!

Soldiers wearing helmets and guns came in to report the latest news. "The squadron commander, there are 12 injured civilians sent to the camp to heal!"

"Okay, I know, let's stay temporarily."

The more solemn squadron leader looked dark and dark, and the wounded were sent more and more. The United Nations medical center was full, and the injured civilians began to be sent to the peacekeeping medical center in three countries in Libya.

Now, what about the situation at the UN?

The squadron leader who did not have time to leave the brothers received a phone call from the Russian military camp in Libya.

Between the situation is tense, and because the Chinese peacekeeping camp was attacked by illegal militants, the Russian peacekeeping force sent a 10-member detachment to support the Chinese side, and will transfer some of the wounded to the Russian peacekeeping camp.

The squadron leader sniffed a bit unusual in the conversation with the Russian side!

There are also three countries' peacekeeping forces in Nissan. The Russians, the British side, and the Chinese side. There are often contacts between the Russians and the Chinese in the three countries. The news will be communicated with each other. There is no easy communication between the exchanges.

Rao is a good match between the Russian and Chinese peacekeeping forces, but it has never appeared... sent troops to support.

At this moment, the soldiers were suddenly sent out, and their intentions were not deep!

I don’t know how the brothers left the situation, but also the chaos in Nicheng. I’m afraid that they will not be able to move, and they will carry important materials...

and many more! and many more!

Important materials!

Only the Chinese camp is attacked by illegal militants!

Oh shit!

The squadron leader, who was discolored and discolored, was cold and cold. He didn't want to disturb the brothers who left with important materials. Now, they have to bother!

He has to know how they are doing and whether they have encountered difficulties!

(End of this chapter)

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